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Men who are emotionally unavailable, due to patterns of dysfunctional love. 
Unpredictable, dishonest, high ego, extremely seductive. 
They hold your attention like nobody else, all out of an unconscious desire to prove constantly that they are real men by the number of conquests they can make, they actually need permanent external validation from different women, so they dont sense love with them, as they banalized them as objects to get attention or sex.

They get terrified of a woman getting too close to him. 
Theres 2 ways of womanizers: cheaters or players.

6 Sure Signs You’re with a womanizer:

1) He rarely includes you in activities with his friends or not at all.
2) He only calls or comes by when he wants sex, or something he needs, and leaves mostly right afterward. 
3) When you see him, when it’s convenient for him, seldom is you who choose. 
4) He won’t call you much after all.
5) When you want to discuss his behavior, he will seduce you again and convince you its all about you, in your head, not him. 
6) at the beginning he can be proud to show you his home, later on, You would rarely spend the night at his place. He can find many excuses to don't do that.
"he tells me lovely nice things, though he do excactly the same with many other girls, he is a total womanizer"
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A guy who will make you believe he has a thing for you. 
Flirt call it what you want, but he only wants sex. Also talks to 656,729,860 at the same time thinking your not aware. He ain't no slick rick
 Have you heard womanizer by Britney Spears? Well if you haven't you should, It reminds me of you.
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He’s known as a WOMANIZER. Where there is smoke, there is fire. His reputation didn’t come from him being a genuine guy. And you probably can’t change him. And why would you waste your time trying?

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