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Useful maxims(wise sayings) from vedas and puranas


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An enemy, though powerful can be easily destroyed by a patient person, if he is put to trouble and if his supporters are gradually estranged, like a tree which, though big, can be easily uprooted, shaken by the wind and its roots cut way.


What is Impossible?

What is impossible for those who are competent? Does distance matter to those who are lusty? Which is foreign land for the learned persons? Who is a stranger for those who talk sweetly?


Good qualities--

Character is ornament for the family,and money's worth is enhanced by spending it wisely,whereas good qualities like patience and forgiveness
is an ornament of the body.


True friends--

Knowledge is friend at a foreign place, wife is a friend at home, medicine is a friend in illness and being religious is the friend after death.
According to puranas,only the good and bad deeds accompany a person.


Devotion to lord krishna--

In this world of birth an death and to achieve liberation from birth,death,oldage and disease the only medicine is to seek refuge in lord krishna.

Think well and do --

Acts should be performed by thinking well on it,and not merely by haste.

Good company--

One can't even notice a hint of a drop of water fallen on hot iron. The same drop shines like a pearl on a lotus leaf. And if in a constellation of star swati the rain water falling on a sea shell makes it to become a pearl. So excellent, medium and bad states (of a person) are dependent on the company with whom he lives.

The qualities to be achieved by all--

Non voilence,courage,forgiveness,patience,non stealing,being pious are to be achieved by all classes of men.

Don't postpone--

Nobody knows what happens to whom tomorrow. Death is uncertain and can take anyone at any time,that's why one should do dharmic karm now itself.
Many people think that dharmic karm can be done in old age but it is false as in old age one is prone to diseases,there is anxiety of what happens
regarding my children, and the senses becomes weak.
Do such a work throughout the day, which lets you enjoy a sound sleep in the night. Do such a work throughout your life, which lets you enjoy eternal happiness after death.


It is said in the puranas that people in this era will display things only to enchant you,as what's the necessity of buying a costly laptop
if the same is accomplished by an ordinary laptop,so spend money wisely and accumulate it for your future.


That wealth which is not used for the sake of one's own benefit or which is not given in charity to a qualified person is ruined either by imposition of tax by government and through thieves.


Greed is the cause of sin ( a greedy person can do any sin to satisfy his greed),greed destroys a person and to gain win over greed is only through contentment.

Speaking truth--

It is better to be quiet than speak lies,and if one wants to speak truth it has to be spoken in a pleasing manner.

Helping others--

The rivers don't drink their own water. The trees don't eat their own fruits. The actions of the good people are only for the benefit of others.


He is a true friend who helps when one is in difficulties,who gives good counsel and where trust can be put on him and therefore before making anyone a friend examine him again and again and then only make friendship.


One good and noble son is better than a hundred fool sons. Only one moon lights the sky, where as thousand stars do not. Similarly one noble son brings fame and respect to the family.

Live in the present--

Don't repent for what has happened in the past.Future should never be worried about. Wise men act in the present.

Proper use of time--

Not even a single moment of life can be bought back with all the gold and jewels on earth. Therefore, one should utilize every single moment properly, failing which leads to one's own destruction.

Acquiring knowledge--

A student gets a quarter (knowledge) from his teacher, a quarter by his own intelligence. A quarter from his fellow students and a quarter in due course of time.

Wicked person--

Of the serpent and the bad person the serpent is better,because the serpent bites only at a certain time,whereas a bad person troubles others
by his words and actions repeatedly.

Don't disclose these--

The misery one has suffered,one's own faults,getting cheated by others and dishonour.

Pleasure and unhappiness--

One should accept the pleasures which have come in the way of life. Likewise, one should also accept the hardships in life. As these two revolve like a wheel in one's life.

Give these three only after thinking it well--

A woman who is in other's custody or at a foreign place is certainly ruined,a book given to others can be returned by pages torned in it
and money given to others may be returned either a part of it lost or ruined totally.


The cause of anxiety or unhappiness should never be recollected as recollecting it only makes the anxiety to increase it an leads to suffering.

Accomplishment of work--

Inferior people do not undertake any endeavor apprehending obstacles. Having the undertaken work started, mediocre people give up when they encounter impediments. However, noble people, having commenced a task, never give up even if they are hindered repeatedly by various disturbances.

An ambitious person should overcome the following four weaknesseses - oversleeping,lethargy,laziness and delay in work.

