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    Lilly Cooper  6 hours ago

    Like my son needs any more competition when going to look for a job in computer science he graduated with a BA degree and still looking a year later with a 3.2 GPA... we need more jobs in this country and less foreigners.. For every job there are 20 people waiting for the same job... Obama just go away already and take all your illegals and foreigners with you.!!!!! I'm all for the American dream but first America needs JOBS brought back to our country..!!!!!!!! Democrats are Idiots for what they have done and so is Bill clinton when he passed NAFTA worse thing that ever happen job wise to our country..!!!!!!

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      KJinAZ  Lilly Cooper  5 hours ago

      your son will not work for the half price wages the businesses seem to want to pay nowadays. This is why they say they can't find qualified people. It's not for a lack of qualified people, but a lack of them who will work for less than what the job should pay. Microsoft was one of the leaders in wiping out software engineering in our country. This is also why most of their work is done overseas now.

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        haode  KJinAZ  5 minutes ago

        why may not the son work for the same wages others can and will ? work and live in this same economy. is the son somehow "superior" ? racially superior ?

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        VonDuff1  KJinAZ  an hour ago

        Their certifications, that the jobs have been offered to citizens, are false.

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          haode  VonDuff1  2 minutes ago

          all jobs should be offered at the same wages to all applicants. no jobs should be allocated based on some racial or ethnic "superiority". that means the "foreigner" should have equal access as an american.

          fwiw, the many "foreign" engineers and physiciansi know have a superior work ethic compared to the many americans i know. some of these fellow have never missed a day in any school.

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        Tenmillion  KJinAZ  2 hours ago

        Working for lower wages and 10 hour days + weekends!

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      haode  Lilly Cooper  6 minutes ago

      sounds like the kid best have a doctorate. or expect to be a men's tie department manager at a sears store.

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    Scutum Fidei  7 hours ago

    Thank you Paul Ryan for giving Obama a blank check.

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    Sarah Snow  7 hours ago

    Hope TRUMP deports all illegal aliens starting with 0bama

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    RobL_v2  7 hours ago

    And how can he do this without Congressional authorization??

    As EOD quickly pointed out below, its because the current GOP has done nothing but shirk their constitutional responsibilities and fund Obama. Point is though any action taken by Obama in this regard is unconstitutional and thus can be immediately revoked by trump on day one!

    Please deliver Mr. Trump. Do not leave this in the hands of Preibus to organize... he is an amnesty advocate. Please never forget that during your Presidential tenure.

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    anotherday  7 hours ago

    Obama is a sphincter.
    We've had eight years of it and we get it.

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    Björn Deplorable  5 hours ago

    News Flash: Churchill's Bust Shall soon return to that room's decor.

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    GSR  3 hours ago

    I've been in the IT/software business for almost twenty years. Believe me, the H-1B program is nothing, repeat NOTHING but a "Full Indian Employment Act" where the secondary goal is to depress salaries in the field by flooding the market with excess labor. It's just another form of immigration. Indians love to send their young men here on H-1B visas, then soon after the whole extended family is brought here, many on welfare/subsidies. It's a racket.

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      Gus Seals  GSR  2 hours ago

      Yes, one the attorney that attacked Trump makes a living at. Screwing the American people.

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      VonDuff1  GSR  3 hours ago

      Everything done by Democrats, RINOS, NeoCONS and the MSM is a racket; or a lie.

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      disqus_nAy5i1lTmw  GSR  2 hours ago

      #GSR FYI ....not even a single Indian is on welfare/subsidies instead they fund our Social Security to help fellow Americans.....On an average each Indian household makes $70K that is 3 times more than what we American's make and do the math for us paying taxes for $20K yearly income and they paying taxes out of $70K.....at the end once their H1B visa is over after 6 years they have to leave the country and the SSA contributions they made for the last 6 years because they are not U.S. citizens and they cannot claim SSA benefits. In other-words, they are helping a ton so U.S. government can look after elderly/sick/disabled. Please know the facts before you comment on public portals otherwise your comment is piece of trash

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    Enlighten  5 hours ago

    what amazes me is that even with so much opposition to h-1b visa, it is still not being fixed. Trump is the last hope. if he does not fix h-1b, there is no hope for IT jobs or STEM related jobs in US. I dont want my kids to get into STEM field with all this h-1b, foreign student F1 visa, EAD OPT and h-1b spouse EAD nonsense. The whole point about all these programs is to import cheap labor to displace americans from good paying jobs. If trump doesn't deliver on h-1b, he is just another crooked politician.

