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professionals on pot


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Database Administrator here. If I didn't smoke I would choke all of my clients out and probably have quit my job by now.

It's rough being an IT firefighter, which is what my job basically boils down to at the end of the day. If the database(s) are running smooth, then everything is great. It's when they break and 's hitting the fan that makes it stressful as all hell, so I toke... often.

The being unable to concentrate I would partly blame on the weed, but also because the concepts were new. I can DBA and get in the zone, and have been doing it for 4 years at the same company, so I'm very comfortable.

I'm a daily user, so I would say about an hour after I smoke the effects start to wane. That is going to depend on your tolerance there, more than anything.


[–]vvf[S] 2 points 1 year ago 

That's what I think it is for me. I'm still new to developing software on my own without direction. I just couldn't do it while stoned. Although I'm getting the hang of it now.

My degree focused on natural language processing as well. So I bought a comp ling book and tried to read it high and it was basically gibberish. I came back to it a couple weeks clean and...still gibberish actually.



[–]imnotgoatman 5 points 1 year ago 

I'm a programmer (no Engineering degree nor fancy position name, sadly) and have been smoking for more than 2 years now. Started smoking occasionally, mostly for fun, but have been smoking 3-5 times a week in the past four months.

I try to keep it responsibly, but I don't think it has yet affected my career negatively.

It has affected it positively, I may say. I'm the kind of self-taught guy that will spend weeks on unfruitful projects just to grok something, and weed fits perfectly in this kind of scenario. I feel like I can work as much as I want and still be able to relax in the end of the day after some tokes, watching some TPB or listening to music.

Once a month will definitely not have ANY impact on your career, IMO. Just stay aware of yourself and chill out.

Note: I have even written code while high, and its awesome. Sometimes I also have these insights of API design while chilling. I really think its been good for me so far.



[–]LetMeGrowThatForYou 3 points 1 year ago 

Like many others here, I smoke weed nearly every night after I am done working. Been a developer for nearly a decade and have been smoking weed since a teen (I'm mid/late 30s now).

Everyone is different, so give it a shot and see how it affects you. Smoking weed keeps me grounded, calm, reflective. Although I don't get high on the job, I feel that getting high while away from work helps me reflect on who I am while on the job. I haven't noticed any performance issues.

I absolutely cannot code while stoned, man. Wish I could, but all my fucks go out the window when I'm high, and I second guess myself too much.



[–]educo_ 3 points 1 year ago 

Pretty far removed from your desired careers, but I'm a teacher and I think that generally consuming cannabis regularly has improved my job performance. It's an incredibly stressful profession, and I feel more able to relax and take care of myself mentally and emotionally after a session. I sleep better, too, and feel fine the next morning. (As compared to alcohol, where the next morning can be a crapshoot.)


[–]vvf[S] 2 points 1 year ago 

Cool, makes me wonder if any of my teachers were potheads :)



[–]joedamafia 3 points 1 year ago 

I'm pursuing a chemE degree, and a lot of my chemE friends will all toke after a hard programming lab. Some smoke everyday, some say if they didn't have it they'd go insane. It's all really about yourself man and how you evaluate your situation, everyone is different.



[–]stakoverflo 3 points 1 year ago 

I write software for a living, as well. Generally smoke Friday-Sunday, then normally not during the week days.

Has never been an issue for me coming into work on Mondays after a long weekend of smoking from noon til bed or whenever I start. Sometimes later in the day around 3PM.



[–]neptronix 2 points 1 year ago 

I'm a programmer and systems administrator. I have to keep to smoking on the weekends, otherwise i am very error prone.

Very little tolerance for errors in my work... marijuana is great at inducing them... lol



[–]vhdblood 2 points 1 year ago 

I really think this is going to depend on how you react, what your tolerance is, and how good/experienced of a programmer you are.

