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Demonitization / Currency Ban - Good or bad for India ?


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I guess unlike 'Prathinidhi, Telugu Political Thriller film' where a common man kidnaps Chief Minister of AP to bring a law to cancel Rs 500 and Rs 1000/- notes from the circulation to eradicate black money, nothing is required such kind of sort. Our PM is too strong and bold to control the reins of the Economy. How far this move will be successful? To get the answer, we all have to wait.


But if we quickly analyze the conditions in the India, the major transactions are of hard cash transactions of high values. The plastic money yet to find its place in our day-to-day life, though acceptance in Tier I Cities is high but not much in Tier II and Tier III cities. PM hardly gave 270 minutes to the fellow citizens to swallow this pill. This is definitely a very little time for those who are hoarding the hard cash in their home and definitely they cannot bring into economy without Government Officials not noticing it.

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