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Annoying habits of Indian coworkers - old one but a good one


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Calling @Android_Halwa


We've had some Indian coworkers who transferred to our US office on L1 or H1B visas. Mind you, these are Indians straight out of India. Most Indian coworkers were either former college students who were hired here, or were immigrants who've been here for a while and have adapted to the US culture. 

But the ones straight out of India have some annoying habits. 

1) Compartmentalize work and private life. Work is work; just because I'm your coworker doesn't mean we're best friends. We're not - I have friends outside of work and I'm closer to them than most friends at work. I also keep my private life separate from work. So stop getting insulted if I am vague about what I did during the weekend or don't tell you more about the woman I am dating. 

2) The resources at work are intended to be used for work-related purposes. Sure, there's some abuse by Americans but they know there's a limit. So stop using the corporate printer to print out private material. Not only is it abusing company resources but do you really want to take the chance that some coworker gets to the printer before you do and sees personal information about you? 

Sending/receiving personal email to your work email is just asking for trouble. So is downloading all those Indian MP3 songs on the corporate PC. 

And I know calling India long distance is expensive but most companies do not allow you to call your family in India from your work phone line because you don't want to pay for the telephone bill. Some will even fire you for that. 

3) Don't ask me what my salary is or if I got a performance bonus. We don't do that in the US. Yes, you told me that back in the India office, everyone shares their salaries and such but we don't do that here. Don't get offended if I don't tell you and don't make the argument that I should reveal it because you're my friend. See #1 above. 

4) Labor costs more in the US. Therefore, US companies expect more from their employees here than in India. You can't loaf and IM with friends back in India for hours at a time. I surf the web here and there at work but I limit it, mainly because I always have something to do. 

If you notice, most Americans, even the Indian ones who've been here a while, are at their desk most of the time. They don't go around and socialize with everyone in the group for 2 hours every day. Yes, I saw that in the Indian office and I know the Indian culture emphasizes socializing in the office much more than in the US. But when in Rome, do as the Romans do. 

5) Just because Americans are trusting doesn't mean that they are gullible. Stop expecting that you will be a manager in 2 years. You have not shown yourself to be all that good. You should focus more on doing your job well rather than career ladder climbing. You actually need to show achievement, not just talk a good game and be sycophantic to the managers. You talked a good game but you've been here a year and you still don't have a very good grasp of our SW and our technologies. I've asked you to read the docs about our product and have a better grasp of our products. That's something you have to do on your own time. Don't ask me to teach it to you because I really don't have time. I'm not your private tutor. And I won't do your homework for you. Stop trying to take advantage of me and stop complaining that you expected better treatment from me because we are friends. 

Now developers in other groups are complaining about you because of your lack of technical knowledge. Isn't it ironic that the biggest complainers about you are your fellow Indians? Maybe they aren't as trusting as Americans because they are used to the Indian tendency to "shuck and jive" rather than be honest about their accomplishments. 

And stop complaining about how Americans are so unfriendly and unhelpful. Maybe that's because they see you as shifty and slick and having an ulterior motive. Americans are very helpful and friendly. But they don't like being taken advantage of. You need to stop acting like anyone not from your Indian ethnicity and caste is someone to take advantage of for your self-interest. 

6) Don't tell others at work that you got the company to sponsor you for a green card. Many Americans (including myself) resent that especially since there are Americans who could do your job. What's crazy is that you're a mediocre engineer and I know we could hire someone just as good as you who is an American (and I don't care what ethnicity they are, as long as they are a citizen or a legal resident). Don't take this as some validation that you're some indispensable worker from India because you're not. 

You shouldn't have gotten a green card. Some unemployed American programmer should have been hired instead.  @3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%

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15 minutes ago, tennisluvr said:

Calling @Android_Halwa


We've had some Indian coworkers who transferred to our US office on L1 or H1B visas. Mind you, these are Indians straight out of India. Most Indian coworkers were either former college students who were hired here, or were immigrants who've been here for a while and have adapted to the US culture. 

But the ones straight out of India have some annoying habits. 

1) Compartmentalize work and private life. Work is work; just because I'm your coworker doesn't mean we're best friends. We're not - I have friends outside of work and I'm closer to them than most friends at work. I also keep my private life separate from work. So stop getting insulted if I am vague about what I did during the weekend or don't tell you more about the woman I am dating. 

2) The resources at work are intended to be used for work-related purposes. Sure, there's some abuse by Americans but they know there's a limit. So stop using the corporate printer to print out private material. Not only is it abusing company resources but do you really want to take the chance that some coworker gets to the printer before you do and sees personal information about you? 

Sending/receiving personal email to your work email is just asking for trouble. So is downloading all those Indian MP3 songs on the corporate PC. 

And I know calling India long distance is expensive but most companies do not allow you to call your family in India from your work phone line because you don't want to pay for the telephone bill. Some will even fire you for that. 

3) Don't ask me what my salary is or if I got a performance bonus. We don't do that in the US. Yes, you told me that back in the India office, everyone shares their salaries and such but we don't do that here. Don't get offended if I don't tell you and don't make the argument that I should reveal it because you're my friend. See #1 above. 

4) Labor costs more in the US. Therefore, US companies expect more from their employees here than in India. You can't loaf and IM with friends back in India for hours at a time. I surf the web here and there at work but I limit it, mainly because I always have something to do. 

If you notice, most Americans, even the Indian ones who've been here a while, are at their desk most of the time. They don't go around and socialize with everyone in the group for 2 hours every day. Yes, I saw that in the Indian office and I know the Indian culture emphasizes socializing in the office much more than in the US. But when in Rome, do as the Romans do. 

5) Just because Americans are trusting doesn't mean that they are gullible. Stop expecting that you will be a manager in 2 years. You have not shown yourself to be all that good. You should focus more on doing your job well rather than career ladder climbing. You actually need to show achievement, not just talk a good game and be sycophantic to the managers. You talked a good game but you've been here a year and you still don't have a very good grasp of our SW and our technologies. I've asked you to read the docs about our product and have a better grasp of our products. That's something you have to do on your own time. Don't ask me to teach it to you because I really don't have time. I'm not your private tutor. And I won't do your homework for you. Stop trying to take advantage of me and stop complaining that you expected better treatment from me because we are friends. 

Now developers in other groups are complaining about you because of your lack of technical knowledge. Isn't it ironic that the biggest complainers about you are your fellow Indians? Maybe they aren't as trusting as Americans because they are used to the Indian tendency to "shuck and jive" rather than be honest about their accomplishments. 

And stop complaining about how Americans are so unfriendly and unhelpful. Maybe that's because they see you as shifty and slick and having an ulterior motive. Americans are very helpful and friendly. But they don't like being taken advantage of. You need to stop acting like anyone not from your Indian ethnicity and caste is someone to take advantage of for your self-interest. 

6) Don't tell others at work that you got the company to sponsor you for a green card. Many Americans (including myself) resent that especially since there are Americans who could do your job. What's crazy is that you're a mediocre engineer and I know we could hire someone just as good as you who is an American (and I don't care what ethnicity they are, as long as they are a citizen or a legal resident). Don't take this as some validation that you're some indispensable worker from India because you're not. 

You shouldn't have gotten a green card. Some unemployed American programmer should have been hired instead.  @3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%@3$%



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Yeah bro, nenu kuda ipude cinema ki vachina..inkosdisepatla katappa lolli telutadi

Manchi topic bhai...! Needs good discussion..will lift on monday

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