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My reponse to Immigration girls (emily) blog post


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Emily..first of all - no question abt the quality of information you provide through this blog...you are top notch

At the same time , this doesnt mean that the trust in you , will make your Partner good . And we can understand the support you are trying to provide to your partner , which should happen in any team...
Few things to note :
1. He wrote an open letter telling that he is misunderstood but why dont people have option to post comments. You are straightforward enough to field questions and answer comments , the only comments on his post are all praising him that he is god - This I think is basically an insult to the peoples intelligence - Yes some people are going to post nonsense out of the topic which can easily be removed
2. In the videos it is very clear that he is encouraging the employers to lobby against the benefit of employees and even suggests that everybody should easily be able able to contribute $1000. I know the common answer to this is "out of context" I have played the videos many times and there is nothing to understand from the context here.
3. People are concerned not because of what was spoken in the video , but if these are the kind of blatant discussions that are happening openly - then what else might be happening behind the closed doors.
4. In the meeting , one of the organizer says that they have to increase the time the employee stays with a  company as its coming down from 5 yrs to 1yr and does this gentleman want to do this by providing better benefits , by being honest , by providing training - NO , he wants to retain the employees by delaying their immigration process. Why would Mr Rahul want to be part of such meetings
5. One more important thing is that - People are not going to just change their opinion when they hear statements like "make it very clear that this is nothing more than an unfortunate misunderstanding and could not be further from the truth."  and about ReddyandNeumann "values" and other big english words - Explain in a simple language why he thinks its a misunderstanding
6. Just because he came through the same tough immigration process that each one of us going through - does not make him a saint or does not automatically make him a good person. All the Employers have gone through the same process as we are going through but I dont need to tell you how crooked they are ...
Summary : Rather than releasing a carefully crafted and worded press note , Mr Rahul should try to restore the trust by actually "ACTING" in the interest of employees and " PROVE BY HIS ACTIONS" that he is not in this just to make money from employers .
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