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Pawan Kalyan is still a Hindutva Pig.


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So I ventured into PK's twitter, and was amused by the crap he wrote. Reminded me of myself, 10yrs ago.

Let it go, PK. You still read BS artists like Thomas Sowell, who deny institutional discrimination of blacks in the US. You are not fit for politics.

Your concern for dalit student who was murdered, BJP's extraconstitutional overreach are all borne, not out of public interest but, out of satisfying your personal ego. The ego of a kid who graduated recently, and thinks he can change the world.

You can't, PK. You are old enough to try and enable your kids be the change. Please do that. Leave politics for grownups.

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If you still want to do the right thing and conduct fair politics, pick a smart dalit/muslim pekrson in AP, and make him your CM candidate, and campaign for him.

Even if he/she doesn't win, you would have done your bit. 


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29 minutes ago, lazybugger said:

So I ventured into PK's twitter, and was amused by the crap he wrote. Reminded me of myself, 10yrs ago.

Let it go, PK. You still read BS artists like Thomas Sowell, who deny institutional discrimination of blacks in the US. You are not fit for politics.

Your concern for dalit student who was murdered, BJP's extraconstitutional overreach are all borne, not out of public interest but, out of satisfying your personal ego. The ego of a kid who graduated recently, and thinks he can change the world.

You can't, PK. You are old enough to try and enable your kids be the change. Please do that. Leave politics for grownups.

Too late bro

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4 hours ago, lazybugger said:

If you still want to do the right thing and conduct fair politics, pick a smart dalit/muslim pekrson in AP, and make him your CM candidate, and campaign for him.

Even if he/she doesn't win, you would have done your bit. 


he already did his bit in 2014@3$%

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4 hours ago, lazybugger said:

Don't need another Modi in AP. 

Mayawati is better. Even Lalu yadav will do. Modi types can go to hell.

Pavan, don't be a Modi type asshole. One CBN is enough.

one in power mayawati gives a shyte to her own dalit vote bank but doesn't mind giving bj to upper castes

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