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genocides on hindus


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Massacre of Mathura 1018 Mahawan district, Mathura 50,000 Hindus The Hindu victims were killed by drowning or by using swords, the massacre was accompanied by the destruction of 1,000 temples in the district. [1][2]
Massacre at the Somnath Temple 1024 Prabhas Patan, Gujarat >50,000 Hindus After the slaughter, Mahmud of Ghazni proceeded to loot and destroy the Somnath temple. [3]
Massacre of Ajmer 1193 Ajmer, Rajasthan 100,000 Hindus By Muhammad of Ghor. [4]
Massacre of Gwalior 1196 Gwalior Fort 100,000 Hindus By Qutb al-Din Aibak. [5]
Massacre at Nalanda 1197 Nalanda district, Magadha approximately 10,000 Buddhist monks and students By Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji. [6]
Massacre of south Dehli 1265 South Dehli,

23px-Delhi_Sultanate_Flag_%28catalan_atl Delhi Sultanate

100,000 Hindu Rajputs of Mewat Almost all the Rajputs of Mewat were completely exterminated by Dehli Sultan Ghiyas ud din Balban during the massacre. [7][8]
Mass-killings by the Thuggee 1290s–1870s Indian subcontinent 500,000–2,000,000 people Roughly 600 years of this criminal operation was finally obsolete after suppressed by the British colonial authorities of India after the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people killed and robbed by the Thuggee. [9]
Massacre at Ranganathaswamy Temple 1323 Srirangam, Pandyan dynasty 12,000 Hindus 12,000 Hindus gathering at or around the temple were slaughtered by Muhammad bin Tughluq's soldiers. [10]
Mass killings in Bengal by Firuz Shah Tughlaq 1353–13?? Bengal 180,000 Hindus Firuz Shah paid for the 180,000 heads of Hindus massacred by his soldiers. [11]
Massacres around Vijayanagara 1366 districts surrounding Vijayanagara,

Vijayanagara Empire

500,000 Hindus A total of 500,000 Hindus were massacred in all the districts surrounding Vijayanagara by the Bahmani Sultanate soldiers. In Raichur Doab alone, 70,000 Hindus regardless of age were massacred by the army of the Bahmani Sultanate, not even pregnant women were spared. The districts were turned to waste after they were destroyed. [12][13]
Timurid mass-killings in Haryana 1398 Haryana,

23px-Delhi_Sultanate_Flag_%28catalan_atl Delhi Sultanate

>4,500,000 Hindus Timur himself admitted that every soldier in his army killed from 50 to 100 Hindu men, women and children in Haryana. As timur had a replenisable supply of 90,000 soldiers during the invasion, we can conclude that Timur's soldiers killed more than 4.5 million people in Haryana by using the minimum number of Hindus killed by each soldier multiplied by the Timur's average number of soldiers. [14][15]
Timurid massacre of Bhatner 1398 Bhatner fort,

23px-Delhi_Sultanate_Flag_%28catalan_atl Delhi Sultanate

unknown (the whole population of the fort) The entire population living in the fort was killed by Timur's army after its capture. [16]
Timurid massacre of slaves December 1398 Loni, Ghaziabad,

23px-Delhi_Sultanate_Flag_%28catalan_atl Delhi Sultanate

100,000 women and children slave captives Before the battle of Delhi commenced, Timur ordered his soldiers kill the 100,000 captives they caught due to their incapability of supporting the large number of slaves. [17]
Timurid massacre of Dehli 1398 Dehli,

23px-Delhi_Sultanate_Flag_%28catalan_atl Delhi Sultanate

>150,000 Non-Muslims In Timur's own words, "Excepting the quarters of the sayyids, the 'ulama and the other Musalmans (Muslims), the whole city was sacked". The skulls of the massacred victims were piled up to form pyramids in the city. After the massacre ended, the few remaining survivors either died of famine and disease or were enslaved. [18][19][20]
Timurid massacre of Meerut 1399 Meerut,