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1 minute ago, khari3 said:


An enemy, though powerful can be easily destroyed by a patient person, if he is put to trouble and if his supporters are gradually estranged, like a tree which, though big, can be easily uprooted, shaken by the wind and its roots cut way.


What is Impossible?

What is impossible for those who are competent? Does distance matter to those who are lusty? Which is foreign land for the learned persons? Who is a stranger for those who talk sweetly?


Good qualities--

Character is ornament for the family,and money's worth is enhanced by spending it wisely,whereas good qualities like patience and forgiveness
is an ornament of the body.


True friends--

Knowledge is friend at a foreign place, wife is a friend at home, medicine is a friend in illness and being religious is the friend after death.
According to puranas,only the good and bad deeds accompany a person.


Devotion to lord krishna--

In this world of birth an death and to achieve liberation from birth,death,oldage and disease the only medicine is to seek refuge in lord krishna.

Think well and do --

Acts should be performed by thinking well on it,and not merely by haste.

Good company--

One can't even notice a hint of a drop of water fallen on hot iron. The same drop shines like a pearl on a lotus leaf. And if in a constellation of star swati the rain water falling on a sea shell makes it to become a pearl. So excellent, medium and bad states (of a person) are dependent on the company with whom he lives.

The qualities to be achieved by all--

Non voilence,courage,forgiveness,patience,non stealing,being pious are to be achieved by all classes of men.

Don't postpone--

Nobody knows what happens to whom tomorrow. Death is uncertain and can take anyone at any time,that's why one should do dharmic karm now itself.
Many people think that dharmic karm can be done in old age but it is false as in old age one is prone to diseases,there is anxiety of what happens
regarding my children, and the senses becomes weak.
Do such a work throughout the day, which lets you enjoy a sound sleep in the night. Do such a work throughout your life, which lets you enjoy eternal happiness after death.


It is said in the puranas that people in this era will display things only to enchant you,as what's the necessity of buying a costly laptop
if the same is accomplished by an ordinary laptop,so spend money wisely and accumulate it for your future.


That wealth which is not used for the sake of one's own benefit or which is not given in charity to a qualified person is ruined either by imposition of tax by government and through thieves.


Greed is the cause of sin ( a greedy person can do any sin to satisfy his greed),greed destroys a person and to gain win over greed is only through contentment.

Speaking truth--

It is better to be quiet than speak lies,and if one wants to speak truth it has to be spoken in a pleasing manner.

Helping others--

The rivers don't drink their own water. The trees don't eat their own fruits. The actions of the good people are only for the benefit of others.


He is a true friend who helps when one is in difficulties,who gives good counsel and where trust can be put on him and therefore before making anyone a friend examine him again and again and then only make friendship.


One good and noble son is better than a hundred fool sons. Only one moon lights the sky, where as thousand stars do not. Similarly one noble son brings fame and respect to the family.

Live in the present--

Don't repent for what has happened in the past.Future should never be worried about. Wise men act in the present.

Proper use of time--

Not even a single moment of life can be bought back with all the gold and jewels on earth. Therefore, one should utilize every single moment properly, failing which leads to one's own destruction.

Acquiring knowledge--

A student gets a quarter (knowledge) from his teacher, a quarter by his own intelligence. A quarter from his fellow students and a quarter in due course of time.

Wicked person--

Of the serpent and the bad person the serpent is better,because the serpent bites only at a certain time,whereas a bad person troubles others
by his words and actions repeatedly.

Don't disclose these--

The misery one has suffered,one's own faults,getting cheated by others and dishonour.

Pleasure and unhappiness--

One should accept the pleasures which have come in the way of life. Likewise, one should also accept the hardships in life. As these two revolve like a wheel in one's life.

Give these three only after thinking it well--

A woman who is in other's custody or at a foreign place is certainly ruined,a book given to others can be returned by pages torned in it
and money given to others may be returned either a part of it lost or ruined totally.


The cause of anxiety or unhappiness should never be recollected as recollecting it only makes the anxiety to increase it an leads to suffering.

Accomplishment of work--

Inferior people do not undertake any endeavor apprehending obstacles. Having the undertaken work started, mediocre people give up when they encounter impediments. However, noble people, having commenced a task, never give up even if they are hindered repeatedly by various disturbances.

An ambitious person should overcome the following four weaknesseses - oversleeping,lethargy,laziness and delay in work.


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