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The problem with people like Yomama..


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I had this friend, when I was a kid. He was from the lower middle class, and we used to play cricket together.

He always used to talk to me in English, even though his english is just basically mish mash of words he picked from english movies, without context.

he hung around me, just so he could learn to speak better, and get hotter girl friends. Also he was huge, so he was basically like my bodyguard until I left chennai.

Ofcourse, he was successful both in getting gfs, and later financially. 

But at the time, I always wanted to get rid of him, for his annoying tendency to overstylize phrases, with such confidence.

I always asked him to pick up a book, and read, and see how much better his english turns out. He never did that. He didn't have to. He became a professional photographer.

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Yomama is like that guy. He wants to learn something new everyday, but doesn't know how to do it.

hopefully, he grows over all these islamaphobia nonsense, and settles down to be a decent man.


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Hint to Yomama:

you don't learn about something, by reading hate mongering websites that write about it.

Yes. Indian history is not as simple as 'evil afghans came and looted and enslaved Hindus'.

what you write about history, and your extrapolations into the current times are all flawed.

learn from better sources. or just shut up.

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1 minute ago, griffins said:

Get a life asshole, you are nothing but an annoyance. 

I'm trying to save a life here, dumbfcuk bigot.

don't go around trying to provoke riots, stupid fcuk.

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