23px-Delhi_Sultanate_Flag_%28catalan_atl Delhi Sultanate

300,000 Hindus The massacre took place due to the people of Meerut beating one of Timur's soldiers to death for raping a Hindu woman. [21][22]
Masssacre of Khanwa March 1527 Khanwa,

23px-Drapeau_Udaipur_Mew%C3%A2r.png Udaipur State

200,000 Hindus 100,000 Rajput prisoners and another 100,000 innocent bystanders were massacred by Babur. [23]
Masssacre of Ghara 1560 Garha-Katanga Kingdom (now Narsinghpur district) 48,000 Hindu peasants and Rajputs Ordered by Emperor Akbar. [24]
Massacre of Vijayanagara 1565 Vijayanagara,

Vijayanagara Empire

>100,000 Hindus More than 100,000 civilians who didn't leave the city were all massacred by the soldiers of the Deccan sultanates. Besides this, widespread destruction of Hindu temples and buildings also took place in the city, destroying most of the large temple centres. [25][26]
Siege of Chittorgarh February 1568 Chittor Fort,

23px-Drapeau_Udaipur_Mew%C3%A2r.png Udaipur State

30,000 Akbar ordered the massacre of civilians for helping the fort's resistance. After 8,000 Rajputs were slain, every single one of their 8,000 wives committed suicide after they were going to being enslaved. [27]
Mass-killings of non-Muslims by Emperor Aurangzeb Somewhere during 1618–1707 Mughal Empire 4.6 million people The mass killings happened during the reign of Aurangzeb who ordered one of the strongest campaign of religious violence against non-Muslims in the Mughul Empire's history, with an estimated 4.6 million people massacred and killed. One such incident that took place was when Aruangzeb massacred 150,000 Brahmins and their families in Benares, Ganga ghat, Haridwar, etc. Aruangzeb later made a mountain of skulls of the Hindu Brahmins and their children which was visible from 10 miles away in certain places. [28][29]
Massacres during Nader Shah's invasion of the Mughal Empire 1738–1740 Northern India,

Mughal Empire

300,000 people Persian invaders massacre Indian civilians [30]
Sikh holocaust of 1746 1746 At and around Lahore 7,000  
Massacres after the Battle of Panipat 1761 Panipat, Haryana,

23px-Flag_of_the_Maratha_Empire.svg.png Maratha Empire

40,000-70,000 Maratha soldiers About 22,000 Maratha women and young children enslaved by the Afghans [31][32]
Sikh holocaust of 1762 1763 Punjab 25,000-30,000 About around 1/3 of Sikh population exterminated. Perpetrated by Afghan Muslims.  
Mangalore Christian massacre 1784–1799 Srirangapatna,

23px-Flag_of_Mysore.svg.png Kingdom of Mysore

5,600 Christians Persecution of Mangalore Catholic Christians by Tippu Sultan [33]

Colonial India[edit]

