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go fund lo suggestion


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Ravi, you are doing a wonderful service to them. I got to know about this from a friend. I am good in finances and reading page description rang a lot of alarms for me. You are getting bad advice from these organizations. Here are a few things you can do to use money better 1. instead of funeral, use cremation. It costs 50% to 70% less. 2. Do not pay his credit cards. It is considered personal debt and she does not need to pay. Companies will intimidate or tell otherwise, but do your research. 3. Same could apply to mortgage if house is under water. If not, It may be better to sell it and get the cash. 4. If they are Indian citizens or have supporting family in India, it is better to move to India immediately. $250k can get bank interests of 14 lakhs per annum. This is enough to live off until she can get a job or get married again. In US, the money will quickly run out. While this can be a tough decision, getting to stability is best thing she can do right now. 5. Most IT companies have life insurance, he must have life insurance, 401k, other savings, do look into that. 6. Surviving spouse does get social security payments, even if she lives in India. She may get some income from there as well. These are just a few things I can think of right now. Based on her education, she may be able to get a job or work as baby sitter to get more income. Surviving, sustaining and getting back on feet will be easier if money is properly used and planned. Please plan wisely.

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