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NASA has confirmed that the Earth will experience 15 days of total darkness Which starts between November 15 and 29, 2016. The event, according to NASA, Who has been waiting for this pronominal to happen.

Astronomers from NASA have indicated that the World will remain in complete darkness starting Sunday, November 15, 2016 at 3:00 am and will end on Monday, November 30, 2016 at 4:45 pm. According to officials, (the November blackout will be caused by an Astronomical event between Venus and Jupiter)

Charles Bolden, who was appointed to the head of NASA by President Obama, issued a 1000 page document explaining the event to the White House.

According to the report, Venus and Jupiter will engaged in a close parallelism, only being separated by 1 degree. Venus will pass to the South-west of Jupiter, causing Venus to shine 10 times Brighter than Jupiter. The light from Venus will heat up the gases on Jupiter causing a reaction.
The gaseous reaction will release an unprecedented amount of hydrogen into space. The hydrogen gas will make contact with Earth’s Sun at approximately 2:50 am. The amount of hydrogen making contact with the Sun will cause a massive explosion on the Sun’s surface temperature to increase to 9,000 degrees kelvin in an instant.
The Sun will then attempt to cease the explosion by emitting heat from its core, (diagram shows above)

The heat will cause the Sun to dim to a bluish colour. once the Sun reaches the Bluish colour, it will take approximately 14 days to restore its normal surface temperature, returning its colour of the Red Giant.
While the Sun is cooling the surface, the light from the sun will be much dimmer, because it takes anywhere from 7 – 8 and a half minutes depending on the Earth’s rotation for light from the Sun to hit Earth, People will not know the event has happened until 2:58 am on November 15th.
Bolden held a conference with Obama Administration to discuss further details of the Blackout” event. According to Bolden, “we do not expect any major effects from the Blackout event. The only effect this event will have on Earth is an increase of 6 – 8 degrees in temperature. the polar cap will be mostly affected by this. No one should worry much. This event would be similar to what Alaskans experience in the winter”.

Boleden further added, The only other effect it will have is everyone will get to have a true Black Friday after thanks giving.

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November 15 days of blackout

DARKNESS: The whole world will 'experience 15 days of total darkness' next month

Rumours are circulating online that American space agency NASA leaked news that between November 15 and 29, the Earth will be pitch black.

According to website Dinos Mark, which reported on the far-fetched claims, the apocalyptic event will be caused by an “astronomical event between Venus and Jupiter”.

It goes on: “According to the [NASA] report, Venus and Jupiter will engaged in a close parallelism, only being separated by one degree."

15days of darkness blackout in November

BLUE: The Sun will apparently heat up and turn completely blue

It adds: “Venus will pass to the south-west of Jupiter, causing Venus to shine 10 times brighter than Jupiter. The light from Venus will heat up the gases on Jupiter causing a reaction.”

This apparently then causes and “unprecedented” amount of hydrogen gas to make contact with the Sun, causing a massive explosion.

As the Sun will then emit so much heat from its core, the celestial body will dim to a bluish colour – something that takes over 14 days to go back to normal from.

It adds that the only thing that will be affected by the blackout event is the polar caps and no one should “worry much” as it will just be similar to what people in the US state of Alaska “experience in the winter”.

Despite the scientific explanation, numerous people have said the darkness theory originated as an internet hoax.

NASA has reportedly denied it will happen, stating that in over a million years, it has never occurred.


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