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firecrackers banned in Delhi by SC


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yes one more Hindu festival diwali will slowly die ...after a win in Jalllikattu ban this is another win...

40 proud MPs from the dravida land cannot put up a fight with a Virginia based NGO that filed a petition in SC and got jallikattu banned....dare anyone to do something similar with halal ....

if you want to destroy a civilization/culture attack its festivals/languages ....Abrahamics understand this very well...Hindu Dhimmis think Religion will go obsolete ....idiots ...world will always be controlled by Religionists ...atheism is not even an exception its an aberration in grand scheme....'liberal' Hindus are morons of the first Order...

hope people TN celebrate jallikattu and law enforcement will not file any cases...like people in Andhra did with cock-fighting during sankranti... 

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these are the real issues now to fight for....please read about Temple control and the draconian RTE ...educate people around you about RTE.....even if BJP wants to Repeal RTE the opposition and media will play it as anti-minority or mainly anti-poor ..because the main selling point of RTE is 25% seats to poor kids....but that is just a cover to a larger sectarian policy.....

urging people who care about Hinduism to read about this and spread it....thanks...

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another dangerous Law that the UPA under Sonia and NAC wanted to push through was the Communal Violence Bill 2011.....

the way that bill was drafted -- it would have meant whenever there is a communal riot only Majority community can be held accountable and charged under the law....simply put...Minorities can do no wrong during a communal riot .....only Hindus can be arrested/booked/charged .....

thank god an united opposition stalled it in the Rajya sabha ...and UPA had to withdraw it.....

5 more years to Sonia and her chamchas like MMS ...she would have made sure Hindus would have faced many other major blows sponsored by the 'Secular State of India' ......

Never forget this ...burn Congress/Left to ground electorally.......


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some other innocuous but dangerously/strategically done 'adventures' by Sonia maata.-----

Leela Samson ---she was the Censor board chief and also Sangeeth natak Academy chief .....if you guys have seen Manirathnam's crap of a movie Ok Bangaram ...she plays prakash raj's wife.....well maniratnam and kamal hasan gang are the quintessential TamBram Commies who with their perceived 'guilt' want to project anything Hindu/Nationalistic feature as negative .....but thats a diff topic for later ...

but this Samson was made the Natak academy chief by sonia and things she at the academy to slowly undermine/appropriate Hindu classical dances and art forms as 'Universal' --- she wanted to remove the Nataraja swamy Idol ...to which all the dancers Bow before starting the Dance as a gesture to Invoke Lord nataraja literally meaning 'God of Dance' .....and do away with Ganesha vandana at the beginning of the dance ....the rationale they give for such crap is ...these art forms a are open to all but the 'minorities' may feel uncomfortable doing these things so we will make these 'Secular' -----thats how the game is played.....

similarly for Yoga ----make it cool yooo dont chant 'Om' at the beginning yooo......see just like that you have detached something very essential and central to Hinduism and made it 'Universal'.....why ? to make minorities feel comfortable ....but he undercurrent reason is ...undermine anything/everything that is positive about Hinduism and make if universal ...only project the negative things like casteism to the world ----

these kinds of appointments were made to various religious/cultural bodies all over the country ....people whose names may sound 'hindu' but are at heart hindu-haters ...

and the problem with playing the Hinduism is a 'way of life' argument (while some hindus may really believe it is and nothing wrong in it) --- is Hinduism will loose most of the privileges/rights other religions get ---Govt already controls the Temples --- now lets say if they appoint non-hindus to a Temple trust board ...example a famous temple like TTD --- and they will say Temple Trust is a 'Secular Body' under the State control ...and everyone has equal employment opportunity ....see thats how dangerous the "Secular State" can be towards Hinduism ----there were cases where christians were appointed into temple bodies and after huge controversies were removed....they cant do that to other religions since their Religious places are not under 'State' control....        

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  • 3 weeks later...

congrats Moron Hindus ....now NGT has banned Manjaa used in kite flying countrywide (because some pigeons die by slitting their throats ....mehhh) .....next complete Kite flying ban .....Hindu annihilation will be complete sooner than I thought....

next up ...size of Tirupati laddo....no agarbatti during your poojas at home-it causes pollution ....

Liberal Hindus continue to live in la la land ....cool bro ...Humanity bro ....all religions are same bro...God bro....Hinduism is a way of life bro.....Shiva smoked Weed bro....lets chill bro....

50 years ....all done....Amen to that.....

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3 minutes ago, mastercheif said:

giphy.gif  chill  bro

GIF ni 10go, appatlo jayafradha ni prathodu gattiga kottesinattunaru ga, NToodi nundi chiru varaku vadhala kunda marchi marchi @3$%

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