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Pakistan lo kebab mekkutunna NY chelsea Bomber


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Accused Chelsea bomber Ahmad Rahami was snapped with his brother whipping up a meal during one of his trips to Pakistan, where he may have been radicalized, a new photo reveals.

A portly Rahami — draped in traditional Muslim garb — is seen kicking back in a room with his brother, Mohammad Kahn Rahami, grilling kebabs on a small barbecue.

The 28-year-old alleged terrorist is sporting a thick black beard and wearing a long, black robe and a white skullcap with a heavy scarf wrapped around his neck.

Mohammad posted the photo in April 2013, during one of Ahmad’s extended stays in the Middle Eastern country, which is a hotbed of terrorist activity largely due to the Taliban

Mohammad posted a follow-up message that showed sympathy toward the jihadist movement.

No charges have been brought against Mohammad, who splits his time among New Jersey, Pakistan and Afghanistan, according to his social media pages.

Ahmad has been charged with attempted murder after he shot two police officers during a shootout with cops, who took him into custody Monday in Linden, New Jersey.

He has yet to be charged federally with Saturday night’s bombing in Chelsea along withseveral other failed attacks in New Jersey.


Dumb US Government...... real terror sponsor ni vadilesi world motham attack chesi dobbutunnaru.........  kota.kick.gif

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