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Tellola comments towards h1b article-opika unte chadavanadi


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January 11, 2017 at 10:05 am, James Brown said:

Slap a 35% tariff on Apple and abolish h1b visas and associated visas that deprive Americans of jobs and income.



January 11, 2017 at 10:17 pm, sam sneed said:

the H-1B is GENOCIDE for American Software engineers who get underbid by people who often have fake degrees and resumes and who CHEAT



January 12, 2017 at 12:42 am, Mark Edwards said:

With over 30 million green cards issues in the last eleven years, over 700,000 H-1B workers currently in the country, an even larger number of L-1’s here, and OPT’s with no limits, reforming the jobs-related visa system is long overdue.



January 12, 2017 at 6:27 am, H1B(S) said:

Good, send these cowards and opportunists back to fix their own country, especially if their country is India or another Middle East cesspool. Trump and Sessions are trying to fix the mess that the liberals in Sillycon Valley have made. And shut down these fraudulent IT Indian scam consultancies and fraudulent scam recruiters too.



January 12, 2017 at 6:29 am, Big Dawg said:

This is good news. 94 million people out of the work force. We don’t need to import foreign workers we just need to retrain the ones that are already here.



January 12, 2017 at 6:46 am, Jc said:

Trump should take a closer look at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Their entire companies are crawling with H1B visa holders they pay less. I was recently let go because I made more than them as a citizen of the US. Seriously? Most people of other races other than India are shocked when they go to work there. It’s Little India.



January 12, 2017 at 6:55 am, RM said:

More power to Trump. I lost my job to a H1B Visa Engineer. The Tech Engineer who took my Engineering position is from the same village in India, as my then Manager. Gee, nothing wrong there. Kill the H1B Visa program.



January 12, 2017 at 7:13 am, Out of work tech guy said:




January 12, 2017 at 7:22 am, Pmnwork said:

If the US citizens aren’t job ready then why do the Indians steal our resumes and pursue degrees from US universities.



January 12, 2017 at 7:24 am, J Black said:

Isn’t dice.com Indian owned and operated?



January 12, 2017 at 7:46 am, R said:

We all know that it’s a cost incentive.I’ve been at multiple companies where the company directive is to NOT hire us citizens.
Most of the companies I have consulted at have groups in india.Sadly for the most part this lower income skill is inadequate in comparison to higher paid skills in the USA.
There is also a scam where larger companies wish to recruit and put on advertisement near bogus or completely ridiculous advertisements and then apply for visa worker.

IMHO, the visa program should be completely illuminated but companies are allowed to employ from out of country but only directly and not as part of the 1099/h1b scam.



January 12, 2017 at 7:51 am, Joe Brix said:

Only very large projects can move entirely off shore. Then you hear these large projects fail as all the requirements that need to be gathered and translated gets lost or pieces missed when they’re sent off shore. The current 65K salary requirements are a joke as I’ve seen many H1-B’s making far less. Bottom line: corp america wants minimum wage tech workers. Stop treating us like migrant farm workers and enforce the rules!



January 12, 2017 at 7:56 am, kp said:

The California, once again, wants to take advantage of other states, and grasp all the talents to their area, whether to keep a talent or not should never only based on salary, but the industry, but the company (how could startups hire so many 100k??), but how many Americans are hired in the company, shame on Calif!



January 12, 2017 at 8:07 am, Jelly Fish said:

America can only “scrap” the h1-b visa and the workforce that comes with it if they have the right people with the right skill set to replace them. If not, then they will be digging themselves into a hole.

Maybe the US should focus on better education or reduce the ridiculous amount students have to pay for higher education (to encourage more applicants) and help people acquire the right skills to take on tech, and health jobs.

A person who studies communication and English isn’t prepared to be a developer or be an RN.



January 12, 2017 at 8:17 am, Harish Kumar said:

Being born and educated in US I fully support Trumps plan as most of the Indian firms cheat the system badly as I have worked with most of the IT companies. They would keep 1-2 US citizen rest cheap Indian engineers to make fool of the system. Most of the recruiting firms are also Indian firms and they have brought so much corruption in the system. Each H1B needs to be investigated.



January 12, 2017 at 8:23 am, Monika said:

What about the J1 visa holders that come as trainees but are paid nothing for almost 2 years



January 12, 2017 at 8:38 am, Cranky Voter said:

The H1B visa is a scam. Hire an H1B instead of training Americans and reduce rates and wages. Companies would rather hire 2 or 3 H1B to replace 1 Highly qualified American. End the program and focus on training unemployeed Americans.



January 12, 2017 at 8:43 am, Faisal Ladak said:

L1 visas are hurting American jobs more than H1Bs. L1 workers are paid much much less than the H1s plus it is far more easy to secure L1 visas.

First, a solid technical screening system should be put in place to validate the competency of the candidates. We should not rely on the screening done by the petitioners.

Second, a continuous recruitment/survey process must be created that validates that the desired competency is actually “scarce” in USA.

Third, if the work is shipped offshore then a surcharge must be imposed on the businesses to achieve a balance in cost between a US worker and the foreign worker. Funds generate from this should be used for forward technical training of US Citizens.



January 12, 2017 at 8:44 am, HH said:

The whole “lack of qualified workers” claim is a smoke screen. At least where I was at, the company that was there for the knowledge transfer even admitted that most of the workers were of low technical skill. They’re following scripts, not actually thinking how to fix things. Issues that were resolved in 15 minutes, are now taking hours on bridge calls, for simple problems.



January 12, 2017 at 8:45 am, Denise Garner said:

Being in the IT industry for many years I have seen many of the IT jobs handed to H-1B individuals. Although many of these people are not as talented as US educated citizens. My last job was with a large telecommunication company and even though I did apply for a position – it was given to someone else – with a H-1B status.

Also, the department was mostly foreigners. And they were actually busing them into the company. Giving them laptops without securities, which they were able to take home. Being an American citizen I would have not been able to such a thing. Management at this company explained that they work off hours. Well that is insane – create 2nd shift and third shift and disallow them taking any data off site.

Also, they are paying more some of us who have been working in the industry for years and years. Also, companies like this one does not conduct sound background checks on the companies they are working with too.

Secondly, they use other American resumes – by changing the person name and replacing with their own. This is another slap in the face to us hard working Americans.

As Corporations who are here especially telecommunications, utility and other public services type companies we need to create a much better moderating system to ensure that cyber security of our nations infrastructure is safe for all Americans. This is very important as we move further into Globalization of the world. ,



January 12, 2017 at 8:50 am, wyattbiker said:

Ideally, we should have a more aggressive education in this country on technology to provide the talent. Enough lawyers and MBAs. I am against H1-B but we need to provide companies with talent or else they will move. Even tariffs will not work because will make the cost of goods more expensive.

I am glad it is a bipartisan issue.



January 12, 2017 at 8:59 am, AbcTech said:

Ya’ll pretend like you have all the facts and are making a calculated and reasonable comment. I am sick of these pop comments taking over the Internet and spreading fake information. Anyone who has posted a comment above, tell me 3 things you know a out the H1B program. In fact, tell me 3 major points of Trump’s immigration policy.



January 12, 2017 at 9:07 am, Learned Idiot said:

All said – it’s all about demand and supply.
If no H1 then who will do that Job.

It’s same in case of Mexicans – who do you expect to do labor for infra development.
If one puts all Americans to replace H1s… who will do the road repairs (that front also Mr Trump wants to throw out Mexicans).



