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The untold story of KABALI.


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Most Telugu people must be still puzzled with the title 'Kabali' and wondering what exactly does it mean. Further, how it actually calls out for a deeper understanding of the film beyond the filmic text itself in this case. Kabali shall actually be called KAPALI for Telugus' consumption. Rajanikanth 's actual name in the film is KaPAleswar alias KaPAli. It's another of Lord Shiva's names. The name is backed by a mythical story. Once upon a time, three supreme Gods had a meeting to discuss the "worldly" matters literally. Brahma the creator, who always thought of Shiva as low-born, uncivilized lesser God insulted deliberately. Self respecting Shiva simply chopped off Brahma's 5th head (Kapalam). Brahma realised his mistake and prayed to Shiva and Shiva became Kapaleswar.

Now let's come back to Kabali. It is the story of a low-caste, migrant labour who fought for the rights and self-respect of his people.Like Ambedkar, Kabali becomes hope of his people and stands as a promise to their future. He fights with people who cannot tolerate growth and development of his people. Makes sure resources and wealth that they created with their sweat and blood is rightfully belong to them.In spite of his personnel tragedy and loss, he would stand for his people.

If we put Kabali in to such perspective, am sure what we derive from the film will be more than what meets the eye. But, unfortunately many narrative devices consciously employed in the film fail to inform these layers. Much of iconography related to Ambedkarism goes unnoticed. Be it the book that Kabali is reading in the prison. The Ambedkar and Buddha portraits staring at us in many places. Explanation about why he is wearing a suit in the hot-summer. And the way vocally Kabali tells about how Indians behave and how he will fight against suppression. Everything is topped with Dalit ideology.

If we miss the mythology and ideology, we would miss considerable part of the film. Or I shall say the very core of the film. However, director could have made efforts to keep the narrative gripping and cohesive so as to serve his own ideological perspective. The film majorly faulters in that count. Hence, we better know what to look for and how to interpret the film beyond the text.

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