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Interesting read.. interview with women behind debonair blog


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[VoxSpace Exclusive] Debonair : The True Story Behind The Biggest Porn Website Of India

Posted on June 12, 2017 by VOX THEFOX

Chapter one – Sai Kripa Boys Hostel, Beside Red Rose café, Panjagutta

And there it is. The video. On the 37thpage of the “Indian Amateur Category”. My search has finally come to fruition. Just to be sure though, I click play on it. And well and true, the girl, the setup (a cracked cream painted wall) behind her, and of course, the incredible smile she has, everything is so unmistakable. The young, sharp face of the half-naked woman, has already been etched in my memory as clearly as the smell of a rain. I could identify her even in my sleep (even more so in my dreams). The giggle she gives out as she unbuttons her partner’s jeans is a vivid memory. One which I’ve seen plenty many times. Oh, come on. I’m a writer, and I’m allowed such morbid luxuries. To jerk off before I sleep, to the most beautiful woman I’ll probably ever see in any porn. Period. There’s no name to her. Just a weird title on Debonair, ‘Hot Hyderabad Girl Going Wild With Her BF’. She’s hot, hotter than any actress or model today. Hot, what a weird lame word to describe relatable beauty in its totality.

That’s the thing with Porn, isn’t it? What you see, the people, the settings, and the action are so relatable, that you imagine yourself in the act. Porn is a wonderful vehicle of harnessing human creativity and imagination. And when you are living alone in a room, with tasteless B grade music emanating from the room next door, and a half-filled plastic glass of an apple flavoured vodka for the company, watching porn is the only thing that seems productive. I think I’ve become an addict to porn. At least I’m not harming anyone…


Three Years Later: Pride Avenue, Jubilee Hills, Road No 81:

Today I meet with Pravallika Mohan. After a dozen odd emails, and other correspondence, and after paying 25,000 for her travelling expenses, she’s agreed to meet me, here and now, at a swanky looking bungalow, called Pride Avenue. As for the lady in question, how do I best describe her? Business-woman? Entrepreneur? Multi-millionaire? Perhaps each one of these words, go on to define distinct aspects of what she is, and more importantly, what she does. Now, if she is a multi-millionaire, why do I have to pay for her, right? Well, that and many questions are to be answered today, as I finally get to speak to Pravallika Mohan about her website, which is by all measures the most highly visited Porn portal in India, The Debonair.

By the time of publishing this article, we received threats from the other partners of Debonair website against going through with it. We were told that our accounts will be hacked and our porn browsing histories, sent to our colleagues and friends list. “We will fuck you up, and you’ll become a joke for everyone around you” is the exact message we received. “Ok” is all we replied, as we await their threat to come true

As I await her arrival, I see a small van, a Maruti Omni drive up to the gate. From it, a group of people come out, a crew of sorts, who hurriedly carry their heavy looking bags into the gate. The Omni driver who isn’t turning off the engine gives me a weird look from behind the steering wheel. As the crew goes clear, the Maruti Omni, drives back, and swiftly disappears down the road, with a thick cloud of black smoke trailing behind it. After a few minutes, I see another cab coming up. This time carrying my interviewee, Pravallika Mohan. She quickly steps out and says hello. She isn’t a smiling face, that is the first thing that struck me. She’s assured, confident (heck, arrogant) and extremely to- the-point, and that works brilliantly for me (I think).

We exchange niceties, the irrelevant travel details, and indulge in small talk, as She guides me into the vast looking bungalow, with a semi-lush garden and a broken fountain. The main door opens to an expansive hall, which is decorated with paintings that are classy and modern. I’m not much of an art admirer, and so what I was seeing, to me were beautiful but nameless.

We take the stairs at the end of the hall up to the first floor. Now this floor, as like the others that I visit later, is characterised with six to seven rooms. It is into one of these rooms, that we go and start talking behind the closed doors. She sits in a plush looking reclining chair, as I take the normal plastic one, picking out my notepad.

Ms Pravallika Mohan, you run the Debonair, which millions of users visit every day worldwide? Could you tell us the story behind it? As in, what prompted you to start this website, and how did you go about defining it? 

First of all, Mister, you will call me Madam, Madam Mohan. Understood?


