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REVEALED: The Science Behind The Traditional Indian Beliefs We’ve Been Following For Years!


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Superstition: Excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural, that’s how Oxford describes the word superstition.

black-cat-crossing-road yyaat.com

As Indians, we all grew up following some superstitions that our parents, or rather grandparents strongly believed in. There were times when we proactively made an effort to question the age-old practices that our parents asked us to follow and all we got in return was, “Sawaal mat pucho, jo bola hai woh karo.” But we have been lucky to be born in a generation where the Internet serves as a platter of knowledge, and therefore we, as inquisitive youngsters, have the ability to get answers to almost all our questions.



Therefore, we made a list of some of the most common beliefs that young Indians have been following or pretending to follow for the sake of our parents, and the scientific reasons behind them. Have a look at these and then you’ll know why our ancestors started it.

Belief: Swallow Tulsi leaves, never chew them

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Belief: Plastering flooring with a cow dung is auspicious 


Belief: Eat curd and sugar before heading out of the house 

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Belief: : Sweeping the floor or cutting nails after sunset brings bad luck 

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Belief: Take a bath after attending a funeral

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Belief: Avoid going near a Peepal tree at night

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Belief: Don’t sleep with your head facing the north

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Belief: A woman shouldn’t do certain things when she is menstruating 

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Belief: Avoid stepping out during an eclipse

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Belief: The mourning family of a dead person should not cook food untilshraddha


Now it all makes sense, doesn’t it?

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