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Assam Train ready for Departure - Khaidi No. 150 Scenes Up For Reshoot?


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It is quite common that when big budget films are being made, the film makers take every care that there are no flaws. If necessary, they even go for reshooting of certain scenes if they feel they are not up to the expectations.

The same thing is happening in case of Khaidi No. 150, the much-hyped 150th film of megastar Chiranjeevi, who is making a re-entry into the film industry with it.

Director V V Vinayak has decided to do re-shooting of some scenes which he thought needed improvement. Since he is running short of time, the shooting schedule has been divided into two which are being supervised by two different units.

While Vinayak is taking care of shooting of some scenes which do not figure the megastar, the other scenes which Chiranjeevi has to redo are being reshot under his own supervision.

The talk is that most of these scenes had already been shot in the past, but they are being reshot because they either needed certain changes or did not match the expectations of Vinayak or Chiranjeevi.

The two units are engaged in brisk work since a lot of post-production work is also pending, say sources.

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