January 12, 2017 at 9:09 am, Stephen Van Osdell said:

it should’ve been ‘under fire’ long ago! In fact, it should have already been stopped except in extreme cases – like for people with PhD’s doing research with a long resume. And ‘foreigners’ can get small business loans that you and I could only dream about! That is why I can’t run a motel on the interstate and ‘they’ can, and why I can’t run a convenience store, but ‘they’ can!



January 12, 2017 at 9:10 am, SA said:

Why are there so many indians recruited in the IT firms in US? India is one country which produces engineers in such large numbers year on year. And Indians work for lower payscale. Like someone mentioned here, if all the indians are sent back, US better be ready for another economical crisis. The higher education system is so expensive here that the Americans hardly get to graduate in a Bachelor’s. Without bringing reforms to help Americans get education with reasonable expenditure, it makes no sense to shun H1-B working population from working in the US.



January 12, 2017 at 9:24 am, 2DegreeSoftwareguy said:

I thought Healthcare IT was invincible. H1-b’s turned my industry upside-down. They cheat on interviews, work in silos, and underbid american it workers. Then laugh at america. Eight years of dancing and singing. Time to get tough. Oh let’s not get started on India staffing or cold calling garbage…



January 12, 2017 at 9:33 am, Let there be Hope said:

Oddly enough, even our state governments prefer to use these workers. Productivity and effectiveness really needs to be included in the mix of reviews; not incentives to hire H-1B’s.



January 12, 2017 at 9:36 am, sorry Software Engineer said:

I have been telling people for years not to go into computer science for this reason. Jobs that are there are lower pay.



January 12, 2017 at 9:42 am, William said:

99% of “workers” from India LIE. They say they can do anything, even when they don’t understand the question asked. TCS and other Indian companies have completely destroyed the industry, while getting beyond RICH in the process. INDIA IS NOT OUR FRIEND, unless your idea of a friend is to come into your house and slowly steal all your valuables while distracting you and pretending to like you. I agree, it’s a CESSPOOL of a country. IMPOSE A 50% TARIFF ON ANY COMPANY MAKING THINGS OR DOING THINGS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. And for God’s sake, please KILL THE H1B PROGRAM ENTIRELY. It’s completely gutted and destroyed our foundation. Like a termite infestation, it has rotted the US from the inside out.



January 12, 2017 at 9:53 am, Kool said:

You are all immigrants!!! You took everything away from the native American Indians and committed genocide against them and now you are moaning because someone else is taking your jobs, boo bloomin hoo!



January 12, 2017 at 9:54 am, Robert Goshe said:

India is the biggest manipulator of H1 visa program destroying American jobs with inferior talent. Silicon valley’s landscape is completely changed by Indian workers at all job levels. There need to be a fair and balanced reform in the USA skilled workers Visa program



January 12, 2017 at 9:57 am, Fred Limmer said:

Current unemployment rate for the US is at 4.7% (you can argue that number all day, but it’s the official number from DoL so that’s what I’m referencing.) Most of that group represents the bottom of the worker barrel. That percentile of our workforce is not capable of doing the work that we’re bringing in H1Bs to do.

For positions that, unlike the job of “President of the United States”, require extensive education, experience, and a high level of skill and ability, we have to have a larger scope than just the 5% of the world’s population that lives in the USA.

US Companies aren’t just competing inside of America, they’re competing in the world economy. We can’t cripple American industry, and our position in the global competitive market by trying to only use our population to fill all possible job positions.

Every company in America that required those workers would simply move to another country that didn’t have that kind of limitation. That wouldn’t benefit anyone.



January 12, 2017 at 10:36 am, Glenn Allen said:

The H-1B program badly needs reform and ENFORCEMENT. Many of the rules are routinely ignored (if followed maybe wouldn’t be too bad). US citizens are supposed to have preference but in reality it’s the opposite. Ask any recruiter. There is an H-1B rate and a US citizen rate (illegal). It’s obvious when they are looking for H-1B’s. How can anyone contract at $40/hr (less than salary). Some of these folks exploit there own people.
Remember the ‘diversity’ movement? What a sham. Take a look at the IT departments of companies. Is this a diverse team? Does diversity mean no US citizens?
Penalties for violations should be stiff. Officials just look the other way.
Good luck all.



January 12, 2017 at 10:43 am, Arun Murthi said:




January 12, 2017 at 10:54 am, Glenn Allen said:

Last year I had a phone tech interview at Bloomberg. The hiring manager had a fairly strong accent and there were communication issues during the interview. I didn’t get the gig. I’m a senior professional and definitely could handle the job. Another candidate without those communication issues would definitely have an advantage in an interview. This is one reason why these teams start to look the same.



January 12, 2017 at 11:02 am, JohnDoe said:

First of all, if someone is willing to work for $1/hr and someone is willing to offer them the job, it is their own private business as long as there is no coercion. Take a look at the Constitution for God’s sake! What happened to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness?

All work visa programs, in addition to minimum wage laws wgich limits the access of foreigners (and American teenagers for that matter) to the labor market, give native workers a huge and UNFAIR advantage already. They are designed by the politicians to gain more votes at the expense of those who don’t even have a voice in this matter.
The fact that some people are still complaining about the situation speaks volumes.



January 12, 2017 at 11:29 am, SecondAttemptToPostAfterFirstDidntWork said:

I have run a software company. I have 18 years’ programming experience, and am completely self-taught. You don’t need a degree anymore. I have no degree, and my income has exceeded 100K many years ago. When it comes to hiring programmers, all we care about is how much experience you have. I have hired college graduates with no experience. It’s a complete joke. To test their competency level, I always give them some kind of task like: “here is an existing database. Here is a customers table. Just make a web based application that has a customer listing page, a customer detail page, and a customer edit page (or replace customer with whatever widget you like)”. No college graduate (with no work experience) I have hired as an employee or an intern, has ever completed that simple task. So the task ends up being a learning experience for the new hire. Let me state that these are people with Associates, Bachelors, and even Masters degrees. I say to them “I don’t understand, you went to school for 2, 4, 6 years (or longer). What the heck did your professors teach you?” First they tell me that most of their college years were spent learning about things that have absolutely nothing to do with their profession. Next they tell me that they learned how to program in all sorts of different languages, including cobol, fortran, and Qbasic (seriously). Basically the professor gives them assignments out of textbooks. The students are just data entry drones that type in the programs by copying them out of the books. A small army of students in a class, all making the same exact program, line for line, what a joke. So when these people come before me, they expect me to tell them how to write programs, line for line, because that’s what they are used to. They are not used to being given requirements. They have no concept whatsoever about architecture, OOAD, OOP, or best practices. When I say “I need you to build a program that does thing 1, thing 2, and thing 3… oh and by the way, you figure out how to do it on your own”, they look at me like I just told them to teleport themselves to the moon. Let me clarify by saying that these people that have worked for me, are all very intelligent, capable, and highly creative individuals. I humbly admit that many of them are more intelligent that I am, and have become more talented programmers. It’s not their fault that their school taught them nothing useful, that they wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years of their life on nothing. My point is this: Stop wasting your time on school. You want to compete with the h1b people? Stop whining. Step 1, buy a book and teach yourself whatever you need to learn. Step 2, go work for any company that will hire you, even as an unpaid intern if you need to. Step 3, extract every scrap of useful experience you can from that company, update your resume, then move on to the next company. Step 4, repeat. By doing this, you will gain years of experience, and your skillset will become extremely diverse. What, no one will hire you? B.S. Be willing to relocate. Be willing to take contract work. So you could not land that job because you have no experience with a particular technology? Then why don’t you throw up a website that uses that particular technology (now you have experience with that technology)? If you’re unemployed, then you have the time. Get a couple of your buddies together and work on a joint project, on nights and weekends. Make a stupid smartphone app. Who cares if it flops, now you have the experience. In programing, degrees are B.S., and experience is king.
That being said, our great country, the United States needs virtually nothing from the outside world, including IT talent. H1B is a complete screw job put into place by our corrupt government, under orders from special interests. I’m tired of people asking stupid questions like “what would happen if all these foreign workers disappeared”? What do you think would happen, genius? Badass American workers would step up and take the jobs. I did hire just a few H1Bs here and there, and did the whole sponsorship thing. For us, it was just merely a coincidence. The H1Bs we hired were just really the most talented people for the job out of the pool of candidates we were considering. It was a rare thing, and we paid the H1Bs what we would pay any other person. We also outsourced a little bit to India, and had fairly good results. Most recently, with a startup company I’m doing on the side, I have been working with a small dev team I put together in India. We had no choice. Look at Upwork.com. You can hire guys that have 5 years solid, proven experience, for like $10 per hour. No US programmers can compete with that. It’s the only way I can get this thing off the ground. So that means that I’m pumping cash into India, when I should be giving this cash to US programmers. Oh and I can tell you this, I don’t give two @#$% about what kind of college degrees these people have, if any. All I care about is their experience, skillset, feedback from jobs they have worked on, and number of billable hours under their belt. The experience can’t be faked either, because the money ran through upwork.com. That means that I don’t get screwed.
You probably hate me right now. You probably think that I am a hypocrite. I should not be able to do this. It’s just like the tax laws. I pay tax people to make sure that I pay the least amount of taxes possible. Ill dump $10,000 into a project just to avoid paying $1,000 in taxes to the government (out of pure spite), and it’s all 100% legal (believe me it is legal I check and double check the last thing I want to do is deal with the IRS). Just remember, income tax didn’t exist in this country until 1913. I should not be able to outsource to India like this. I should not be able to lower my taxable income like this.
What is the solution? The H1B should definitely go away. As for the thing on upwork.com, I’m not sure what to do about that. But as I said, I shouldn’t be able to do it. What about the taxes? Easy, just have a flat tax with zero deductions, or no income tax at all. Graduated income tax scales, combined with deductions are designed to confuse and screw the average Joe, while allowing a select few to pay virtually nothing. I pray that President Trump will do his best to eliminate as much of this corruption as possible, or at least shed light on it. I pray that he does not screw us over.
P.S. I am sorry for outsourcing to India. I feel a nagging from my conscious. I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel it’s wrong, but it’s the only way I can get this startup off the ground. I feel like I have betrayed my fellow Americans. I tell myself that I will use the proceeds from this new company to help people, and to help make America a better place, and that it will counter balance my outsourcing. That’s what I tell myself at least.



January 12, 2017 at 11:57 am, TA said:

As a recruiter for the past 18 years, I have seen our US IT citizens jobs go away in the spirit of “Outsourcing” and saving the client tons of money.
Look at India, US business open offices in order to recapture their US business from losing this business. So the business wins and the US employee looses, time after time.

Thank you Donald…. America First!



January 12, 2017 at 12:11 pm, H1B said:

Stop complaining about H1B, US don’t even have enough tech resources who can take these job.
1st try to come out of MCD and Tacobell, get some degree and the raise your voice



January 12, 2017 at 12:29 pm, John Due 2 said:

All Indians or H1b techs working in US almost the salaries 50% off. If anyone hired from US 100% with perks.(401k, Medical,Tax and etc) too many burdens to a company, this is the reason for H1b.Mainly American companies going abroad.



January 12, 2017 at 12:48 pm, Stephen Van Osdell said:

50% off for Indians? That is simply NOT SO! We have many of the wives here where I work (remember – husband gets H1B means wife almost automatically gets one too! At prime child bearing age no less). The wives look for the ‘secondary’ contract jobs. They are making about the same here (big company) as a native born person would. For example, $32-35/hour contract position here is what they make. I know, I have to hire and train them!



January 12, 2017 at 1:00 pm, Re posting as it doesn't post, sorry if you see this multiple times said:

Good, kill the H1B program! Then most of the IT companies will shift their base to India and America will be at loss. Indians pay huge amounts of Taxes to government and US Colleges are making lot of money from students that com every year from abroad. If you really want to save the jobs for American citizens, ask them not to drop out from schools and colleges and work hard like Indians or other immigrants do. Indians are ready to work over time and are committed to work unlike most Americans who demand more money but aren’t ready to work beyond 8 hours even when situation demands. I have seen this as I work in IT. Americans could be talented but its very hard to get work done by an American. Their priority would be to go home and wash their dog’s ass than staying at work place for few more hours. I totally agree there are few companies that are misusing the system but that doesn’t mean you will blame the entire system. You will not kill yourselves when you have a disease but you fight it with medicines. Try to find the corrupt people and save Americans jobs and even jobs of other immigrants who are genuine and talented.Yes, I really wish the H1B program to be killed so that most companies would shift to India and most of the immigrants needn’t stay away from families. Unfortunately, along with few fake people, there are many talented people who are contributing to US economy. I want all these to go back to their countries and contribute there rather than to a country of racists and who had histories of genocide. CEOs of the big companies like Google and Microsoft are Indians and products of prestigious institutes in India. Most of the Indian origin Americans in US today are Doctors and Engineers and Lawyers contributing to the US economy. US people are forgetting that man power is needed for any country to thrive and which US is in short of. Immigrants are an asset to your country.Your politicians know that better which is why they welcome immigrants in spite of what ever you shout or write.



January 12, 2017 at 1:04 pm, Jhon said:

Phok H1B visa, Educate our kids on how do $hit and hire them rather than hiring a stinky Indian or a communist Chinese kid… do it Drumph, this could be the only good thing you would do for this country !



January 12, 2017 at 1:15 pm, Stuart522 said:

I work in medical device / pharma field, there are so many Indians that will work for peanuts under cutting American workers, these are 6-figure jobs, and most are young 20-somethings, who know nothing about the job they are hired to do. but they will work for less than qualified Americans….
Get rid of H1-B visas-yes, but also 6 years of working after going to college here, they never leave!



January 12, 2017 at 1:20 pm, John Due 2 said:

I’m not blaming anyone only I explained the reality in US what is happening to US workres.



January 12, 2017 at 1:25 pm, IT Professional said:

Yes, stinky Indian or a communist Chinese is definitely better than STD infected, drug addicted, serial killer and most lazy Americans. That is why educate your kids. Who is stopping you? Indians and Chinese are getting paid for their hard work. Ask your kids to learn from us. I wish there is a filter on these comments so that only people with a minimum college degree could comment and not where every drop out would comment who hardly knows about politics or economics or anything about the world. I am only referring to few Americans, not all. I do have some wonderful American friends.



January 12, 2017 at 2:07 pm, Barbara said:

This is GREAT NEWS! I was laid-off from my job at Kaiser Permanente (Obamacare) and two of my direct report’s (Indian HB-1 visa (making over $100,000 each) took my position. Just not the title.
Kaiser calls it bending the cost curve!



January 12, 2017 at 2:20 pm, Reality Check said:

1)In the most technologically advanced country with access to the best resources in the world, how many Americans actually graduate from high school?

2)In the richest country in the world, how many Americans are able to afford college and actually attend college?

3)In the country with the best universities, how many freshmen year students choose to major in Engineering, Math or Computer Science?

4) In a country with the best graduate and research programs, how many of these STEM majors go on to do a Masters or a PhD in their chosen field?