I don't program on a daily basis, but I do handle an automated HVAC system, and I'm constantly tweaking logic. I also make simple scripts for data entry, and I sometimes do calculations on the controlled rooms to make sure that the HVAC is doing its job.

All that being said, I wake-and-bake every day, and I smoke on my lunch break as well. I smoke a lot so I don't stay high for too long, but I think it really helps me think differently about some problems and eases me into the day.

tl;dr - Probably not for everyone, but I love to wake-n-bake and problem solve.



[–]carny666 2 points 1 year ago 

Professional developer here, been doing it for 16 years. Am now 44 years old. Have been smoking since I was a teenager. I'll start by saying I never go to work high. Very, very, very rarely will I smoke a bowl or burn one at lunch... very rarely. In fact I've done it maybe 5 times in the past 16 years.

Does it a affect my job? Kind of.. I start work at around 7 am and leave at 3:30.. come 3 pm I cannot wait to get out of here. To get home to spark one up.

So there it is, this is where I am affected. I try my best not to stay too late because I got to get home for that doob, or bong hit, or vap.. whatever. If I were so inclined to smoke that doob in the parking lot they could have me for another 4 hours.



[–]orangebot 2 points 1 year ago 

I only have access to indica, which shuts me down completely and makes me completely incapable of writing code while high. once it wears off, however, i'm completely fine. I feel a little bit cloudy a few hours afterwards, but i have no problem focusing and writing code.



[–]kilik2049 2 points 1 year ago 

I'm a software developer and smoke everyday after work. No problem whatsoever, except for the usual morning cottonmouth, and maybe a head in the fog effect if I go to bed high. Which I do, but nothing that a morning walk and a coffee won't beat.



[–]FailWhale42 2 points 1 year ago 

Software engineer - in a legal state - super heavy smoker; My cohorts also smoke, though they smoke much less than I do - and have expressed they don't understand how I still function so normally. Honestly, your fogginess/unable to do your job depends completely on you and how you handle weed. You mentioned you get frustrated when coding stoned - I'm the exact opposite. In your case, since you're worried, chances are there's a chance that: yes, it will impact your job.


[–]vvf[S] 3 points 1 year ago 

I'll go a little more in depth about it--when doing school projects I would often do pretty well. Sometimes it felt like I couldn't code anything until I was stoned. There was a lot of motivation behind school projects because of grades. The assignments were also very detailed and I generally knew what I had to do. Sometimes I'd get frustrated by bugs or confusing tutorials, but honestly that happens when I'm sober too.

My main problem with weed has been personal projects because of "the hump". It took me a long, long time to really get started on a significant personal project. As in, a month after graduating. It's so much harder for me when there's no spec, no given tests, no nothing, just you and an editor and an idea. But I think I'm getting the hang of it at this point.

From what I've read on here, I think I'll be keeping it to Friday/Saturday at first so I can assess how the fog is.



[–]AK-48 2 points 1 year ago 

Wouldn't figure out half of my bugs if I wasn't high...



[–]griz120 2 points 1 year ago 

Daily smoker for 2 years here in IT. My only development is powershell for IT automation but I come from a moderate Linux and Python background. I haven't gotten "the fog" in a long time. I think its only when I over do edibles that it happens to a noticeable degree. I've gotten high and gone to work before, and decided I can't do it because I lose a lot of analytical ability.

I really think you're putting too much thought into the dilemma that faces you. When I worked at a certain big tech company, I got high frequently at lunch because I just wanted the day to ennnnnd because I was miserable. Now I'm not in my new job and its not nearly as stressful so I save it until I get home. When and how much depends on you And only you.



[–]pokepat460 2 points 1 year ago 

I'm working on my Master's in physics, and I smoke everyday. It depends on the person. Some of my friends working on similar degrees like to smoke, but can't smoke as much as I do without experiencing negative effects on their memory and concentration.

I notice negative effects on my memory if I smoke a lot the day before, but if I'm just coming home to my nightly bowl or blunt, I haven't noticed any negative effects.

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