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Government reveals 100K visas were revoked by Trump order


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The Trump administration has revoked more than 100,000 visas under its temporary ban on travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries, according to The Washington Post. 

A government attorney revealed the number during hearing in a lawsuit filed on behalf of two Yemenis who arrived at Dulles International Airport but were sent back to Ethiopia due to Trump’s executive order. 

The attorney did not provide a specific number of visa-holders sent back to their home countries from the airport, located in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., according to the Post.

The White House has downplayed the order's effects on people in transit after chaos and protests erupted at airports around the country last Friday. 

Administration officials have repeatedly pointed to 109 people who were detained upon entering the U.S. immediately after the ban took effect. 

That figure only applied to people who were affected “very early on,” Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said this week. 

“I mean, it was the first day of the thing that evening. Of course, over time, that number would increase,” he told reporters.

As of Monday, more than 1,000 legal permanent residents had to seek waivers to gain entry to the country. 

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