5) In a country with the most advanced trailblazing technology companies how many of the kids who got a STEM education choose to do engineering/technical jobs instead of finance, business, accounting kind of professions after graduation?

6) How many of them are willing to relocate to the hubs of technology innovation such as Silicon Valley, New York, Seattle or Austin rather than stay close to home in places such as Columbus,OH, Des Moines, IA, or Kansas City, Mo?



January 12, 2017 at 2:51 pm, LargeSoftwareCompanyExFlunky said:

Trump is focusing on cutting down the H1b’s, which are capped at 65K/year. This should help a tiny bit, but I haven’t heard anything in the news about the much larger source of job losses … from the larger tech companies that all have Dev Centers in Hyderabad or Bangalore employing 50-60 thousand workers each.

I used to work for Oracle and most of the internal job board postings were for Indian positions. Even if this issue was to become Trump’s focus after the H1B’s, not sure how he would even address it…. it isn’t like he can impose a tariff on goods produced and exported back to the US, since it’s all R&D work & assigning a value will be very difficult.



January 12, 2017 at 3:43 pm, Scott Lee said:

We should be seeing less of this going forward:
Minimum Requirements Needed for H1-B Visa Sponsorship:
• Four years Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent
• Able to communicate well both verbally and in written.
• Having good knowledge of one or a combination of the above technologies.
• The candidates who are currently on H4/F1/L1/L2 and seeking H1B are highly preferred.

Please contact to Ravi for more details; 949-531-6124



January 12, 2017 at 3:53 pm, Stephen said:

Key phrases with VERY broad interpretation -> ‘OR Equivalent’! and ‘having good knowledge of….’. Very Broad and easy to get around. Also, if I post my highly respected resume online, I will get hundreds of emails from Indians representing TATA!



January 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm, Steve said:

It will be interesting to see what Trump actually accomplishes. Perhaps his import tariffs can be applied to software products that have been off-shored by USA companies. I find agreement with many of the comments already posted here, but I am restraining myself today so that my posting actually gets posted.



January 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm, james said:

Make America Great Again by sending these all H1b’s back to their countries.



January 12, 2017 at 3:57 pm, Joe Doe said:

i agree with most of the mud thrown at the H-1B program.Apple,Verizon,
all are killing america.I interviewed for a role and the lady conducting the phone interview barely spoke english.The whole process was a joke.

I did not vote for Donald Trump,Mr Trump makes this happen I will be first to cast my 2020 vote.The folks who are talking about not being able to find folks who are skilled you are looking hard enough,or making the process too layered with questions that has NOTHING to do the the day to day.

I recently worked on a project that was 18 months behind and millions of dollars over budget, The outsourced dev team was the same guys/girls who had worked on the platform in India.I remember having lunch with one of the team members who joked about transparency with the americans.

So we all lose, companies could invest more in the S.T.E.M program on the middle school level and not be so quick to push baby boomers to the door.
Let’s not make this a “them vs us” issue, as a indian born in america i lose too.



January 12, 2017 at 3:58 pm, Abhinav said:

Might be indian companies or H1 holder get hurt with this.

Me being h1 worker supports reformation in clause

Now IT industry is getting mature and older day by day, during the start of this sector you might be looking for highskill labour, but now trend is changing. Lottery system should have new parameters come up like
Min year of experience should b 7 with Bachelor degree
Or 4 with masters degree

Person working on H1 or L1 should pay 5% extra federal tax to govt.

If you are doing masters in USA, you must score a minimum pointers to apply for H1 lottery, else study and leave.

This way people will understand America is only bringing talent into home not garbage.



January 12, 2017 at 4:44 pm, Mars2k said:

Wow where to start, I personally have gone into interviews in good faith with good credentials only to face 2 or more H1b visa holders whose only intention was to pass me over for another H1b holder. Big overseas consulting companies shipping these people in from India have undercut my technology sector to the point of taking over altogether. I have seen large firms whose IT departments have become run entirely by foreign nationals.
This visa program has been abused and has been used to drive wages down. These visa holders compete directly with American technology workers for good jobs.
Why aren’t we retraining Americans for these jobs instead of bringing in untrained overseas replacements under H1b?
What about all the family members they bring in that are not skilled?



January 12, 2017 at 5:00 pm, Kym said:

I want to second what Barbara says about Kaiser with my story I worked on a project for Kaiser 10 years ago on a 2 year project I found a full time job and was there until 2015
Once again on the job market of course recruiters started calling me about jobs at Kaiser but get this the pay rate they were offering was 20 to 30 percent less than what I was making 10 years ago
How is this even possible … I’ll tell you how it seems that most of the tech jobs are being held by H1 and Kaiser offers a low rate and then when people like me will not take the job because of the very, very low pay this they feel is an excuse to make sure that they only hire only H1 candidates
This goes on with a lot of the larger companies and I’ve found that the larger companies are the ones that are looking for that H1 person that they can pay the 20 to 30 percent lower then the market rate
Are these people just as good or better at their jobs?
Most of the time I would say no…I’ve had to correct a lot of mistakes because of the language barrier. I have said before through the years that any employer that can go through their company and find that in any department one ethnic group should seriously fire their HR department. This is America how is it even
possible that you can have entire depts. made up of one ethnic
What I am glad of is that the in coming administration has gotten this dialog going again the H1 program got started with NAFTA and yes that was then and this is now


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7 minutes ago, chinnabhai said:

January 11, 2017 at 10:05 am, James Brown said:

Slap a 35% tariff on Apple and abolish h1b visas and associated visas that deprive Americans of jobs and income.



January 11, 2017 at 10:17 pm, sam sneed said:

the H-1B is GENOCIDE for American Software engineers who get underbid by people who often have fake degrees and resumes and who CHEAT



January 12, 2017 at 12:42 am, Mark Edwards said:

With over 30 million green cards issues in the last eleven years, over 700,000 H-1B workers currently in the country, an even larger number of L-1’s here, and OPT’s with no limits, reforming the jobs-related visa system is long overdue.



January 12, 2017 at 6:27 am, H1B(S) said:

Good, send these cowards and opportunists back to fix their own country, especially if their country is India or another Middle East cesspool. Trump and Sessions are trying to fix the mess that the liberals in Sillycon Valley have made. And shut down these fraudulent IT Indian scam consultancies and fraudulent scam recruiters too.



January 12, 2017 at 6:29 am, Big Dawg said:

This is good news. 94 million people out of the work force. We don’t need to import foreign workers we just need to retrain the ones that are already here.



January 12, 2017 at 6:46 am, Jc said:

Trump should take a closer look at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Their entire companies are crawling with H1B visa holders they pay less. I was recently let go because I made more than them as a citizen of the US. Seriously? Most people of other races other than India are shocked when they go to work there. It’s Little India.



January 12, 2017 at 6:55 am, RM said:

More power to Trump. I lost my job to a H1B Visa Engineer. The Tech Engineer who took my Engineering position is from the same village in India, as my then Manager. Gee, nothing wrong there. Kill the H1B Visa program.



January 12, 2017 at 7:13 am, Out of work tech guy said:




January 12, 2017 at 7:22 am, Pmnwork said:

If the US citizens aren’t job ready then why do the Indians steal our resumes and pursue degrees from US universities.



January 12, 2017 at 7:24 am, J Black said:

Isn’t dice.com Indian owned and operated?



