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Trump Threats On H-1B Visas Scaring India Outsources

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    • Jason 1 day ago

      My boss at a Fortune 500 company is an IT manager. He's here on an H1B. So, what the company is saying is, there are NO qualified managers in the US to take his job, so we had to hire an Indian to take that job. BULL EXCREMENT.

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        • Test 7 hours ago

          @Sultan Ahmed spoken like a true bigotted immigrant. With a name like that u need to be send back to where u came from in the first place. Idiot. GTFO!

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        • jellyfish 9 hours ago

          Stacey.....it is not that simple. Free market? That works when the competition is fair. Of course foreign workers cost less to employ....look at the standards those countries have, and the cost of living in those areas. You think if the cost of living and the standards of living were the same foreign workers would work for 50% less? No.

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        • a 21 hours ago

          Your boss should school you on how to write so others can understand you.

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        • Stacey 1 day ago

          govt. interfering in the labor market = socialism. if you subscribe to the free market theory, let the markets sort it out.....H1B lowers the cost for everybody ;)

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        • David 1 day ago

          Dept of Labor should really fix their job growth expectation for software engineers. Because most of it is going to be either outsourced or taken by a non-American guest worker.

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        • S 1 day ago

          If you aren't happy, QUIT!

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        • A 1 day ago

          I CALL BS!

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        • devinder 1 day ago

          or file a petition with peoples signatures

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        • devinder 1 day ago

          if you want to get rid of h1b visa bring that issue on the ballet next presidential election.

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        • Jing 1 day ago

          people please stop bring chinese in this conversation, chinese don't abuse the H1Bs, every single chinese was a graduate from the American universities, as oppose to Indians who graduated from no-name bottom tier school in India and then come to the US with a fake resume

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        • John 1 day ago

          Why don't they work hard for their own country - a dreamland named India ? There is no qualified persons like Indian Managers - Big BOLOGNE. If all IT positions are taken by Indians, there would be no American to get promoted to a Manager position in future. If 99% of the IT workers are Indians now, the future Managers will come from this 99% pool of Indians workers. Americans has to sit at home jobless and suck their thumbs. So, time to write your Senators and Congressman to take immediate measure to impose moratorium on H1-B visa for 5 years.

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        • Mike 1 day ago

          Yes, I have seen it many time over the past ten years. Once an Indian obtains a Manager or Project Manger role, all of his or her reports will eventually to other Indians, even if they are less qualified. They simply look out for their own in OUR country! It must stop.

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        • Steve 1 day ago

          It's only about the money. There are enough qualified people here. Businesses (including state-funded schools) are just looking to make more money. They don't care about America.

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        • Karen 1 day ago

          And to think that the Obama Administration allowed disney to actually fire 200 of their US citizen IT staff and replace them with the good old Indian H 1B visa holders. Actually fire and replace. and yes this is true. chjeck it out. Of course the CEO of Disney is a huge Democrt supporter and especially of Hillary.

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        • Joe 1 day ago

          From what I've seen Indians are very 9 to 5, very materialistic and place a lot of value on credentials. They aren't especially useful, though. They're step followers. Even the smart ones seem to need to be asked a question just right before you'll get a useful answer, they won't really work with you or help solve problems. Way overrated but cheap cheap cheap.

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        • Mr 1 day ago

          @Hakim - go and hakim yourself and leave those innocent goats alone

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        • krusty_kanuck 1 day ago

          Indian managers tend to hire mostly workers from India, and the Chinese managers from China. They then build up a little kingdoms within the company that don't get along or share information with other similar groups within a company..

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        • D20887 1 day ago

          H1Bs and Indian IT - lie on resumes, can't be uinderstood, stink to high holy heaven. Adamant they know it all. Willing to take jobs cheaply at reduced rates with no benefits. Can't do the work. Show up after 10am. F U Biswajit. Have you taken your monthly shower yet? Used deodorant? Still wearing your 30 year old man sandals?

