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Pawan Kalyan working style in Politics - Late Lathif


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All of a sudden, he appears, disappears and reappears, quickly comes and goes, suddenly surfaces and vanishes, he rapidly responds and absconds, he strongly performs fight and immediately keeps quiet. He is none other than the Jana Sena party leader, Power star, Pawan Kalyan.

He opened his political party, Jana Sena back in 2014 with a great hype. The tagline of the party is “Prasninchatam Kosam”, “questioning on wrong doings”. His intention could have been right, but since the launching of his party, looks like he has been miserably failed to be consistent in his actions and also cohesiveness in his words. Once in a while, he comes out of his own personal life, appears in couple of places through public meetings and get hyped the by media. But the practicality is, there are hardly no instances where Pawan really did any justification to the tagline of his party.

He sometimes passes on some questions and comments on various topics but they come out with lot of vagueness, less clarity and focus on the specific issues. Though he could gain a huge following on his twitter, since his lack of consistency in being regular touch with the public makes him to get faded from people’s memory time to time. As usual, Pawan has recently appeared in Twitter with 5 questions to the ruling BJP - Cow-slaughter ,Rohit Vemula, Demonetization, Patriotism and of course AP Special Status. Strangely, AP Special status chapter is over, Rohit Vemula is an out-of-date controversial irrelevant matter which is forgotten long back, not sure what he wants to say about cow slaughter and patriotism. Among the list, Demonetization is the only topic which is a current burning afire. No one really could understand what Pawan wants to prove right now by digging-up all the irrelevant matters right now.


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