January 12, 2017 at 7:46 am, R said:

We all know that it’s a cost incentive.I’ve been at multiple companies where the company directive is to NOT hire us citizens.
Most of the companies I have consulted at have groups in india.Sadly for the most part this lower income skill is inadequate in comparison to higher paid skills in the USA.
There is also a scam where larger companies wish to recruit and put on advertisement near bogus or completely ridiculous advertisements and then apply for visa worker.

IMHO, the visa program should be completely illuminated but companies are allowed to employ from out of country but only directly and not as part of the 1099/h1b scam.



January 12, 2017 at 7:51 am, Joe Brix said:

Only very large projects can move entirely off shore. Then you hear these large projects fail as all the requirements that need to be gathered and translated gets lost or pieces missed when they’re sent off shore. The current 65K salary requirements are a joke as I’ve seen many H1-B’s making far less. Bottom line: corp america wants minimum wage tech workers. Stop treating us like migrant farm workers and enforce the rules!



January 12, 2017 at 7:56 am, kp said:

The California, once again, wants to take advantage of other states, and grasp all the talents to their area, whether to keep a talent or not should never only based on salary, but the industry, but the company (how could startups hire so many 100k??), but how many Americans are hired in the company, shame on Calif!



January 12, 2017 at 8:07 am, Jelly Fish said:

America can only “scrap” the h1-b visa and the workforce that comes with it if they have the right people with the right skill set to replace them. If not, then they will be digging themselves into a hole.

Maybe the US should focus on better education or reduce the ridiculous amount students have to pay for higher education (to encourage more applicants) and help people acquire the right skills to take on tech, and health jobs.

A person who studies communication and English isn’t prepared to be a developer or be an RN.



January 12, 2017 at 8:17 am, Harish Kumar said:

Being born and educated in US I fully support Trumps plan as most of the Indian firms cheat the system badly as I have worked with most of the IT companies. They would keep 1-2 US citizen rest cheap Indian engineers to make fool of the system. Most of the recruiting firms are also Indian firms and they have brought so much corruption in the system. Each H1B needs to be investigated.



January 12, 2017 at 8:23 am, Monika said:

What about the J1 visa holders that come as trainees but are paid nothing for almost 2 years



January 12, 2017 at 8:38 am, Cranky Voter said:

The H1B visa is a scam. Hire an H1B instead of training Americans and reduce rates and wages. Companies would rather hire 2 or 3 H1B to replace 1 Highly qualified American. End the program and focus on training unemployeed Americans.



January 12, 2017 at 8:43 am, Faisal Ladak said:

L1 visas are hurting American jobs more than H1Bs. L1 workers are paid much much less than the H1s plus it is far more easy to secure L1 visas.

First, a solid technical screening system should be put in place to validate the competency of the candidates. We should not rely on the screening done by the petitioners.

Second, a continuous recruitment/survey process must be created that validates that the desired competency is actually “scarce” in USA.

Third, if the work is shipped offshore then a surcharge must be imposed on the businesses to achieve a balance in cost between a US worker and the foreign worker. Funds generate from this should be used for forward technical training of US Citizens.



January 12, 2017 at 8:44 am, HH said:

The whole “lack of qualified workers” claim is a smoke screen. At least where I was at, the company that was there for the knowledge transfer even admitted that most of the workers were of low technical skill. They’re following scripts, not actually thinking how to fix things. Issues that were resolved in 15 minutes, are now taking hours on bridge calls, for simple problems.



January 12, 2017 at 8:45 am, Denise Garner said:

Being in the IT industry for many years I have seen many of the IT jobs handed to H-1B individuals. Although many of these people are not as talented as US educated citizens. My last job was with a large telecommunication company and even though I did apply for a position – it was given to someone else – with a H-1B status.

Also, the department was mostly foreigners. And they were actually busing them into the company. Giving them laptops without securities, which they were able to take home. Being an American citizen I would have not been able to such a thing. Management at this company explained that they work off hours. Well that is insane – create 2nd shift and third shift and disallow them taking any data off site.

Also, they are paying more some of us who have been working in the industry for years and years. Also, companies like this one does not conduct sound background checks on the companies they are working with too.

Secondly, they use other American resumes – by changing the person name and replacing with their own. This is another slap in the face to us hard working Americans.

As Corporations who are here especially telecommunications, utility and other public services type companies we need to create a much better moderating system to ensure that cyber security of our nations infrastructure is safe for all Americans. This is very important as we move further into Globalization of the world. ,



January 12, 2017 at 8:50 am, wyattbiker said:

Ideally, we should have a more aggressive education in this country on technology to provide the talent. Enough lawyers and MBAs. I am against H1-B but we need to provide companies with talent or else they will move. Even tariffs will not work because will make the cost of goods more expensive.

I am glad it is a bipartisan issue.



January 12, 2017 at 8:59 am, AbcTech said:

Ya’ll pretend like you have all the facts and are making a calculated and reasonable comment. I am sick of these pop comments taking over the Internet and spreading fake information. Anyone who has posted a comment above, tell me 3 things you know a out the H1B program. In fact, tell me 3 major points of Trump’s immigration policy.



January 12, 2017 at 9:07 am, Learned Idiot said:

All said – it’s all about demand and supply.
If no H1 then who will do that Job.

It’s same in case of Mexicans – who do you expect to do labor for infra development.
If one puts all Americans to replace H1s… who will do the road repairs (that front also Mr Trump wants to throw out Mexicans).



January 12, 2017 at 9:09 am, Stephen Van Osdell said:

it should’ve been ‘under fire’ long ago! In fact, it should have already been stopped except in extreme cases – like for people with PhD’s doing research with a long resume. And ‘foreigners’ can get small business loans that you and I could only dream about! That is why I can’t run a motel on the interstate and ‘they’ can, and why I can’t run a convenience store, but ‘they’ can!



January 12, 2017 at 9:10 am, SA said:

Why are there so many indians recruited in the IT firms in US? India is one country which produces engineers in such large numbers year on year. And Indians work for lower payscale. Like someone mentioned here, if all the indians are sent back, US better be ready for another economical crisis. The higher education system is so expensive here that the Americans hardly get to graduate in a Bachelor’s. Without bringing reforms to help Americans get education with reasonable expenditure, it makes no sense to shun H1-B working population from working in the US.



January 12, 2017 at 9:24 am, 2DegreeSoftwareguy said:

I thought Healthcare IT was invincible. H1-b’s turned my industry upside-down. They cheat on interviews, work in silos, and underbid american it workers. Then laugh at america. Eight years of dancing and singing. Time to get tough. Oh let’s not get started on India staffing or cold calling garbage…



January 12, 2017 at 9:33 am, Let there be Hope said:

Oddly enough, even our state governments prefer to use these workers. Productivity and effectiveness really needs to be included in the mix of reviews; not incentives to hire H-1B’s.



January 12, 2017 at 9:36 am, sorry Software Engineer said:

I have been telling people for years not to go into computer science for this reason. Jobs that are there are lower pay.



January 12, 2017 at 9:42 am, William said:

99% of “workers” from India LIE. They say they can do anything, even when they don’t understand the question asked. TCS and other Indian companies have completely destroyed the industry, while getting beyond RICH in the process. INDIA IS NOT OUR FRIEND, unless your idea of a friend is to come into your house and slowly steal all your valuables while distracting you and pretending to like you. I agree, it’s a CESSPOOL of a country. IMPOSE A 50% TARIFF ON ANY COMPANY MAKING THINGS OR DOING THINGS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. And for God’s sake, please KILL THE H1B PROGRAM ENTIRELY. It’s completely gutted and destroyed our foundation. Like a termite infestation, it has rotted the US from the inside out.