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    • Jason 1 day ago

      My boss at a Fortune 500 company is an IT manager. He's here on an H1B. So, what the company is saying is, there are NO qualified managers in the US to take his job, so we had to hire an Indian to take that job. BULL EXCREMENT.

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    • Mrtstmnlv 1 day ago

      I am being replaced by an Indian (who barely speaks english at all) and my last day is Friday. There has been no real change in H1B since Trump came to office, and there is just as many H1Bs now as there was before.

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    • thirdman 1 day ago

      I've worked with Indian programmer and I must say 95% of them are useless. The problem is becoming a programmer/engineer is an automatic choice for poor people in India as the quickest way to get out of their poverty, but most of them aren't naturally fit or mentally inclined to be a programmer. Most of them hate programming, and can't wait to become managers (which would be absolutely the worst attitude to have as a programmer).

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    • JimH 1 day ago

      I cannot believe we need to import labor from any country. Our colleges turn out tens of thousands of qualified grads every year. Also, get rid of the Import a wife or husband visa...most of the marriages fail as they just want the green card.I hope President Trump gets our failing immigration system working.

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    • joe 1 day ago

      yet you don't seem to mind our children getting out of school only to discover there are the jobs they were going to school for are occupied by lower paid foreign workers; does this sound familiar?

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    • Rich 1 day ago

      The H1B is a Democrat muslim loving stunt to get more of their indian buddies over here under the pretense that no one else in America can do that job. I can do ANY job that some ignorant, non English speaking worthless muslim or Indian or any other person in the world can do...H1B is BS !

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    • tim 1 day ago

      I work for an American company, we have a ton on Indian IT workers. When my manager got his position he does nothing but hire Indians now. We went from 10 white people on my team to now just 3 white people and the rest Indians. Its B.S. When positions open up..he says he can't find anybody in the whole entire US, but when an Indian applies they are an exact fit. I say ship them all back to INDIA!!!!!

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    • mediamag1 1 day ago

      All I know, is that the day I don't have to speak to someone with an Indian accent at a customer service number, will be a day of celebration.

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    • Warren 1 day ago

      Our very own bully. Actually contrary to what Obamavomit says, America has a proud tradition of bullying and looking out for itself. This whole liberal globalist world government global wealth distribution dream is totally a new construct.

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    • James 1 day ago

      Tech companies exploit H-1B visas by importing low-wage workers from India to kick out lawfully paid American workers from their jobs. These visas should be shelved until the unemployment rate substantially comes down.

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    • Prince 1 day ago

      The so called Majority of these Indians H1B fake their resumes, their credentials and they are most hypocrites creatures on the earth from Cesspool of the world. They get the position because one of their friend is in higher positions and they have network, which works like, once one person gets in they start making life hell for others and eventually, they get their friends, their friends wives and his friend will hire his wife in other firms, all these scams been told me by Indian only, how their network works inside an IT Firms, as per him 90% of Indians don't know shtye about any technology, those who are little bright learn everything from their friends in few months and they lick manager b a l l s and keep getting their friends and made a strong network. Meantime, if some American apply for a job, they make it look like that person don't know anything.

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    • Vincent D 1 day ago

      GOOD!! I live in a town out side of Chicago and my train in the last ten years has filled up with Indian's and pushed Americans out of work! On any given care now all you see and hear and Indians talking. They built condos right next train station and when you get off at night all the Indian's are there waiting on family to get off or just hanging out. I did a tally for one week on the percentage of Indians on the train car and the average was 68% !!! 68% of the riders going to work in the city are Indians! H-1B's have to stop and put Americans back to work!! There is no shortage of Americans that can do tech work just cheep labor for India!

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    • Muni 1 day ago

      I am an IT person trying to get my foot at the front door with any companies. Turns out the employers are only looking for highly skilled employee who has exposed to gain experience, and not because of IT shortage in the United State, however, I have no experience therefore not too many employers are going to hire me. I feel helpless and useless.

