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Frozen bodies brought back to life in the future....


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'I want to live': UK girl gets wish to be frozen after death.     damn

The teenage girl's instructions were direct: She didn't want to be buried, but to be frozen — with the hope she can continue her life in the future when cancer is cured.

"I want to live and live longer and I think that in the future they may find a cure for my cancer and wake me up," the 14-year-old wrote to a British judge before her recent death. She said "being cryopreserved gives me a chance to be cured and woken up — even in hundreds of years' time."

Her plaintive words convinced High Court Judge Peter Jackson to grant her final wishes in what he called the first case of its kind in England — and possibly the world.

The judge said the girl had chosen the most basic preservation option at a cost of about 37,000 pounds ($46,000).

whole human body can survive cryopreservation with cells which will function after re-arming, referring to the process of re-activating cells in the future. Briton signed up for the cryopreservation procedure 30 years ago, researchers will eventually find a way to keep cells from dying.

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