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Fox news Retard Bill O Reily says slaves are well fed


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Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday said slaves who built the White House “were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government” in response to First Lady Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech.

The Fox News commentator and host of The O’Reilly Factor said on his show that the First Lady was “essentially correct” Monday when she said that she wakes up “every morning in a house that was built by slaves.”




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The White House Historical Association’s website says that when planners struggled to recruit European labor, they “turned to African Americans — enslaved and free — to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings.”

Construction on the president's home, the site notes, began in 1792.

The precise number of enslaved people forced to work during the multiyear construction is unknown, but Lusane told The Post that his research shows enslaved workers were extensively involved in the effort to develop Washington at the end of the 18th century.

"We know quite a bit, including the names of a number of the people who were enslaved. Some of them were skilled laborers, such as those who worked in carpentry or masonry," he told The Post. "We have the payment records from the people who owned them."

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In 2005, PolitiFact noted, a congressional task force issued a report, entitled "History of Slave Laborers in the Construction of the United States Capitol," that found "plenty of evidence of slave involvement in the Capitol's construction."

"Perhaps the most compelling evidence were records of payments from the commissioners for the District of Columbia — the three men appointed by George Washington to oversee the construction of the capitol and the rest of the city of Washington — to slave owners for the rental of slaves to work on the capitol," PolitiFact reported. "The records reflect 385 payments between 1795 and 1801 for 'Negro hire,' a euphemism for the yearly rental of slaves."

The task force concluded that nobody will ever know the precise number of slaves used in the construction process, but it found that the brutal labor closely resembled the kind used in the construction of the White House. From PolitiFact:

"Slaves were likely involved in all aspects of construction, including carpentry, masonry, carting, rafting, plastering, glazing and painting, the task force reported. And slaves appear to have shouldered alone the grueling work of sawing logs and stones.

"Slave crews also toiled at the marble and sandstone quarries that provided the stone to face the structure — lonely, grueling work with bleak living conditions in rural Virginia and elsewhere. 'Keep the yearly hirelings at work from sunrise to sunset — particularly the Negroes,' the commissioners wrote to quarry operator William O'Neale in 1794."

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6 minutes ago, siru said:

Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday said slaves who built the White House “were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government” in response to First Lady Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech.

The Fox News commentator and host of The O’Reilly Factor said on his show that the First Lady was “essentially correct” Monday when she said that she wakes up “every morning in a house that was built by slaves.”




Idhi old news kada 

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1 minute ago, Butterthief said:

Idhi old news kada 

vadi comments 2 days old ee but asalu slaves role enti capital city build lo ani discussions start ayyayi vadi comments nunchi..

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