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Android Online Training|Training - 3092003848


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33ffbpi.jpgAndroid Course Contents


Basic JAVA Concepts

·         OOPs Concepts

·         Inheritance in detail

·         Exception handling

·         Packages & interfaces

·         JVM & .jar file extension

·         Multi threading (Thread class & Runnable Interface)

Introduction to Android

·         What is Android?

·         Setting up development environment

·         Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension

·         Fundamentals:

§  Basic Building blocks - Activities,Services,Broadcast Receivers & Content providers

§  UI Components - Views & notifications

§  Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters

·         Android API levels (versions & version names)

Application Structure (in detail)

·         AndroidManifest.xml

·         uses-permission & uses-sdk

·         Resources & R.java

·         Assets

·         Layouts & Drawable Resources

·         Activities and Activity lifecycle

·         First sample Application

Emulator-Android Virtual Device

·         Launching emulator

·         Editing emulator settings

·         Emulator shortcuts

·         Logcat usage

·         Introduction to DDMS

·         Second App:- (switching between activities)

Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents

Basic UI design

·         Form widgets

·         Text Fields

·         Layouts

·         [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px

·         Examples


·         SharedPreferences

·         Preferences from xml

·         Examples


·         Option menu

·         Context menu

·         Sub menu

·         menu from xml

·         menu via code

·         Examples

Intents (in detail)

·         Explicit Intents

·         Implicit intents

·         Examples

UI design

·         Time and Date

·         Images and media

·         Composite

·         AlertDialogs & Toast

·         Popup

·         Examples

Tabs and Tab Activity

·         Examples

Styles & Themes

·         styles.xml

·         drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)

·         style attribute in layout file

·         Applying themes via code and manifest file

·         Examples

Content Providers

·         SQLite Programming

·         SQLiteOpenHelper

·         SQLiteDatabse

·         Cursor

·         Reading and updating Contacts

·         Reading bookmarks

·         Example :

Develop an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented.

Final details should be viewed in Grid View as well as in List View.

Adapters and Widgets

·         Adapters:-

§  Array Adapters

§  Base Adapters

·         ListView and ListActivity

·         Custom listview

·         GridView using adapters

·         Gallery using adapters

·         Examples


·         Broadcast Receivers

·         Services and notifications

·         Toast

·         Alarms

·         Examples


·         Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)

·         Worker thread

·         Handlers & Runnable

·         AsynTask (in detail)

·         Examples


·         Live Folders

·         Using sdcards

·         XML Parsing

·         JSON Parsing

·         Maps, GPS, Location based Services

·         Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS)

·         Network connectivity services


  You can reach us @ +1 3092003848 or Email Us @ [email protected]

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