Ok. So, when it comes to Debonair, we started this website in mid – 2002. We were supposed to be the first website which was delivering aggregated news in India. That was the idea, and the name we came up with is, SpiralScape. At that time, Yahoo, MSN and MySpace were the few websites where you could have good news on the internet. I had just completed my Masters in Philadelphia University in 2001 and was looking to start my own website which could feed news from different sources, like RSS, and bring it to your system. I was looking to bring a rival for MSN in India. In 2002, I had moved back to India, and started Debonair. Initially it ran well, but eventually, we were just bleeding out money, as Salary payments, high domain rates, aggregation charges and more. That’s when we started a sub-website which initially hosted just erotic blogs, semi porn videos etc. So that’s that.

When you say, gradually becoming a porn site, do you feel you didn’t have a choice or was it a voluntary decision to do so?

**, yes. Is this what you want to hear? Yes, we wanted to make a porn site from start and everything else is a lie..!! Is this what you want to hear?

Erm, No, Madam

Then. What’s that question? You think you can ask anything, and I’ll answer?

Madam, we can skip this question if you want

Yes. Be careful of what you are asking.


Yes. Could you talk about the people who founded it? In our research, we have found that there are three partners for Debonair? Could you explain their roles in the website?

Right. So, the whole website all over India is managed by three of us. Khalid Saab, who is a renowned businessman in Mumbai, Kishan Mehra who runs another few of our sites in Bangalore, and Myself. I’ve known Kishan from a long time, even before I started Debonair. We both had this idea to bring a news aggregating website, but due to financial problems, we couldn’t run it as I said. We were roommates in Hyderabad when I initially moved here. We were practically lovers, *** and working at the same time. It was great fun. Eventually, He married someone else, and therefore he had to move away to Bangalore. As for Khalid Saab, he has been our investor from the start. But to be true, I take care of all the things. Debonair is practically me.

Pravallika Mohan had spoken about something that she shouldn’t have. She mentioned her affair with Kishan Mehra which aggravated the concerned parties and made them warn us. It is also because of this statement, I think, that Pravallika ‘Madam Mohan’ went missing as on the day of bringing this article out, and so has another important person which we will meet in the later part of this article.

Madam, now that I understand a bit about the history of Debonair, Can I know the process involved in making an Adult movie? The scripting. Pre-production, Actors and Actresses etc?   

Do you want to jerk off? Here? Haha..Everyone is the same. Rather than telling you, how we make our movies, I’ll just take you to the sets next floor.

She walks to the door, and half opens it. She shouts out a name, and a boy hurriedly comes to her call. She speaks to him swiftly, in Tamil (which I cannot understand) and the boy runs away to fetch an older wrinkly person. “Rajesh Master”, she refers to him “He will take you through the set of one of our movies. I am super busy today. So, please do not disturb me if you have anything else to ask. Just drop me a mail, and I’ll see”. Not judging but doesn’t she come across as a tad too arrogant of what she’s doing. I have zero idea, as to what she’s arrogant about. But then I remember. For whatever she is, she still is someone who makes approximately 32 Crores per month. I guess she deserves to be a Dick in a Man’s world.

Chapter Two: The Making Of “NRI Bhabhi Can’t Get Enough Of Her Naughty Devar”

The green screen. The scent of cigarettes and of faint vodka. Like a famous filmmaker said many years ago “The Pungency in an artist’s room is directly proportional to the creativity flowing out”. And so, Rajesh Master asks me to sit on a stool in a corner, as he pulls up another while lighting up a cigarette. He offers me a puff, and you never deny a good drag, especially when your mind has been just ** up with what’s happening around. Moments later I see, Maria. And once again, I come to a loss of words to describe her. Tall and Lanky, this foreigner is every part a model as she is a porn star. She’s wearing a crop top and a roughed-up jean. An air of confidence about her makes her even more glamorous and diva-ish. The cameraman signals her, and she swiftly pours herself a peg of vodka. After she gulps it, amid seven men, she undresses to bare. She then climbs up the king-sized bed and drapes herself in a thick blanket.

All the lights go off, except for the shooting area, as the silver screens are used as reflectors to further brighten up the scene.

What is the shoot about her? And what can you tell me about this lady? She’s a foreigner clearly, so I’m curious to do you usually go with foreigners most of your productions?

No no no…She’s Maria. She comes from Jerusalem. Her story is simple. Visa problem. Like every other foreigner we have. Lights, we call them (as in the cigarettes). Girls from here are called Wides. These are their codes. We have above 300 lights in Hyderabad, and almost a thousand Wides. They do what they do, we pay them, they apply for Visa, they get back home. Simple. Same is the case with Maria. She came here for a trip to Goa, and got into an affair with a local boy. After a time, they even got married. Then, I don’t know why, He ran off with her luggage, money and Visa. The hotel, where she stayed, they wanted to kick her out, but we rescued her. We said, Look, you can get your Visa, but you need to pay, you know. And here she is.

