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I need a solution to find all positions of a substring in a string that has  multiple occurrences.


ed., their is a soc sec  no  xxx-xx-xxxx lo '-' is in position 4 and 7. I want to get a query that determines both the positions.

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19 minutes ago, ranku_mogudu said:

I need a solution to find all positions of a substring in a string that has  multiple occurrences.


ed., their is a soc sec  no  xxx-xx-xxxx lo '-' is in position 4 and 7. I want to get a query that determines both the positions.

bro try this its complicated for you i guess but its microsoft sql (google lo dorikindi) hope it helps


declare @name nvarchar(max)
set @name ='ali reza dar yek shabe barani ba yek  dokhtare khoshkel be disco raft va ali baraye 1 saat anja bud va sepas... ali...'

Declare @a table (pos int)
Declare @pos int
Declare @oldpos int
Select @oldpos=0
select @pos=patindex('%ali%',@name) 
while @pos > 0 and @oldpos<>@pos
   insert into @a Values (@pos)
   Select @oldpos=@pos
   select @pos=patindex('%ali%',Substring(@name,@pos + 1,len(@name))) + @pos

Select * from @a

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