January 12, 2017 at 9:53 am, Kool said:

You are all immigrants!!! You took everything away from the native American Indians and committed genocide against them and now you are moaning because someone else is taking your jobs, boo bloomin hoo!



January 12, 2017 at 9:54 am, Robert Goshe said:

India is the biggest manipulator of H1 visa program destroying American jobs with inferior talent. Silicon valley’s landscape is completely changed by Indian workers at all job levels. There need to be a fair and balanced reform in the USA skilled workers Visa program



January 12, 2017 at 9:57 am, Fred Limmer said:

Current unemployment rate for the US is at 4.7% (you can argue that number all day, but it’s the official number from DoL so that’s what I’m referencing.) Most of that group represents the bottom of the worker barrel. That percentile of our workforce is not capable of doing the work that we’re bringing in H1Bs to do.

For positions that, unlike the job of “President of the United States”, require extensive education, experience, and a high level of skill and ability, we have to have a larger scope than just the 5% of the world’s population that lives in the USA.

US Companies aren’t just competing inside of America, they’re competing in the world economy. We can’t cripple American industry, and our position in the global competitive market by trying to only use our population to fill all possible job positions.

Every company in America that required those workers would simply move to another country that didn’t have that kind of limitation. That wouldn’t benefit anyone.



January 12, 2017 at 10:36 am, Glenn Allen said:

The H-1B program badly needs reform and ENFORCEMENT. Many of the rules are routinely ignored (if followed maybe wouldn’t be too bad). US citizens are supposed to have preference but in reality it’s the opposite. Ask any recruiter. There is an H-1B rate and a US citizen rate (illegal). It’s obvious when they are looking for H-1B’s. How can anyone contract at $40/hr (less than salary). Some of these folks exploit there own people.
Remember the ‘diversity’ movement? What a sham. Take a look at the IT departments of companies. Is this a diverse team? Does diversity mean no US citizens?
Penalties for violations should be stiff. Officials just look the other way.
Good luck all.



January 12, 2017 at 10:43 am, Arun Murthi said:




January 12, 2017 at 10:54 am, Glenn Allen said:

Last year I had a phone tech interview at Bloomberg. The hiring manager had a fairly strong accent and there were communication issues during the interview. I didn’t get the gig. I’m a senior professional and definitely could handle the job. Another candidate without those communication issues would definitely have an advantage in an interview. This is one reason why these teams start to look the same.



January 12, 2017 at 11:02 am, JohnDoe said:

First of all, if someone is willing to work for $1/hr and someone is willing to offer them the job, it is their own private business as long as there is no coercion. Take a look at the Constitution for God’s sake! What happened to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness?

All work visa programs, in addition to minimum wage laws wgich limits the access of foreigners (and American teenagers for that matter) to the labor market, give native workers a huge and UNFAIR advantage already. They are designed by the politicians to gain more votes at the expense of those who don’t even have a voice in this matter.
The fact that some people are still complaining about the situation speaks volumes.



January 12, 2017 at 11:29 am, SecondAttemptToPostAfterFirstDidntWork said:

I have run a software company. I have 18 years’ programming experience, and am completely self-taught. You don’t need a degree anymore. I have no degree, and my income has exceeded 100K many years ago. When it comes to hiring programmers, all we care about is how much experience you have. I have hired college graduates with no experience. It’s a complete joke. To test their competency level, I always give them some kind of task like: “here is an existing database. Here is a customers table. Just make a web based application that has a customer listing page, a customer detail page, and a customer edit page (or replace customer with whatever widget you like)”. No college graduate (with no work experience) I have hired as an employee or an intern, has ever completed that simple task. So the task ends up being a learning experience for the new hire. Let me state that these are people with Associates, Bachelors, and even Masters degrees. I say to them “I don’t understand, you went to school for 2, 4, 6 years (or longer). What the heck did your professors teach you?” First they tell me that most of their college years were spent learning about things that have absolutely nothing to do with their profession. Next they tell me that they learned how to program in all sorts of different languages, including cobol, fortran, and Qbasic (seriously). Basically the professor gives them assignments out of textbooks. The students are just data entry drones that type in the programs by copying them out of the books. A small army of students in a class, all making the same exact program, line for line, what a joke. So when these people come before me, they expect me to tell them how to write programs, line for line, because that’s what they are used to. They are not used to being given requirements. They have no concept whatsoever about architecture, OOAD, OOP, or best practices. When I say “I need you to build a program that does thing 1, thing 2, and thing 3… oh and by the way, you figure out how to do it on your own”, they look at me like I just told them to teleport themselves to the moon. Let me clarify by saying that these people that have worked for me, are all very intelligent, capable, and highly creative individuals. I humbly admit that many of them are more intelligent that I am, and have become more talented programmers. It’s not their fault that their school taught them nothing useful, that they wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years of their life on nothing. My point is this: Stop wasting your time on school. You want to compete with the h1b people? Stop whining. Step 1, buy a book and teach yourself whatever you need to learn. Step 2, go work for any company that will hire you, even as an unpaid intern if you need to. Step 3, extract every scrap of useful experience you can from that company, update your resume, then move on to the next company. Step 4, repeat. By doing this, you will gain years of experience, and your skillset will become extremely diverse. What, no one will hire you? B.S. Be willing to relocate. Be willing to take contract work. So you could not land that job because you have no experience with a particular technology? Then why don’t you throw up a website that uses that particular technology (now you have experience with that technology)? If you’re unemployed, then you have the time. Get a couple of your buddies together and work on a joint project, on nights and weekends. Make a stupid smartphone app. Who cares if it flops, now you have the experience. In programing, degrees are B.S., and experience is king.
That being said, our great country, the United States needs virtually nothing from the outside world, including IT talent. H1B is a complete screw job put into place by our corrupt government, under orders from special interests. I’m tired of people asking stupid questions like “what would happen if all these foreign workers disappeared”? What do you think would happen, genius? Badass American workers would step up and take the jobs. I did hire just a few H1Bs here and there, and did the whole sponsorship thing. For us, it was just merely a coincidence. The H1Bs we hired were just really the most talented people for the job out of the pool of candidates we were considering. It was a rare thing, and we paid the H1Bs what we would pay any other person. We also outsourced a little bit to India, and had fairly good results. Most recently, with a startup company I’m doing on the side, I have been working with a small dev team I put together in India. We had no choice. Look at Upwork.com. You can hire guys that have 5 years solid, proven experience, for like $10 per hour. No US programmers can compete with that. It’s the only way I can get this thing off the ground. So that means that I’m pumping cash into India, when I should be giving this cash to US programmers. Oh and I can tell you this, I don’t give two @#$% about what kind of college degrees these people have, if any. All I care about is their experience, skillset, feedback from jobs they have worked on, and number of billable hours under their belt. The experience can’t be faked either, because the money ran through upwork.com. That means that I don’t get screwed.
You probably hate me right now. You probably think that I am a hypocrite. I should not be able to do this. It’s just like the tax laws. I pay tax people to make sure that I pay the least amount of taxes possible. Ill dump $10,000 into a project just to avoid paying $1,000 in taxes to the government (out of pure spite), and it’s all 100% legal (believe me it is legal I check and double check the last thing I want to do is deal with the IRS). Just remember, income tax didn’t exist in this country until 1913. I should not be able to outsource to India like this. I should not be able to lower my taxable income like this.
What is the solution? The H1B should definitely go away. As for the thing on upwork.com, I’m not sure what to do about that. But as I said, I shouldn’t be able to do it. What about the taxes? Easy, just have a flat tax with zero deductions, or no income tax at all. Graduated income tax scales, combined with deductions are designed to confuse and screw the average Joe, while allowing a select few to pay virtually nothing. I pray that President Trump will do his best to eliminate as much of this corruption as possible, or at least shed light on it. I pray that he does not screw us over.
P.S. I am sorry for outsourcing to India. I feel a nagging from my conscious. I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel it’s wrong, but it’s the only way I can get this startup off the ground. I feel like I have betrayed my fellow Americans. I tell myself that I will use the proceeds from this new company to help people, and to help make America a better place, and that it will counter balance my outsourcing. That’s what I tell myself at least.



