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Mason's account bloats with 62 lakhs deposit


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Mumbai: Ever since the ban of high denomination notes strange things seem to happen across the country. Latest in Uttar Pradesh an interesting thing happened - an account belonging to one mason has got 62 lakhs. This without even the knowledge of the account holder.


However, alert bank officials who felt it as unnatural deal has blocked his account. Anil Kumar works as a mason in Mumbai and until recently his account had 7000 rupees.


For Diwali Anil had gone to his native village in UP and since there was no ATM in his village borrowed 200 rupees from his sarpanch for buying train ticket.


As soon as he came to Mumbai and checked recently to draw money he got a message that the account was blocked. His phone even got a message asking him to render explanation for the deposit of 62 lakhs recently. He was asked to tell the source of that money.


Anil pleaded innocence and told to his bank officials that when the transfer of money happened he was not in Mumbai.
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