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JAVA and Core JAVA Best Project Oriented Online Training@ SequelGate


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SequelGate is one of the best training institutes for JAVA Training. We have been providing Online and Classroom Trainings and Corporate trainings.


All our training sessions are COMPLETELY PRACTICAL.




Module: I



· Programming language Types and Paradigms.

· Computer Programming Hierarchy.

· How Computer Architecture Affects a Language ?

· Why Java ?

· Flavors of Java.

· Java Designing Goal.

· Role of Java Programmer in Industry.

· Features of Java Language.

· JVM –The heart of Java

· Java’s Magic Bytecode

The Java Environment:

· Installing Java.

· Java Program Development

· Java Source File Structure

· Compilation

Basic Language Elements:

· Lexical Tokens, Identifiers

· Keywords, Literals, Comments

· Primitive Datatypes, Operators

Object Oriented Programming

· Class Fundamentals.

· Object & Object reference.

· Object Life time & Garbage Collection.

· Creating and Operating Objects.

· Constructor & initialization code block.

· Access Control, Modifiers, methods

· Nested , Inner Class &Anonymous Classes

· Abstract Class & Interfaces

· Defining Methods, Argument Passing Mechanism

· Method Overloading, Recursion.

· Dealing with Static Members. Finalize() Method.

· Native Method. Use of “this “

· Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods.

· Design of Accessors and Mutator Methods

· Cloning Objects, shallow and deep cloning

· Generic Class Types

Extending Classes and Inheritance

· Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP

· Types of Inheritance in Java

· Inheriting Data Members and Methods

· Role of Constructors in inheritance

· Overriding Super Class Methods.

· Use of “super”.

· Polymorphism in inheritance.

· Type Compatibility and Conversion

· Implementing interfaces.


· Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages.

· Package as Access Protection

· Defining Package.

· CLASSPATH Setting for Packages.

· Making JAR Files for Library Packages

· Import and Static Import

· Naming Convention For Packages

Exception Handling:

· The Idea behind Exception

· Exceptions & Errors

· Types of Exception

· Control Flow In Exceptions

· JVM reaction to Exceptions

· Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling.

· In-built and User Defined Exceptions

· Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions

Array & String :

· Defining an Array

· Initializing & Accessing Array

· Multi –Dimensional Array

· Operation on String

· Mutable & Immutable String

· Using Collection Bases Loop for String

· Tokenizing a String

· Creating Strings using StringBuffer


· Understanding Threads

· Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming.

· Thread Life-Cycle

· Thread Priorities

· Synchronizing Threads

· Inter Communication of Threads

· Critical Factor in Thread -DeadLock


· Applet & Application

· Applet Architecture.

· Parameters to Applet

· Embedding Applets in Web page.

· Applet Security Policies

A Collection of Useful Classes

· Utility Methods for Arrays

· Observable and Observer Objects

· Date & Times

· Using Scanner

· Regular Expression

· Input/Output Operation in Java(java.io Package)

· Streams and the new I/O Capabilities

· Understanding Streams

· The Classes for Input and Output

· The Standard Streams

· Working with File Object

· File I/O Basics

· Reading and Writing to Files

· Buffer and Buffer Management

· Read/Write Operations with File Channel

· Serializing Objects

Module: II


GUI Programming

· Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java

· Components and Containers

· Basics of Components

· Using Containers

· Layout Managers

· AWT Componets

· Adding a Menu to Window

· Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components

· Java Utilities (java.util Package)

· The Collection Framework :

· Collections of Objects

· Collection Types

· Sets

· Sequence

· Map

· Understanding Hashing

· Use of ArrayList & Vector

Event Handling

· Event-Driven Programming in Java

· Event- Handling Process

· Event-Handling Mechanism

· The Delegation Model of Event Handling

· Event Classes

· Event Sources

· Event Listeners

· Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling

· Anonymous Inner classes a Short –cut to Event Handling

· Avoiding Deadlocks in GUI Code

· Event Types & Classes

· Networking Programming

· Networking Basics

· Client-Server Architecture

· Socket Overview

· Networking Classes and Interfaces

· Network Protocols

· Developing Networking Applications in Java

Database Programming using JDBC

· Introduction to JDBC

· JDBC Drivers & Architecture

· CURD operation Using JDBC

· Connecting to non-conventional Databases.

Mail API

· Introduction to Email Technical Internals

· Understanding of POP and SMTP framework

· Complete understanding the email API

· Mass mailer Application development

· Introduction to J2EE

· J2EE Overview

· Why J2EE?

· J2EE Architecture


· J2EE Containers


· Web Application Basics.

· Architecture and challenges of Web Application.

· Introduction to servlet

· Servlet life cycle

· Developing and Deploying Servlets

· Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml).

· Handling Request and Response

· Initializing a Servlet

· Accessing Database

· Servlet Chaining

· Session Tracking & Management

· Dealing with cookies

· Transferring Request

· Accessing Web Context

· Passing INIT and CONTEXT Parameter

· Sharing information using scope object

· Controlling concurrent access

· User Authentication

· Filtering Request and Response

· Programming Filter

· Filter Mapping

· Servlet Listeners


Java Server Pages:

· Basic JSP Architecture

· Life Cycle of JSP (Translation, compilation)

· JSP Tags and Expressions

· Role of JSP in MVC-2

· JSP with Database

· JSP Implicit Objects

· Tag Libraries

· JSP Expression Language (EL)

· Using Custom Tag

· JSP Capabilities:

· Exception Handling

· Session Management

· Directives

· JSP with Java Bean

 RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

· RMI overview

· RMI architecture

· Example demonstrating RMI

Enterprise JAVA Beans

· Enterprise Bean overview

· Types of enterprise beans

· Advantages of enterprise beans

· The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans

· Working with Session Beans

· Statefull vs. Stateless Session Beans

· Working with Entity Beans

· Message Driven Beans

· JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)

· JNDI overview


· Context operations

· Using JNDI in J2EE applications

All Sessions are Completely Practical and Realtime.


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Schedules for JAVA Online TRAINING :




Contact us today for JAVA Online training 

SequelGate Training Institute 
Office: (+91) 040 65358866
Mobile: (+91) 0 9030040801 
Sai Anu Avenue, Street Number 3, Patrika Nagar, HITEC City, Hyderabad - 81 (India).










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