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Neoliberalism destroying democracy


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any Noam Chomsky fans/followers ?


What everybody notices is all the headline things, including Brexit and Donald Trump and Hindu nationalism and nationalism everywhere and Le Pen all kicking in more or less together and suggesting some real world phenomenon.

NC: it’s very clear, and it was predictable. You didn’t know exactly when, but when you impose socioeconomic policies that lead to stagnation or decline for the majority of the population, undermine democracy, remove decision-making out of popular hands, you’re going to get anger, discontent, fear take all kinds of forms. And that’s the phenomenon that’s misleadingly called “populism.”

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We saw it in the American election last November. There were two candidates who mobilized the base: one of them a billionaire hated by the establishment, the Republican candidate who won the nomination—but notice that once he’s in power it’s the old establishment that’s running things. You can rail against Goldman Sachs on the campaign trail, but you make sure that they run the economy once you’re in.


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But Chomsky is wrong (a bit) on this.

Trump's supporters are neo conservatives, and to an extent even neo liberals. Almost every liberal who was dead against Trump have changed their tune now, and want to give him a chance.

When all his policies further even more neo liberalism, and will impoverish millions of americans.

Trump's supporters are basically neoliberals.

Same is true for Modi in India. Nobody in the middle class who supports Modi is against corporates. in fact most of them are corporate slaves.

But he's right, the populist movement is against neoliberalism (in the US, not in India), and Trump is not the face of that movement. Bernie Sanders is.

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Anyway, I'm done with all this bullsh1t.

lets get to Mars soon. Lets transfer our consciousness into a sturdier body and live a million years surfing the universe.

I'm going to found Revolutionary Luxury Transhumanist Space Anarchist movement, and set guidelines to organise the universe.

I'll have to ofcourse kill the capitalists, and their minions, first.

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I mean, Trump was not elected as a reaction to neoliberalist policies.

Most of it is regular republicanism, and a significant percent is racism.

populist people mostly stuck to Sanders and stayed away from voting.

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5 minutes ago, lazybugger said:

Anyway, I'm done with all this bullsh1t.

lets get to Mars soon. Lets transfer our consciousness into a sturdier body and live a million years surfing the universe.

I'm going to found Revolutionary Luxury Transhumanist Space Anarchist movement, and set guidelines to organise the universe.

I'll have to ofcourse kill the capitalists, and their minions, first.


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