As I conversed for a short while with Maria, later on, she confessed that she came here in July 2013. In few days, she had lost all her belongings, and was trapped into a nexus of drug trafficking by a fake FIR by someone. In desperation, she found solace in a ‘decent’ software engineer who brought her to Hyderabad. After living in with him for six months, in January 2014, they got married. The guy in months to come left her without a trace, with a bank loan of 9.5 lakhs on credit card Owings. It is in this situation she met with Kristin at a party, who in turn introduced her to Madam Mohan.


From your story, it looks like the guy who fled had some connection with you too, Master? When you say payback, how much are we talking about and how exactly would you procure her a Visa? 

Hmmm, I’ll tell you one story ok. There’s a Pani Puri stall near Madhapur Petrol bunk, you know? Very famous one. So, hundreds of people go there, and half of them fall sick in the next few days. And funny thing is, everyone knows about this, and people again go and again fall sick. The stall is constant. People are *** stupid. Do you blame the Pani Puri stall now? We didn’t ask these girls to come to Goa, Agra or Bombay. They did. They are responsible for *** up their lives in the name of adventure trips. The same goes with our website as well. We don’t ask people to come. Did you ever see banners on display of our site? People come because they cannot control their craving for watching sex. The Lights are here on their own. The consultancies won’t work here. And they don’t fit in any other type of work. They are useful for Sex. People like yourself, get your dick wild and wet, when you look at these girls, moaning and screaming.

It’s not Fair and Lovely that is making us crazy for the Angrez. It’s our porn choices.

Tell me if given a chance, wouldn’t you want to fuck the brains out her, right now? Answer this honestly and I’ll answer your next query (He drops to a whisper, as the Cameraman says action, and pans his camera to level with Maria’s half hidden thighs)

Yes. I would. 

See, that’s what I’m talking about. All of us are same. Some just wear formal shirts, and some roam around naked. 

So, Maria owes us, 7 lakhs. We have opened an account for her (with fake documents) and are saving her fee there, every month, after giving her some amount for her personal expenses. I can’t tell you how we get Visas. But we get them. That’s all.

I see a young well-built man enter the room and remove his shirt a foot behind the camera. It looks like he is awaiting a cue from the cameraman to enter the scene. He waits a few moments and as Maria slithers on the bed, in an inviting fashion, he slides onto the bed. On seeing him, the woman, The Firangi (foreigner) Bhabhi looks utterly appalled and goes red with embarrassment. The young man looks at her reassuringly, smiles and places a finger on her lips, as the camera rolls on. 

When we see porn, the basic question that runs through our mind is, Are they doing it for real? More so, what exactly is real and what is fake? Let’s say for example, in this shooting, can you tell me what are the elements which are fake?

Errrm. Ok. Let me see. How do I answer this? Nothing is fake, you see. Ok, so, we use different camera angles and editing tricks to do some things which may look extraordinary. For example, Yakub’s dick. There, you will see that when she starts blowing him, we use a fine fisheye lens to focus on the stem of his dick, to make it longer than it is. Sometimes, we use prosthetics to make it larger, but now we are not using them, because they cause irritation on the dick heads, and make them lose erection early.

As for girls, well we are fortunate to have most of them with good sized breasts. Brazzers and Pornhub go for their equipment and prefer enhanced G-Cups. We don’t do that. We stick to natural size which is 30 to 34 G.

That is also not fake. Although a few things are fake. You can’t make a woman cum without her consent. But you won’t climax if you don’t see her getting there with the characteristic moans, will you?. That’s when we use high voltage vibrators. We insert that into her ** and go to the max effect. That does the trick, and we edit it later, to show the guy doing it. Squirts, Cumshots, etc are all managed with back camera pumps. The people are real, the dreams are customised to the beat.

Another fake thing we do are perhaps, the morphed pictures of cute women, you find in your emails and ads. Let me tell you a secret. You know where we get the pictures of these girls? Guess? No? Bharath Matrimony. See that gives us even the addresses and phone numbers beyond anything. Nowadays, we just download the images from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

We have around 387,000 fake Facebook accounts, which are all around you here in Hyderabad. You will see them. Add them. Talk to them. And then come to our website. Or our boys will become the best boyfriends ever, and lure the girls into clips. It’s business brother. A business we’ve built on your fascination with sex. More you crave for it, more you walk into our portal. Debonair controls you.

