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Punches to Trump by Common people


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She's sane.
I really like listening to Donald. He's a showman. Full of surprises, definitely much more fun to watch than Hillary Clinton.
Then again, I like also to watch my dog bark and jump around. That doesn't mean my dog can run America.


I think America needs to wake up. Donald Trump is playing the U.S. and we don't even know it. He doesn't know the issues, he doesn't understand diplomacy, It could take us years to undo the damage he could cause. Are we really so naive to think that his business experience will automatically make him a good president?!! Is he even a good businessman?!! I'm not saying Clinton is perfect but she knows the ropes and at this stage, we can't afford to send an amateur (and a loose cannon) in. Please America, wake up.


Im no HRC supporter but lets be real...Donald Trump isn't a good business man, his CASINO went bankrupt. Along with 3 other resorts he owned went bankrupt. This should tell you that he is not a great business man.


Insulting Muslims, Hispanics, making fun of handicaps, and calling Ohians stupid as well out right lying about Muslims cheering by the thousands at the bombing of our Twin Towers, shows the type person that is trying to earn a seat in the White House. Is that what we want as president of the United States of America ? Of course Vlatimir Putim is adulating Donald Trump. The Russian leader knows the tragedy that lies ahead if Trump is elected to be our leader. If the notion of seeing Donald Trump addressing the nations in front of the mighty green marble wall of the United Nations seems Unfathonable, then we has a Great Nation owe it to the rest of the World and to our people to not vote for Mr. Trump

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