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53 minutes ago, samaja_varagamana said:
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    Lilly Cooper  6 hours ago

    Like my son needs any more competition when going to look for a job in computer science he graduated with a BA degree and still looking a year later with a 3.2 GPA... we need more jobs in this country and less foreigners.. For every job there are 20 people waiting for the same job... Obama just go away already and take all your illegals and foreigners with you.!!!!! I'm all for the American dream but first America needs JOBS brought back to our country..!!!!!!!! Democrats are Idiots for what they have done and so is Bill clinton when he passed NAFTA worse thing that ever happen job wise to our country..!!!!!!

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      KJinAZ  Lilly Cooper  5 hours ago

      your son will not work for the half price wages the businesses seem to want to pay nowadays. This is why they say they can't find qualified people. It's not for a lack of qualified people, but a lack of them who will work for less than what the job should pay. Microsoft was one of the leaders in wiping out software engineering in our country. This is also why most of their work is done overseas now.

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        haode  KJinAZ  5 minutes ago

        why may not the son work for the same wages others can and will ? work and live in this same economy. is the son somehow "superior" ? racially superior ?

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        VonDuff1  KJinAZ  an hour ago

        Their certifications, that the jobs have been offered to citizens, are false.

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          haode  VonDuff1  2 minutes ago

          all jobs should be offered at the same wages to all applicants. no jobs should be allocated based on some racial or ethnic "superiority". that means the "foreigner" should have equal access as an american.

          fwiw, the many "foreign" engineers and physiciansi know have a superior work ethic compared to the many americans i know. some of these fellow have never missed a day in any school.

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        Tenmillion  KJinAZ  2 hours ago

        Working for lower wages and 10 hour days + weekends!

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      haode  Lilly Cooper  6 minutes ago

      sounds like the kid best have a doctorate. or expect to be a men's tie department manager at a sears store.

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    Scutum Fidei  7 hours ago

    Thank you Paul Ryan for giving Obama a blank check.

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    Sarah Snow  7 hours ago

    Hope TRUMP deports all illegal aliens starting with 0bama

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    RobL_v2  7 hours ago

    And how can he do this without Congressional authorization??

    As EOD quickly pointed out below, its because the current GOP has done nothing but shirk their constitutional responsibilities and fund Obama. Point is though any action taken by Obama in this regard is unconstitutional and thus can be immediately revoked by trump on day one!

    Please deliver Mr. Trump. Do not leave this in the hands of Preibus to organize... he is an amnesty advocate. Please never forget that during your Presidential tenure.

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    anotherday  7 hours ago

    Obama is a sphincter.
    We've had eight years of it and we get it.

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    Björn Deplorable  5 hours ago

    News Flash: Churchill's Bust Shall soon return to that room's decor.

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    GSR  3 hours ago

    I've been in the IT/software business for almost twenty years. Believe me, the H-1B program is nothing, repeat NOTHING but a "Full Indian Employment Act" where the secondary goal is to depress salaries in the field by flooding the market with excess labor. It's just another form of immigration. Indians love to send their young men here on H-1B visas, then soon after the whole extended family is brought here, many on welfare/subsidies. It's a racket.

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      Gus Seals  GSR  2 hours ago

      Yes, one the attorney that attacked Trump makes a living at. Screwing the American people.

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      VonDuff1  GSR  3 hours ago

      Everything done by Democrats, RINOS, NeoCONS and the MSM is a racket; or a lie.

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      disqus_nAy5i1lTmw  GSR  2 hours ago

      #GSR FYI ....not even a single Indian is on welfare/subsidies instead they fund our Social Security to help fellow Americans.....On an average each Indian household makes $70K that is 3 times more than what we American's make and do the math for us paying taxes for $20K yearly income and they paying taxes out of $70K.....at the end once their H1B visa is over after 6 years they have to leave the country and the SSA contributions they made for the last 6 years because they are not U.S. citizens and they cannot claim SSA benefits. In other-words, they are helping a ton so U.S. government can look after elderly/sick/disabled. Please know the facts before you comment on public portals otherwise your comment is piece of trash

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    Enlighten  5 hours ago

    what amazes me is that even with so much opposition to h-1b visa, it is still not being fixed. Trump is the last hope. if he does not fix h-1b, there is no hope for IT jobs or STEM related jobs in US. I dont want my kids to get into STEM field with all this h-1b, foreign student F1 visa, EAD OPT and h-1b spouse EAD nonsense. The whole point about all these programs is to import cheap labor to displace americans from good paying jobs. If trump doesn't deliver on h-1b, he is just another crooked politician.

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