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Why I'm so hopeful for the future.


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simple. because young people today (15-24 yr olds) are so much more open to new ideas, and are assertive about their rights and mindful of other's rights, than a decade ago when I was that age.

One particular message from a social network I'm part of triggered this optimism. Its from GNUSocial, that runs several "instances" that users can start/join and interact across. Resembling a Federation of nations.

The message was:

Did you know the instance at "twitter.com" doesn't federate at all with any other instance? so rude!

Did you know the instance at "twitter.com" doesn't federeate at all, with any other instance? So rude!

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I just hope reality doesn't hit these kids the way it hit their predecessors.

There's something special about the kind of irreverence that passes for acceptable in campuses these days (not the social sciences dept).

May be few generations down the line, a bunch of these 'kids' will force humanity to change the way it looks at itself.

That's one good reason to start having kids. And not teach them the same old bullshit that you took everyday.

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This is not revolution in the traditional sense. There's no anger at any perceived injustice.

Just derision at the current structure.

So much to learn from these kids.

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