Name/Place Date Location Deaths Notes Ref
Goa Inquisition 1560–1812 (252 years) Goa, 23px-Flag_of_Portugal.svg.png Portuguese India Tens of thousands of non-Catholic Goans Wholesale massacres of Hindus, Muslims, non-Catholic Christians and Jews by Portuguese inquisitors, thousands of women were raped and 300 Hindu temples were destroyed. [34]
Massacres by General Neill June–July 1857 Allahabad, Kanpur and surrounding areas, 23px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_CompCompany rule in India Thousands of Indian mutineers, suspected rebels and civilians The massacres at Allahabad took place before the Bibighar massacre; the ones at Kanpur after it [35]
Delhi Palace, peepal tree massacre 16 May 1857 Delhi, 23px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_Comp Company rule in India ~ 40 - 52 Europeans Bahadur Shah's palace servants executed the European civilians captured in the previous day's riots.  
Siege of Cawnpore, 5–25 June 1857 Cawnpore, 23px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_CompCompany rule in India ~ 1,000 Europeans soldiers, merchants, engineers, their wives and children, along with the East India Company sepoys, who were either Christian or refused to mutiny, and join Nana Sahib  
Satichaura Ghat massacre 27 June 1857 Kanpur, 23px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_Comp Company rule in India ~ 200 British officers Massacre by Nana Sahib's forces [36]
Bibighar massacre 15 July 1857 Kanpur, 23px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_Comp Company rule in India ~ 200 British women and children The victims were prisoners under Nana Sahib's forces. The massacre was carried out by a group of butchers, but who ordered it remains unclear. [37]
Massacres of Indians during the Indian Rebellion of 1857 1857–1859 23px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_Comp Company rule in India >100,000 to 10,000,000 Indians (mostly civilians) Due to military orders and of widespread massacres and revenge killings of both Indian civilians and captured rebels. In Oudh alone, 150,000 Indians were killed of whom 100,000 were civilians. Places such as Dehli, Allahabad, Kanpur and Lucknow were met with general massacre after they were recaptured by British troops. [38][39][40]
Kuka (Namdhari) massacre at Malerkotla 17–18 January 1872 Malerkotla, Punjab, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.pngBritish Raj ~ 65 Kuka (Namdhari) Killed Mr. Cowan (the Deputy Commissioner of Ludhiana) and Mr. Forsyth (the Commissioner of Ambala) ordered the Namdharis to be blown away with guns, without any trial, on 17 and 18 January 1872 respectively. [41]
Jallianwala Bagh massacre 13 April 1919 Amritsar, Punjab, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.pngBritish Raj 379-381 dead, ~1,100 mostly Sikhs, some Muslims and Hindus injured Reginald Edward Harry Dyer ordered a unit of the British Indian Army to open fire on a unarmed, nonviolent group of protesters, along with Baishakhi pilgrims.  
Moplah Rebellion 1922 Malabar, Kerala, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.pngBritish Raj 2,337-10,000 Hindus (1,00,000 Hindus permanently migrated). Khilafat Movement considered as main cause.  
Qissa Khwani Bazaar massacre 23 April 1930 Peshawar, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png British Raj 1 British Indian Army dispatch rider, and ~ 20 - 230 protesters After a British Indian Army despatch rider was killed and burned in the Bizarre two armoured cars were ordered to drive in and open fire on the protesters.  
Culcutta Riots 15 August – 17 September 1946 West Bengal, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png British Raj 7,000 to 10,000 Hindus and Muslims. Hindus and Muslims clashed during a protest by All India Muslim League [42]
Noakhali riots September–October 1946 East Bengal, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png British Raj 5,000 Hindus By Muslims in reaction to Culcutta killings. Muslim community attacked Hindu community for wealth and forced conversion to Islam. Around 50,000 to 75,000 survivors were sheltered in temporary relief camps [43][44][45]
Bihar Massacre 30 October – 7 November 1946 Bihar, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png British Raj 2,000-30,000 Muslims By Hindus in reaction to Noakhali riots [46]
Garhmukteshwar Anti-Muslim Violence November 1946 United Provinces, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.pngBritish Raj at least 214 Muslims partition of the country into India and Pakistan loomed. [47]
Partition of India 14–15 April 1947 Punjab, Dehli and Sindh, 23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png British Raj, 23px-Flag_of_India.svg.pngDominion of India and 23px-Flag_of_Pakistan.svg.pngDominion of Pakistan ~ 200,000 - 2,000,000 people

Massacre of Sikhs and Hindus by Muslims in West Punjab and of Muslims by Sikhs and Hindus in East Punjab. The communal violence resulted in the murder of 20,000-25,000 Muslims in Dehli by Hindus. UNHCR estimates 14 million were displaced by the violence.





