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Trump's Health Plan: Pay Your Own Medical Bills Using Money You Saved


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He said he will immediately “repeal and replace Obamacare.” He then said he would ask Congress to convene “a special session, so we can repeal and replace.” Congress will be in session already in January. “Obamacare has to be replaced,” he said, “it is a catastrophe.” He said, falsely, that Clinton “wants to put the government totally in charge of health care in America. If we don’t repeal and replace Obamacare, we will destroy American health care forever.”

The people stood and chanted “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

He repeated what Pence said, that he would like to have people use health savings accounts, where they save money tax-free that can be used to pay for health care. “It will be a much better health care [sic] at a much less expensive cost.”

It won’t be, though. When everyone pays for their own health care individually, they lose collective purchasing power and the pharmaceutical companies and hospital systems can charge whatever they want, offering care to only those who can afford high costs.

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6 minutes ago, Feelingbad said:

This HSA plan hurts only affected and sick people... and that too to some extent... 


But obama care sucks totally.. fcked up healthcare by bama uncle.. @sshole.. 



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14 minutes ago, Feelingbad said:

This HSA plan hurts only affected and sick people... and that too to some extent... 


But obama care sucks totally.. fcked up healthcare by bama uncle.. @sshole.. 

A comment ..

did you take obamacare btw ? just asking



Reading this was agony.

Not because it was poorly written or anything, but because it so brutally lays out just how *** full of these people are.

I have epilepsy. The moment the ACA is repealed, insurers' dicks will be getting hard at the notion that if I sign up for one of their plans, have a seizure, and hit my head, they don't have to pay for any head injury-related care because it was a preexisting condition. Hell, they might not even have to pay for my monthly prescriptions (lamotrigine ain't cheap, baby)! And if I have a year like last year, where I needed multiple surgeries to fix complications from a shoulder injury caused by a seizure back in 2012, well hey, they can either refuse to cover the surgeries, or put a limit on what they'll cover! Free market, baby!

They--Trump, Pence, the lot of them braying about Obamacare--have no plan. They view health care as a nice thing you get if you can afford it, like *** air conditioning. Sure, life will be uncomfortable without air conditioning, but guess what, it's your fault if you can't afford it, so don't whine to us about how the government should make it easier for you to cool down in the summer.

And they don't give a fuck about anyone who can't afford care. They do in the abstract, oh, so sad Grandma can't afford hospice or Jerry has to put off college for a year because he broke his leg and two MRIs cost $3000 without insurance. But they don't give enough of a fuck to offer those people solutions beyond "open an HSA." Hey, guess what, assholes: I have an HSA. I give as much as I can afford every paycheck, and my company matches it, and it still isn't enough to hit my spending limit for the year (it barely was before my limit jumped).

Health care is not a car. Health care is not an air conditioner. Health care is not that sofa you really want but have to put off getting for a while. You don't get to choose the cheaper hospital when the EMTs put you in an ambulance (hell, after my seizures I'm too disoriented to even refuse to get into an ambulance, that's $1000 right there).

Agony. *** agony. fuck these people.


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32 minutes ago, Feelingbad said:

This HSA plan hurts only affected and sick people... and that too to some extent... 


But obama care sucks totally.. fcked up healthcare by bama uncle.. @sshole.. 

Yeah because the 'country' exists only to take care of needs of those who are able bodied, and can be productive. Rest can fcuk off, right?

And yeah, right before they fcuk off, they should do their bit to make the 'country' great again. The same 'country' that won't care for them.

Atleast libertarians like me make sense man, when we denounce national borders. 

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