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    • SUNNY 1 day ago

      Here are the facts: 1. Most Indian H1B folks are UNDER QUALIFIED. They DO NOT know the assigned jobs. 2. Most H1B visa engineers have FAKE degrees from India. 3. They can hardly speak and understand English. 4. They are always begging their US employers for GREEN CARD. 5. These H1B visa engineers from India replace highly qualified US Citizens as they accept 1/3 the salary. 6. They have low moral character and most have very poor hygiene. What President Trump must do is: Get all these Indians on H1B visa and DEPORT them AT ONCE and Make America for Americans great--ALWAYS.

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    • GOOD!! The mere existence of this program is an insult to every America looking for work. If companies are that bad off, they should invest in their people and pay for whatever education or training is required. That's part of the problem in corporate America these days. There's no clear or defined career path. Almost every job is what it is and that's all it will ever be. People have got to have incentive, motivation and goals that benefit their personal lives, not just their work lives. You take care of the people that take care of you. That's all there is to it. The culture now is to use people like a common commodity and then dispose of them. That's a total BS way to run a business.

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    • I have a dream 1 day ago

      I am an American citizen with a Ph.D. and with over 20 years of IT experience. Currently H1b/L1 visas are grossly abused by IT companies. If we want to stop the abuse of H1b/L1 visas, I would suggest the following, 1) Raise the H1b visa processing fee to 50K 2) Do not renew H1b/L1 visas once it expires. Send back all H1bs and L1s once their contract is ended or if the loose the contact. Already million plus are here. 3) STOP all new H1b/L1 visa programs. Instead, as President Trump mentioned, go for a merit based immigration. 4) STOP all family based immigration. These family members come here and most become a tax burden on the American citizens. 8) Force IT companies to publish the percentage of Americans and foreigners (H1b/L1/B1, etc included) working for them directly or indirectly. Often companies subcontract to TATA, Accenture, so on, where most of the work is done by foreigners only! Therefore, we must get a count on direct and indirect (via sub-contractors), to get the real picture.

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    • Someone I know personally and close, was selected to be laid off instead of any of his H1-B visa collegues - he happened to be much better at his job than any of them. He told me the ones who worked with him were mediocre at best. Fortune 500 companies have to be investigated in their past actions when they had to lay off personnel. I need to know why US citizens are layed off in companies where you hardly hear English spoken.

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    • YahooObserver 1 day ago

      My fellow Americans, 1. The H-1B visa is a freaking SCAM 2. Our politicians are 100% GUILTY of scamming the American workers out of good paying IT jobs 3. Here is the freaking reality: ...a. As the parent of an American college student ...b. You borrow 60K dollars to pay for the Computer Science degree of your child ...c. Your poor child finds out that "American software jobs" are either sent to India for cheap labor or the H-1B visa scammer Indian companies bring Indian software engineers to the USA to take your child's job for 1/3 of the price! ...d. In other words, as an American, you are stuck paying the 60K student loan of your child, while your child is unemployed or under-employed, you still have to pay income tax, property tax, and still support your child who is now in massive school debt 4. What's the freaking solution to this freaking H-1B scam and nightmare? 5. The American people RIGHTFULLY elected President Trump to deal with ALL this nonsense BS 6. Let me make it clear to you: Dear President Trump: if you are listening, cancel the freaking H-1B visa scam, and I WILL VOTE FOR YOU in 2020! 7. YEP! I disagree 99% with President Trump, but on the H-1B visa SCAM, I will vote for him in 2020 and I don't give a FK if he is a crazy President... 8. To Amazon, Apple, IBM, Facebook, etc....stop lying to the American people by using your stupid excuse of: "We don't have enough pool talent in America", "We need skilled workers in America", "The world is very competitive, we need more software engineers", blah...blah..blah... 9. Do you know why I am saying the above: I know MANY MANY MANY American workers who trained their replacement workers from "Infosys, Cognizant, etc...Indian consulting firms". My neighbor is one of those "Software Engineers" who trained Infosys engineers to take his job...NOT FAIR! 10. India tech firms? The SCAM is now in the open. What's your next freaking excuse and silly explanation now? Are you hiring enough "Sexy Media Consultants" to try to lie to the American people and improve your image? It's not going to work....The American people are BOILING right now and are done with the Political Correctness BS! Again...President Trump is the answer...and nobody got time for that! To every action....there is a reaction.... Peace!