January 12, 2017 at 11:57 am, TA said:

As a recruiter for the past 18 years, I have seen our US IT citizens jobs go away in the spirit of “Outsourcing” and saving the client tons of money.
Look at India, US business open offices in order to recapture their US business from losing this business. So the business wins and the US employee looses, time after time.

Thank you Donald…. America First!



January 12, 2017 at 12:11 pm, H1B said:

Stop complaining about H1B, US don’t even have enough tech resources who can take these job.
1st try to come out of MCD and Tacobell, get some degree and the raise your voice



January 12, 2017 at 12:29 pm, John Due 2 said:

All Indians or H1b techs working in US almost the salaries 50% off. If anyone hired from US 100% with perks.(401k, Medical,Tax and etc) too many burdens to a company, this is the reason for H1b.Mainly American companies going abroad.



January 12, 2017 at 12:48 pm, Stephen Van Osdell said:

50% off for Indians? That is simply NOT SO! We have many of the wives here where I work (remember – husband gets H1B means wife almost automatically gets one too! At prime child bearing age no less). The wives look for the ‘secondary’ contract jobs. They are making about the same here (big company) as a native born person would. For example, $32-35/hour contract position here is what they make. I know, I have to hire and train them!



January 12, 2017 at 1:00 pm, Re posting as it doesn't post, sorry if you see this multiple times said:

Good, kill the H1B program! Then most of the IT companies will shift their base to India and America will be at loss. Indians pay huge amounts of Taxes to government and US Colleges are making lot of money from students that com every year from abroad. If you really want to save the jobs for American citizens, ask them not to drop out from schools and colleges and work hard like Indians or other immigrants do. Indians are ready to work over time and are committed to work unlike most Americans who demand more money but aren’t ready to work beyond 8 hours even when situation demands. I have seen this as I work in IT. Americans could be talented but its very hard to get work done by an American. Their priority would be to go home and wash their dog’s ass than staying at work place for few more hours. I totally agree there are few companies that are misusing the system but that doesn’t mean you will blame the entire system. You will not kill yourselves when you have a disease but you fight it with medicines. Try to find the corrupt people and save Americans jobs and even jobs of other immigrants who are genuine and talented.Yes, I really wish the H1B program to be killed so that most companies would shift to India and most of the immigrants needn’t stay away from families. Unfortunately, along with few fake people, there are many talented people who are contributing to US economy. I want all these to go back to their countries and contribute there rather than to a country of racists and who had histories of genocide. CEOs of the big companies like Google and Microsoft are Indians and products of prestigious institutes in India. Most of the Indian origin Americans in US today are Doctors and Engineers and Lawyers contributing to the US economy. US people are forgetting that man power is needed for any country to thrive and which US is in short of. Immigrants are an asset to your country.Your politicians know that better which is why they welcome immigrants in spite of what ever you shout or write.



January 12, 2017 at 1:04 pm, Jhon said:

Phok H1B visa, Educate our kids on how do $hit and hire them rather than hiring a stinky Indian or a communist Chinese kid… do it Drumph, this could be the only good thing you would do for this country !



January 12, 2017 at 1:15 pm, Stuart522 said:

I work in medical device / pharma field, there are so many Indians that will work for peanuts under cutting American workers, these are 6-figure jobs, and most are young 20-somethings, who know nothing about the job they are hired to do. but they will work for less than qualified Americans….
Get rid of H1-B visas-yes, but also 6 years of working after going to college here, they never leave!



January 12, 2017 at 1:20 pm, John Due 2 said:

I’m not blaming anyone only I explained the reality in US what is happening to US workres.



January 12, 2017 at 1:25 pm, IT Professional said:

Yes, stinky Indian or a communist Chinese is definitely better than STD infected, drug addicted, serial killer and most lazy Americans. That is why educate your kids. Who is stopping you? Indians and Chinese are getting paid for their hard work. Ask your kids to learn from us. I wish there is a filter on these comments so that only people with a minimum college degree could comment and not where every drop out would comment who hardly knows about politics or economics or anything about the world. I am only referring to few Americans, not all. I do have some wonderful American friends.



January 12, 2017 at 2:07 pm, Barbara said:

This is GREAT NEWS! I was laid-off from my job at Kaiser Permanente (Obamacare) and two of my direct report’s (Indian HB-1 visa (making over $100,000 each) took my position. Just not the title.
Kaiser calls it bending the cost curve!



January 12, 2017 at 2:20 pm, Reality Check said:

1)In the most technologically advanced country with access to the best resources in the world, how many Americans actually graduate from high school?

2)In the richest country in the world, how many Americans are able to afford college and actually attend college?

3)In the country with the best universities, how many freshmen year students choose to major in Engineering, Math or Computer Science?

4) In a country with the best graduate and research programs, how many of these STEM majors go on to do a Masters or a PhD in their chosen field?

5) In a country with the most advanced trailblazing technology companies how many of the kids who got a STEM education choose to do engineering/technical jobs instead of finance, business, accounting kind of professions after graduation?

6) How many of them are willing to relocate to the hubs of technology innovation such as Silicon Valley, New York, Seattle or Austin rather than stay close to home in places such as Columbus,OH, Des Moines, IA, or Kansas City, Mo?



January 12, 2017 at 2:51 pm, LargeSoftwareCompanyExFlunky said:

Trump is focusing on cutting down the H1b’s, which are capped at 65K/year. This should help a tiny bit, but I haven’t heard anything in the news about the much larger source of job losses … from the larger tech companies that all have Dev Centers in Hyderabad or Bangalore employing 50-60 thousand workers each.

I used to work for Oracle and most of the internal job board postings were for Indian positions. Even if this issue was to become Trump’s focus after the H1B’s, not sure how he would even address it…. it isn’t like he can impose a tariff on goods produced and exported back to the US, since it’s all R&D work & assigning a value will be very difficult.



January 12, 2017 at 3:43 pm, Scott Lee said:

We should be seeing less of this going forward:
Minimum Requirements Needed for H1-B Visa Sponsorship:
• Four years Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent
• Able to communicate well both verbally and in written.
• Having good knowledge of one or a combination of the above technologies.
• The candidates who are currently on H4/F1/L1/L2 and seeking H1B are highly preferred.

Please contact to Ravi for more details; 949-531-6124



January 12, 2017 at 3:53 pm, Stephen said:

Key phrases with VERY broad interpretation -> ‘OR Equivalent’! and ‘having good knowledge of….’. Very Broad and easy to get around. Also, if I post my highly respected resume online, I will get hundreds of emails from Indians representing TATA!



January 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm, Steve said:

It will be interesting to see what Trump actually accomplishes. Perhaps his import tariffs can be applied to software products that have been off-shored by USA companies. I find agreement with many of the comments already posted here, but I am restraining myself today so that my posting actually gets posted.



January 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm, james said:

Make America Great Again by sending these all H1b’s back to their countries.



January 12, 2017 at 3:57 pm, Joe Doe said:

i agree with most of the mud thrown at the H-1B program.Apple,Verizon,
all are killing america.I interviewed for a role and the lady conducting the phone interview barely spoke english.The whole process was a joke.