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E Desa charitra chusina
E munnadi, garva karanam?
Nara Jaathi charitra samastham
Parapeedana parayanatwam


Vaishamyam, Swardhaparatwam
Koutilayam, eershyalu, spardhalu
maayalatho, maaruperla tho
charatragathi niroopinchinavi

Chengiz Kahn, thamarlenu
Nadirshaw, Ghajni, Ghori
Sinkandaro evadaithe nem?
Okkokkadu maha hantakudu

- sri sri maha prasthanam

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Hindus have been oprressed and killed in our own land..!

inthakante anyayam ekada jaragadu lokam la..exodus,partition,genocide..anni ayinai..inkemi migalaledu..

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4 minutes ago, Android_Halwa said:

Hindus have been oprressed and killed in our own land..!

inthakante anyayam ekada jaragadu lokam la..exodus,partition,genocide..anni ayinai..inkemi migalaledu..

Upper caste scum ki idi jaragalsinde antunnadu @lazybugger

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24 minutes ago, Android_Halwa said:

Hindus have been oprressed and killed in our own land..!

inthakante anyayam ekada jaragadu lokam la..exodus,partition,genocide..anni ayinai..inkemi migalaledu..

ante jews okkate manshulu so vallu manakante takkuva numbers la sachina adi holocaust ani world history la sadivistaru and nazis are bad because its just an ideology antaru.

mari mana secular muslim mehmaanlu chesindi 80million hindus mida was just invasion anta so adi holocaust kindaki lekka radu ani sambar secular alt-pseudo left liberal singapore bapath canada jumping japang thambi telling knoooooo

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1 minute ago, Hercules said:

ante jews okkate manshulu so vallu manakante takkuva numbers la sachina adi holocaust ani world history la sadivistaru and nazis are bad because its just an ideology antaru.

mari mana secular muslim mehmaanlu chesindi 80million hindus mida was just invasion anta so adi holocaust kindaki lekka radu ani sambar secular alt-pseudo left liberal singapore bapath canada jumping japang thambi telling knoooooo

partition apudu sachipoina public, lekkalenantha..estimated 1.5 million...evadu ekadiki vellalo,ela vellalo telvaka..tindi leka, nikku leka..vunnavi anni vidichesi, evadu teliyaka, evadu leni degariki poi malla bratuku shuru chesina bratukulu, mana desham la vuntu, ediki pokunda poinam bhai...history lo aina largest human mass migration ide...nothing less than genocide, its just that no one killed but the actions killed 1.5 million people..

wiped off the faces of entire regions..tarvata kasmir exodus antaru, bengal antaru...kani, danikante darunam jarigindi 1947 partion..but no one cares about it..

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21 minutes ago, tennisluvr said:

Upper caste scum ki idi jaragalsinde antunnadu @lazybugger

ante upper castes lower caste dalits ni oppress chestunaru ani muslim liberators vachi andarki oke sari band bajayincharu and its completely justified you knowww, anduke ga bollywood la kani, leka india la common muslim kani aurangazeb, timur ali khan lantollu devudlu ga pujistaru iyala kuda. 

aa genocides chesina valle court poets, historians tho idi allah kosam kafirs mida chesina great deeds and maku dakkina adrushtam ani golden words rayisthe , ipdu muslims or islam is/was reason ante bigots/alt-right hindutva radicals, mudi bhakhts, secularism lanti pedda pedda dialogues vastay.

okka muslim gadni evado tughlaq gadu cow ni sampi nanduku lynch cheste motham burkha dutt batch anta digi langalu jacketlu chinchukuntaru mari history lo clear ga rasina 80 million hindu deaths mida okka pundakor mundakoduku matladadu enduku ante hinduvulu mlyechyulu kada according to the pedophile mohammedd.

valla facade ni tear chesi ila open ga truth gurinchi matladte matram bigots aytaru ade saudi lo manshulni road mida talalu kukkal laga narkuthe matram shariat insaniyath islamiyath khuda ka qubl

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