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    • Daniel 1 day ago

      Outsourcing started with NAFTA. Guess who was in office? It wasn't Trump! It was you Liberals best buddy Slick Willy! You know, the groper, rapist, philanderer that you so worship? Great job Liberal Fascist Pigs! Ever since then, manufacturing jobs have left, the businesses that did stay are being taxed to death and employment is given preference to illegals and immigrants from other countries that drive down wages for Americans unemployed or under-employed. Great choice!

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    • Prince 1 day ago

      Trump is actually fooling the ignorant trailer trash voters, he is not getting a single job or creating anything, H1B and H4 visa scam is still going strong, Americans are getting laid off and fired from jobs every day and Indian murderer Prime Minster visits Trump every other month, allowing him to do his Business and expand his empire in India in return of relaxing H1B and H4 visa rules and all, all in all, the deplorable have taken for a long ride. Yet, they don't able to see the truth. What about his promise of banning H4 and reducing H1B and giving more jobs to Americans. The grim reality of IT industry is so bleak that you can't get a job in any big company without going through 5 stinking Indians and they would never give your job, because they have their big list of friends to get in those positions while the American struggle to get any jobs.

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    • AMA 1 day ago

      Yahoo does not care About Americans...Yahoo like the Dems is all for migrant and immigrant....screw Americans all the tiem!

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    • Alexander 1 day ago

      i've had enough of the H1 B bull crap; managing tech directory drags his wife to US with a belt wrapped around her lower belly so when she lands she drops the baby with 30 minutes ; keep these people out of our country

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    • bryce 1 day ago

      Outstanding. This is Trump once again doing exactly what he campaigned on, and it's absolutely refreshing and unique to see a politician doing what he said he was going to do. Bravo Trump. Bravo.

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    • david 23 hours ago

      President Trump is doing the greatest things.

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    • vijay vj 1 day ago

      America is a Land of Opportunities. Others are finding those opportunities but Americans are not. There is so much hatred on indians and on h1b. Answer me few questions. 1. Did we come illegally ?? 2. Do u see any indian gangster or a thug in USA ?? 3. Do u see any Indian doing drugs or any crime ?? 4. Any Indian terrorist ? if there is something wrong in the system ask ur govt to ban h1b, send every indian back to india. The day it happens it will have a bad impact on american economy too. I pay rent, pay for car, fuel, food,clothing, groceries, beer,whisky...All these industries will be impacted heavily. Today u might be complaining that indian has replaced american for a job, but when everything goes into automation think about someone who u want to put blame on. Hatred on a person neither creates job nor takes. if there is something wrong with the system try to rectify it but not the subject.

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    • Volens et Potens 1 day ago

      Ya wanna know what's scary?, yes?, o-k then. It's the way that Middle-easterners, Iranians, Pakistanis, Iraqis etc. and the Chinese, and especially the Hindi come into this country on H-1s and drop their anchor babies, ensconce themselves in high tech, and mid tech jobs, and then blatantly hire their own, while they do not hire white Americans, and fire and unpromote same. That's what's scary, and it's their criminal intent from day one. They all do it, but it is the Hindus that lead that charge. Don't think so?, no?, then ask those who know, and did I mention the fact that they all discriminate against women, blacks, and people over forty?, no?, well then consider that oversight corrected.

