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Indians should not be allowed to USA.


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H1B and non-PHD Indian Green Card, usually bosses (managers), is bad for our U.S. society. Get rid of H!B and non-PHD Indian Green Card manager bosses now!

Start the deportation process. They should only get paid if they train their U.S. Citizen replacement. Then ship them back to India after the U.S. Citizen is trained. If the U.S. Citizen is not trained, then, they do not get paid and are deported back to India. Either way, they get deported back to India.


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indians are faking their resumes, degrees, and experience. they really know nothing in IT, but they are pretending to since this is the field that has many opportunities. otherwise, you will find them in any place that has money

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Not trying to be hateful but a world filled with Mexican illegal aliens and Indian pseudo-legals will be a terrible place to live in. Cannot imagine what it will be like to raise kids in such an imbalanced social environment.

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To the Indian petitioner - You can leave all the money, technology and American Business models here. The money is not yours to take. Why don't you leave everything American, including the American dollars you've hoarded illegally, here in the US banks where it belongs. You didn't earn it, you stole it using criminal rackets created by Indian lobbyists and hoards from Cognizant, Infosys, Tata, HCL and other Indian criminal organizations. 

Go back to Bangalore, you filthy racist parasite, and take your entire family with you. Tear up your illegitimate green cards, fake PhD degrees, and take your sycophant Indian brain back to the human sesspool of Bangalore. A sesspool that your brain created. 

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You are despised here. You will always be despised in the United States. While you're packing to go back to your shanty town in Bangaluru, and planning your next Hindi flash dance party, please tell the 800 million of your fellow Indian parasites who are clawing their way into the United States, to stay in India - they're not welcome here. 

Also, please stop pretending to speak the English language, and just speak your native tongue. You don't know how to speak English.

Leave all American properties that belong to Americans, and take your Indian brain back to your disgusting homeland of India. You are America's enemy.

Once you're back in Bengaluru, balance will be restored for everyone. As you've stated, we Americans don't know our geography, so we won't know where to look for you.

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Regarding work ethics and business practices, I've heard many times and seen at my own workplace on a couple of occasions, how rabidly closed-minded these Indians can be. COmplete sycophants to the core, always one-upping the next guy, sucking and kissing up to the immediate boss. And then they also bring their whole village over once the first guy gets a job. Reeks of nepotism. BUT, isn't that the prevalent "culture" over there - rotten, scheming and machiavellian at all times, come rain or shine? 

In any company, Indians always gather together and eat all at once in the break room or cafe. What are they sharing, germs or food? Any why? They won't bother to mingle with the office staff and will refuse lunch invites with fellow colleagues in the company. This used to happen in the cafeteria at my previous company too, until we got rid of them en masse one fine morning. New COO just yanked the contract and they were all gone quickly. Some of them had recently purchased cars to sell and kids in school, but hey thats not my problem.

Once Indians are allowed to get into this country, its a nightmare dealing with them and impossible to adjust to their poor work habits, inefficiency and just plain lousy attitude. About the work itself, the less said the better. The sooner we get rid of all of them, the better of America as a whole will be. Whoever the next President, hope he rules with an iron fist on the H1B visa abuse issue.

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There are several survivor rules we need to live by, as these Indians are increasingly replacing Americans in the US workforce. 

1. Never trust an Indian. 

2. Never train an Indian. 

3. Never do business with Indians.

4. Sell investments in any company that uses Indian hoards to replace American workers. 

5. Don't vote for any politicians who support Indian proliferation across our once great country. 

6. Indians are soulless parasites whose agendas smell worse than they do. 

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Unfortunately indians are the cheapest readily available pimps and hos on the international flesh market today. Ready to bend over and gulp it down anytime. This reality is not missed on our ever-greedy CEOs, that'll dismiss thousands of employees to cheap indian outsourcers without a moment's notice.

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1 hour ago, solman said:

I've seen dozens of white PhD-level educated Americans replaced by uneducated Indians on H1B visas. Indians should not be allowed to USA. They only bring corruption and fake degrees here from India.



What use is a PH-D, if he/she can't keep her job. May be time to acquire more market favored skills than useless PH-Ds.

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