Come with me, he says abruptly standing up, as the cameraman says cut. The two nude porn models sit cross-legged on the bed and start talking animatedly about something. Rajesh Master takes me to them. As I smile and say hello, Master casually puts his hand on Maria’s left breast. He twitches and flicks her **, and presses it like it were a sponge. Appallingly, she is entirely unmindful of the act. As my mind tries to hold strong onto my conscience, Master asks me to touch her breast. Maria looks at me with her deep brown eyes and gives a hesitant grin. One of the most taxing moments that I ever faced, came about in the next few seconds. I held her breast in my hand. It was in that moment, I remembered the ‘Hot’ face that was etched in my memory from three years ago. In that moment, I decided something simple. I was harming many lives by watching porn. I’ve never watched Porn ever since, and never will.


Chapter Three: Star Hotels, Home Made MMS Clips, Media Houses And The Madam  

Just as we take our positions back in the dark corner, Master gets a call from Madam Mohan. It seems that she wants to talk to me again, and asks me to come down. I consider it a welcome excuse and walk out from the shoot while taking a last glimpse of Maria on her knees, and the young man, crouching over her. I see Madam Mohan already sitting on the sofa near the entrance, as I walk to her. She says that she is waiting for her driver to come and pick her up. She says she feels that she was a bit unreasonable when we earlier talked. With that happy realisation, I decide to ask her questions which perhaps every one of us has when we watch Porn.

Madam, when we see clip recordings from Hotel Rooms, Hostels, Classrooms etc., how do you procure them? And what is the procedure when it comes to it?

Will it surprise you if I say that we get them in the mail? No kidding. Our users/members who are registered with us, are shown a button called ‘Submit’. They can upload their videos through that. We basically brought upload videos and share, way before YouTube. That’s what made us click with millions of users. So, a member who uploads a video will be paid depending on the hits he receives, again much like YouTube. Anyway, so yeah, we get them. We are also in tie-ups with Hotels across the city. So, our kids go and have sex in these selected rooms, and of course, we record them. That comes out as your Amateur Sex Scandal video. Usually, that’s what happens. However, sometimes, the Hotel management, even those listed in websites like MakeMyTrip, GoiBibo, etc, do this for quick money. Honeymoon suites, package deals, Goa trips, all sorts of things. You get me a video and we pay you. Money is the biggest passion you can ever have. Even Cloth showrooms record your video, you know. Of course, you do, you’ve already seen it, isn’t it?

Moving with that thought process, which types of videos are the most watched on your site? I mean is there an analytics framework for Debonair like other websites?

Finally, a good question. To answer your question, I need to explain to you what men really truly want, including you. They want to see something they can do. In this context, they want to see innocent looking women having endless orgasms. We just provide them with that. That’s Porn. Like, what they, some books are food for thought. Porn is just food for dick. But, over the last few years, we are having a thirty percent viewership of women. They usually go for Lesbian porn or Interracial stuff. What does that tell you about women today?

That they like to see a scenario which can be achieved without the male intervention?

Exactly. We don’t need dicks to satisfy us. We are enough and happy. In the same way, the most visited category of porn by Men is Staged Rape/Forced Sex. What does that tell you about men?

I don’t know. Maybe the fact that Men want to see a woman bound and struggling. 

Almost. But no. It’s not just struggling. It’s about dominance. fuck BDSM. Men aren’t into it. They are into a more satisfying presentation, you see. To beat the out of a woman, and Rape her to wits. Now that’s exciting no? Other things are Movie Sex Scenes, Actress MMS, Secret Camera stuff and so on. But, Forced Sex is always the winner.

(In our research later, what Madam was referring to here, with Addiction to Forced Sex, was pointing to a study by Neuroscience Centre, Arizona, which says that Men today suffer from what is termed, “Overstimulation of the reward circuitry”. With Men being exposed to frequent visual soft porn in movies and TV series from a young age, they’ve become less receptive to anything lower than extremely gory, violent and disturbing porn, when they attain adulthood)


Three Graduates coming together to form a Porn Website. That’s unique. How do you feel about that? And what happens when you cross your paths with the legal framework within India?