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    • Jack S 1 day ago

      I'll bet many have an image of H1B's as being people with a Phd who come from overseas with a very rare skill that companies like Google and Apple need in order to stay cutting edge, right? This is far from the reality. Firstly, when they say 'highly skilled', most are from India and are NOT highly skilled. They graduate from a two-year tech school, and get brought over here by an Indian contract company that gives them a moderate amount of training. Secondly, 40% who come over are not hired directly by the company they end up working at. No, it is not Google looking for great talent. They are hired instead by big Indian contract companies with branches here in the US. The contract company then farms them out en masse to US companies at a low rate. Its like a big placement service where they can find low-priced labor. Third and last, they say they let in 85000 per year. This is misleading as they can then stay 6 years, meaning at any given time, there are over 500,000 here...with ones who graduated to green cards, the number is closer to 600k. And yes, it is a big scam, rife with fraud.

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    • John Doe 1 day ago

      Give us the names of these companies that are displacing US citizens so we note them, boycott them, protest at their shareholders meeting and corporate headquarters. We as US citizens should wage a Gandhi like peaceful war against these companies.

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    • Joe 1 day ago

      I read the article fully. It says the number of H1B visas is going to be the same. And, I know from other sources the visas get taken up within days of them being made available. In fact, the USCIS has resorted to a lottery system to decide who gets these visas. Overall, the number of foreigners coming into the US in this category and working for American companies is the same. Instead of being employed by Infosys and then working for some American company, the foreign employees will now directly work for the American company. So, the benefit is in making sure the foreigners pay is not low. But that is just peachy for the foreigners. Where is the benefit to the Americans? The benefit will only arise if the salary rise will cause the visas to not be fully utilized. However, that is not projected to happen. So, what that means is there are not enough Americans to do all the skilled jobs available.

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    • thirdman 1 day ago

      It's a travesty that H1B became a lottery-system (where only 30% of the applicants get Visas). Raise the H1B application fee to $5000 per person. Raise the minimum salary of an H1B recipient to $100,000. You don't need to change the available spots per year, and the problem would be gone.

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    • Louis Cipher 1 day ago

      Trump to help US workers.

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    • Indian 1 day ago

      I am surprised by the response I see from Americans here. Most the commentators have the following points: 1. The Indian tech workers are paid less than the american counterparts: Well, why should any business be forced to employ workers that cost more? Isn't it against the concept of free market. 2. The Indian tech workers are have lower skill level: Ok, then the job may not require high skill level. And if they were really that bad at work, the companies that hire them would suffer, right? So then they should hire the american workers automatically, right? But this is not happening. So may be the Indian H1B workers are doing their job correctly. 3. H1b are just cheap labor: Well, everyone wants to get the job done in the cheapest possible way. So does the corporations. Don't you go to Walmart as it provides everything cheap? Most of the Americans buy Chinese products. They don't care if its not made in US or a US worker's job is not moved to China. But when it comes to their jobs, they want the companies to pay them more even if the companies can get the job done for much cheaper! 4. No Immigration: US preaches free market economics and capitalism to the world. You want the US companies to sell their products in other countries, but not allow the workers from other countries to work in US! All Hypocrisy !! I will see if I can add more after going through the comments.


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          • Test 6 hours ago

            Jeez... u are really good at this copy+paste thing. Do you write code as well? Hmmmmm.. I think you do.. If you dont, please start doing so, this copy paste thing will come in handy..

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          • Alex 1 day ago

            Your blame is rather hypocritical; you know perfectly well that India is very protective of its labor market. Free market does not mean laissez-faire approach as corporate goals and national goals often diverge. This is why every country has anti-dumping laws. In case of H1B ,there is labor dumping going on - and it is not in the USA interest to allow this. The problem is not that H1B hires get paid less - the problem is that they are indentured to their employers , and put up with things that no citizen or greencard holder would. Immigrants are always welcome in the USA but we abhor slavery - which these H1B(s) are - by and large - they are kept going with a stick (dismissal and return to their own country) and a carrot of greencard sponsorship promise at the end of 6 years term. H1B has to be reformed: sponsoring company must guarantee greencard sponsorship within 1 year; an employee should be able to change jobs at will. This would level the field.

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3 hours ago, ariel said:

everyone is after indians coz we dont raise our voice anywhere so ..

Ariel endi mey ee racha? Bayata frustrated ppl chala mandi e unnaru antav

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