I did not vote for Donald Trump,Mr Trump makes this happen I will be first to cast my 2020 vote.The folks who are talking about not being able to find folks who are skilled you are looking hard enough,or making the process too layered with questions that has NOTHING to do the the day to day.

I recently worked on a project that was 18 months behind and millions of dollars over budget, The outsourced dev team was the same guys/girls who had worked on the platform in India.I remember having lunch with one of the team members who joked about transparency with the americans.

So we all lose, companies could invest more in the S.T.E.M program on the middle school level and not be so quick to push baby boomers to the door.
Let’s not make this a “them vs us” issue, as a indian born in america i lose too.



January 12, 2017 at 3:58 pm, Abhinav said:

Might be indian companies or H1 holder get hurt with this.

Me being h1 worker supports reformation in clause

Now IT industry is getting mature and older day by day, during the start of this sector you might be looking for highskill labour, but now trend is changing. Lottery system should have new parameters come up like
Min year of experience should b 7 with Bachelor degree
Or 4 with masters degree

Person working on H1 or L1 should pay 5% extra federal tax to govt.

If you are doing masters in USA, you must score a minimum pointers to apply for H1 lottery, else study and leave.

This way people will understand America is only bringing talent into home not garbage.



January 12, 2017 at 4:44 pm, Mars2k said:

Wow where to start, I personally have gone into interviews in good faith with good credentials only to face 2 or more H1b visa holders whose only intention was to pass me over for another H1b holder. Big overseas consulting companies shipping these people in from India have undercut my technology sector to the point of taking over altogether. I have seen large firms whose IT departments have become run entirely by foreign nationals.
This visa program has been abused and has been used to drive wages down. These visa holders compete directly with American technology workers for good jobs.
Why aren’t we retraining Americans for these jobs instead of bringing in untrained overseas replacements under H1b?
What about all the family members they bring in that are not skilled?



January 12, 2017 at 5:00 pm, Kym said:

I want to second what Barbara says about Kaiser with my story I worked on a project for Kaiser 10 years ago on a 2 year project I found a full time job and was there until 2015
Once again on the job market of course recruiters started calling me about jobs at Kaiser but get this the pay rate they were offering was 20 to 30 percent less than what I was making 10 years ago
How is this even possible … I’ll tell you how it seems that most of the tech jobs are being held by H1 and Kaiser offers a low rate and then when people like me will not take the job because of the very, very low pay this they feel is an excuse to make sure that they only hire only H1 candidates
This goes on with a lot of the larger companies and I’ve found that the larger companies are the ones that are looking for that H1 person that they can pay the 20 to 30 percent lower then the market rate
Are these people just as good or better at their jobs?
Most of the time I would say no…I’ve had to correct a lot of mistakes because of the language barrier. I have said before through the years that any employer that can go through their company and find that in any department one ethnic group should seriously fire their HR department. This is America how is it even
possible that you can have entire depts. made up of one ethnic
What I am glad of is that the in coming administration has gotten this dialog going again the H1 program got started with NAFTA and yes that was then and this is now


ee site edhi 

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This is the best comment out of these .... from Indian about he Indian friend 



January 25, 2017 at 2:52 am, wonderKid said:

Yes, all you folks commenting are right. I am from India, I have friends in US who did masters in Civil engineering and started working in IT. He knows about computers or software development. He is struggling but the consultancy hired him keeps him on contract basis and renewing it every 3 months. Now its been 5 years he is been there and another 2-3 years he will be eligible for green card. Once that happens, you won’t be able to do anything. Good luck America!

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Mana telugu valla goppathanam vidamarchi mari cheputhunna maro animuthyam


January 23, 2017 at 12:28 pm, IndianWhoSeestruth said:

hi Stephen,
I completely agree with you. I am sorry ( from the bottom of my heart ), as an Indian, since I personally see the systemic as well as systematic abuse of these visas. India might not be the only country doing it but they do lead it from the front. H1BForAll does not understand the fact that even if 30K falsified H1s and another 40-50K falsified L1s enter the system, over the last 10 years, that is significant given that they bring their families along with them.
By the way, Stephen, one community of Indians that are heavily involved in this are the Telegu community. Trust me they are 90% of the Indian populace. It is the single direct purpose of their lives to come to the US. Do you know the reason? They get humongous amount of money as dowry(bribe) when they marry if they work in the US. That money is in dollar millions most of the time. So the single objective of the Telegu young man is to come to the US and that destroys their moral radar since with a tunnel vision they come here. They dont want to assimilate. They create falsified resumes, they get help from the entire community if needed. I personally know of cases where Telegus have denied accidents after the reaching home, left apartments without paying due, put in more people than they should, created false resumes for their wives, overoccupy apartments and under report. They have been caught watching multiple movies at the price of a single ticket, duped women here, duped businesses. sorry for the rant. But it is entirely true

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9 minutes ago, sri_india said:

This is the best comment out of these .... from Indian about he Indian friend 



January 25, 2017 at 2:52 am, wonderKid said:

Yes, all you folks commenting are right. I am from India, I have friends in US who did masters in Civil engineering and started working in IT. He knows about computers or software development. He is struggling but the consultancy hired him keeps him on contract basis and renewing it every 3 months. Now its been 5 years he is been there and another 2-3 years he will be eligible for green card. Once that happens, you won’t be able to do anything. Good luck America!


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8 minutes ago, sri_india said:

Mana telugu valla goppathanam vidamarchi mari cheputhunna maro animuthyam


January 23, 2017 at 12:28 pm, IndianWhoSeestruth said:

hi Stephen,
I completely agree with you. I am sorry ( from the bottom of my heart ), as an Indian, since I personally see the systemic as well as systematic abuse of these visas. India might not be the only country doing it but they do lead it from the front. H1BForAll does not understand the fact that even if 30K falsified H1s and another 40-50K falsified L1s enter the system, over the last 10 years, that is significant given that they bring their families along with them.
By the way, Stephen, one community of Indians that are heavily involved in this are the Telegu community. Trust me they are 90% of the Indian populace. It is the single direct purpose of their lives to come to the US. Do you know the reason? They get humongous amount of money as dowry(bribe) when they marry if they work in the US. That money is in dollar millions most of the time. So the single objective of the Telegu young man is to come to the US and that destroys their moral radar since with a tunnel vision they come here. They dont want to assimilate. They create falsified resumes, they get help from the entire community if needed. I personally know of cases where Telegus have denied accidents after the reaching home, left apartments without paying due, put in more people than they should, created false resumes for their wives, overoccupy apartments and under report. They have been caught watching multiple movies at the price of a single ticket, duped women here, duped businesses. sorry for the rant. But it is entirely true

Oh my bro anil 

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Just now, Ekambaram said:

ee thokkalo DB lo chetha diso la tho sasthunnamu..inko DB lo chetta enduku saami...satha unnodu nilabadathadu lenodu padipothadu...anthe

Us lo sttakanna..luck ekkuva role paly chestadi bayya..ani na abiprayam

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1 minute ago, chinnabhai said:

Us lo sttakanna..luck ekkuva role paly chestadi bayya..ani na abiprayam

ade bhayya..ippudu aa luck days ayipoyayi..only satta plays role going fwd antunna

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Now you know who voted for DRRRUUMMPP?

ni pakka cube lo kurchunnavade, g mandi poyi vote guddi bayatiki chillary chillary ani anuntadu....

atla comment rasarante manchiga saduvkunnavare kada?

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