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These Are Our Heroes? What A Pity?


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First of all, we have to blame our star heroes. Just because they are calling shots in the film industry, they brought their children into films.

Forget their looks, they do not have facial expressions and any ability to act, let alone having effective dialogue delivery.

All these poker-faced characters are trying to dominate the industry as star heroes. Their only eligibility is that their fathers and grandfathers were established heroes.

There is no point in blaming one particular family or an individual. In fact, all the families in the Telugu film industry have roped in their children into the industry like a family package.


At least half a dozen members from each family have become heroes to torture the audiences. What is worse, they continue to rule the roost though they are rejected in their debut films. They are doing one film after the other just because they com  See more  http://www.earbitenews.com/2016/07/16/these-are-our-heroes-what-a-pity/

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