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The real election is happening in India.


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21 hours ago, micxas said:

Man I understand your concern abt dalits but don't ever imagine to give absolute power to moslem extreme elements, forget abt upper caste suppression entire hindu population including dalits will be exterminated, That being said the rate of voilence will increase in UP for sure.. just see what happed to dalits in Pak and Bangla. U give power to moslems u r non-moslem u die :3D_Smiles_38:

india ki pakistan ki theda ledantav

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On 11/6/2016 at 1:10 AM, lazybugger said:

Kudos to Americans campaigning for Hillary, and their efforts to keep their country welcoming to outsiders.

But I'm more interested in UP elections. Its time to give the strongest kick in the rear to BJP.

Mayawati must win. Modi's halo should be removed, and he be treated like any partisan leader would be.

Media would hopefully grow a spine, if this happens.


hi...how are you? :) 

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On 07/11/2016 at 1:20 AM, micxas said:

Man I understand your concern abt dalits but don't ever imagine to give absolute power to moslem extreme elements, forget abt upper caste suppression entire hindu population including dalits will be exterminated, That being said the rate of voilence will increase in UP for sure.. just see what happed to dalits in Pak and Bangla. U give power to moslems u r non-moslem u die :3D_Smiles_38:

Man, this is why I post what I do in this db. You just casually dehumanized an entire group of people based on second hand information you have about them. It isn't very different from what I do in this db. But I do it against the 'group' that most of you are part of. Both of us are wrong. The only difference is I am aware of how wrong I am. I do it because most of you guys need to be shown a mirror.

And while I'm just one guy, who's able to attract atleast dozens of borderline crazy abusers based on who I diss here, how do you think muslims or any other minorities feel when a great majority like you, agree with and propagate half truths about them as gospels? A few will push back (like Owaisi), which is more reason for you to point to that and say how you were right about them. Its a vicious circle that never ends. When will the dialogue begin?

I understand a little bit of stereotyping of groups we interact with, can help understand them better. But the stereotypes we are obsessed about in groups are completely negative. muslims - jihad, Dalits - reservation. We forget that they are people too, with aspirations other than blowing themselves up, or scheming to take up other people's jobs.

Make muslim friends man. And try to keep them, without trying to impose your view of Islam and muslims on them. If you are too busy to bother, atleast try not to spread falsehoods about them. 

p.s. Don't take this comment personally. It isn't directed at just you. More at every guy who posts stuff like this, and believes it to be true. Also to guys like @sattipandu and @Don_Draper, who are disgusted at my provocative posts, while cozying up to people who diss the other side. To them, your misguided moral high ground is BULLSHIT, until I see you pushback on people who trash talk others too. Also you guys are terribly underinformed.

There are others who are plain assholes too.

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3 minutes ago, lazybugger said:

p.s. Don't take this comment personally. It isn't directed at just you. More at every guy who posts stuff like this, and believes it to be true. Also to guys like @sattipandu and @Don_Draper, who are disgusted at my provocative posts, while cozying up to people who diss the other side. To them, your misguided moral high ground is BULLSHIT, until I see you pushback on people who trash talk others too. Also you guys are terribly underinformed.

There are others who are plain assholes too.

i dont cozy up to a$shole's even if its the a$shole that i agree with (in some cases that is u) 

I just make fun of all , now gtfo and comeback tomorrow, we'll celebrate trump's loss


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All this animosity while India is growing at 7%, and urban upper castes are the biggest beneficiaries of the boom.

I am scared to even contemplate what will happen when the growth slows to 1-2%. 

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1 minute ago, lazybugger said:

All this animosity while India is growing at 7%, and urban upper castes are the biggest beneficiaries of the boom.

I am scared to even contemplate what will happen when the growth slows to 1-2%. 

anarchy or revolution

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