Haha. Well, that sounds like a good movie title. The Debonair movie. Anyway, see to us, as you might’ve noticed, this is a business, rather one of the businesses. We have other businesses too. Today we run, a media company in Hyderabad, which has a couple of successful web series, and award-winning short films to its name. Debonair is just our revenue source. When you look at the bigger picture, you’ll know, how we are contributing to the society. We are giving chances to people, new age actors, story writers, directors, musicians etc., to come work with us in bringing quality Short films. Everyone needs entertainment, and sometimes they prefer to keep their pants up and dicks tidy. For those moments also, we are doing something. I will agree when you say, that our base is Porn videos production and distribution. But today we are successful all over as a media house. I guess, the ends justify the means.

Regarding legal framework. Porn is an offence in our country. But it isn’t in countries like America, Britain, Russia, even half of Europe. So, most of our revenue sources are shown from there. What do you call it? Income arising from offshore activities. So legally we are bound to bring the money back, but they can’t arrest us for it. However, there are many accounts on which we can be arrested. That’s one of the reasons why you need a media house working for you. Allegations to be smushed. Controversies to be rounded up. Once you are part of the nexus, you are safe. But when you start defining the nexus, you are untouchable.

Thus, her phone rang, and she stood up to leave. She gave out a warm smile before leaving, and that was the end of Madam Mohan. In the next six months, I would hear that she is unavailable for comment on our article. For all practical and legal reasons, she is missing. A case on her for production, distribution and exhibition of pornographic materials still exists on her in Cyberabad Police Station. A little-known website had submitted a few documentary evidences and photographs relating to the practices undertaken at Pride Avenue.

At the moment of coming out with this article, we have also found out that foreign national who went by the screen name of Maria, has gone missing too. She had tried to escape the porn web and was last seen in East Andheri, Mumbai, living under a pretence of Jamillah, a sales executive for an MNC. But she has been missing after she had attended a wedding in Pune. Whether she has paid her total owing or has she obtained her Visa, Rajesh Master wouldn’t tell me yet. Thus, ends my presentation with a quote I once heard a porn star say,

“I have found that when I know my own boundaries when I have confidence in myself, other people do as well, and I’m also far better at blowing off any random a-hole that wants to pass judgment on me. Not in my life? Not one of my chosen people? I don’t care what you have to say about my choices.”– Dylan Ryan


Chapter Four: The Measures You Can Take To Avoid Ending Up In The Porn Portals (Inputs from Cyberabad Metropolitan Police)

1. While browsing net install Ad-Blocker to avoid Porn Popups and random clicks.

2. Do NOT respond to unknown emails. If you have to register to some unknown sites, use temporary email id providing sites like TempMail.

3. Use Google’s safe search and filter moderation if you have multiple users on your system, and especially if you have children accessing it.

4. While registering on Tinder and so – be careful not to attend the dates in secluded places. Always arrange for places which are near to your residence and always let people know about your location

5. While registering on Matrimonial sites – The police advise you to never fill out all the details and always give the number of your parents or elders. Also, it is a good practice to change the number in the profile every few weeks.

6. If you receive threats for extortion or pornographic inclusion, immediately register a complaint at the nearest Police Station under sec 292 of Indian Penal Code.

7. When you check in at a hotel room, be sure to sweep the premises for hidden cameras. Never call for room service when you aren’t present. And always ask for an ID of the staff entering your room.

8. Do not download software’s that you get prompts for on Porn websites. Do not allow flash player to download anything.

9. Never allow your partner to video graph/record your sexual acts, at any cost. At an estimate, every clipping which runs for more than 20 minutes is worth Rs.35,000 on porn sites. Easy money makes desperate people take any measures.

10. Sending Nudes has become a new trend. Such sharing needs to be avoided. If necessary, end to end encryption and self-destruct messages to be used. Also, at all times protect your mobile with a strong password. Also, it is a good practice to Hide your Gallery under Applocker or better still backup the photos in the cloud and delete them from time to time.

Editor’s End Note: 

This article is being purely brought forward to offer an inside peek at the scandalous area of Pornographic material production and exhibition. Neither the writer nor the website intends to glorify the industry and absolutely condemns the activities covered under this area. In India, watching or possessing pornographic materials is legal. However, the production, publication, or distribution of such materials is illegal. Internet pornography has become very popular in India with up to 70% of total traffic from porn websites. It has become a major portion of traffic and source of data revenue for telecom companies. This is just our humble attempt at bringing the story of one such website out into public and thereby lead to an awareness of the situation.

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