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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E04 Leak

Game of Thrones Season 7 is still in progress, but supposed leaks for Game of Thrones Season 8 are already popping up. In this post we are going to take a look at Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 leak. We know for sure that Game of Thrones Season 8 has already been written, and passed on to the producers. What we do not know is if these leaked scripts are true or not. They could be a collection of fan theories, or they could be the real thing. Take these with a shot of tequila and some salt.

Game Of Thrones Spoilers





Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E04 Leak


Posting the links to verify the authenticity of these leaks over at freefolk will not be fruitful as no one knows if the leaks are true or fan fiction. Probability of these being fan fiction is very high. We therefore request you to not spam freefolk with asking them to verify these leaks. Some important links from freefolk:-



Also Read : Game of Thrones Season 8 Leaks & Spoilers

Game of Thrones Season 8 Leaks

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E04 Leak

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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Leak (Script)

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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E04 Leak

Originally, Howland died during Episode 2 but the writers chose to include Greywater Watch Later on. 

Scene 1 – King’s Landing

Cersei speaks with Qyburn, Euron and the three Commanders of the Golden Company. Qyburn informs them that Daenerys and Jon have been splitting up their army and that Jaime is currently with Jon and Edmure in Riverrun, probably awaiting an attack from the Night King. Pyke has been taken again by Theon Greyjoy and Jon’s army, which visibly angers Euron. Daenerys traveled back to Dragonstone. Cersei laughs and tells the rest she hopes the Night King devours their army soon enough. They shouldn’t wait too long and have the Golden Company attack Dragonstone since Daenerys’s army is reduced remarkably. Euron Greyjoy is watching the Iron Throne when Cersei joins him in the Throne Room. She asks Euron why he doesn’t attack Pyke, since his nephew has taken it from him. Euron initially thinks it’s a stupid idea to go North now, but Cersei convinces him to learn them another lesson. Euron decides to take his fleet and travels to Pyke.

Cersei and Qyburn are watching from above how Euron leaves. Qyburn asks Cersei if it is smart to have their most important ally travel so far North at the moment. Cersei tells Qyburn she hopes her enemies deal with Euron Greyjoy and that he never returns to King’s Landing.

Scene 2

Daenerys, Sam, Gilly, Varys and Missandei have returned to Dragonstone. Varys reports to Daenerys that Cersei has hired the Golden Company and that Euron’s ships has been seen leaving King’s Landing. They could attack her any moment, now that her forces are weakened. Daenerys agrees and hopes that Jon and Co. finishes the Night King’s army as soon as possible. When Daenerys takes a bath, Missandei remarks that she’s visibly pregnant right by now. Daenerys asks Missandei how she deals with Grey Worm’s death, at which Missandei responds that she’s missing him every day. Missandei asks Daenerys whether she misses Jon. Daenerys says she does. Next scene is Samwell with Gilly and Little Sam. Samwell wants Gilly to travel to Horn Hill with Little Sam. They aren’t safe in Dragonstone with enemies from all sides. Gilly reminds Sam that he promised her not to leave them, but Sam insists that they must. They’ll be safe with his mother and sister. He promises that he’ll fight for them.

Scene 3

Jaime, Jon, Bronn, Tyrion, Jorah and Edmure are already in Riverrun. Jon mentions that the Army of the Dead has been seen reaching the Twins. They will be upon them soon and tells them they should take their armies to the Eyrie immediately. Tyrion takes the time to ask Jaime about Cersei and why he chosen to leave her. Jaime tells Tyrion that Cersei will never find peace after the deaths of their children and chose to betray everybody during the Dragonpit by hiring the Golden Company. Their relationship fully consumed him. Tyrion reminds the rest that Daenerys isn’t safe in Dragonstone, now that Cersei has an army of thousands of sellswords behind her back. She could attack Dragonstone any moment from now. Jorah think his place should be with his queen now as he promised to protect her at any cost. Jon seems to agree and lets him go.

Jon sends word to his sister, Sansa, to inform her that the Army of the Dead will reach the Vale soon and that their army is marching to the Vale now.

Scene 4

Cersei stands with the commanders of the Golden Company on the giant map of Westeros. She instructs the commanders to take their men to Dragonstone with Euron’s remaining ships and to capture Daenerys Targaryen. She can’t wait to kill the foreign ** herself. The commanders leave and obey her orders.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E04 Leak

Scene 5

Sansa receives word from Jon Snow and orders the Lords of the Vale that they should prepare now. She convinces Robin Arryn to have Lord Royce lead the Knights of the Vale. Robin tells Sansa he intends to fight with them. Sansa answers Robin that it’s not a good idea and that he should be kept safe. Robin laughs and tells Sansa that he’s not a girl, unlike Sansa. Gendry and Sansa have a conversation as Well. Sansa asks how Gendry came to meet Arya, but he tells Sansa that the story is too long to tell. The two seem to get well along and Sansa thanks him for fighting with them.

Scene 6

Missandei receives a visitor in Dragonstone. She first asks after Jon Snow, but is happy to meet Daenerys as well. It seems to be old Melisandre who comes to bring them important news. Old Melisandre tells them that a great last sacrifice should be made if they want to win the war and that it requires true king’s blood. Old Melisandre points at Daenerys’s baby. Daenerys is furious at the old lady and sends her away immediately. Before Old Melisandre leaves, Varys talks with her outside. Melisandre makes her identity known, which has Varys shocked. She tells Varys that he should remember what the voice said in the flames. He should be the one to save the common people from the doom. She asks Varys to fulfill the prophecy and save Westeros. Varys can’t utter a word. Melisandre leaves Dragonstone and the series.

Scene 7 – Pyke

 Theon Greyjoy is sitting on his father’s chair when his men come to tell him that Euron Greyjoy has arrived in Pyke as well. Euron speaks with Theon outside. He has Yara with him and tells Theon that he should give up Pyke already or he’ll slit his sister’s throat in front of him. Theon is starting to notice that it’s getting a lot colder and he can see his breath. He tells Euron that they are coming for them, but Euron doesn’t understand at first. Men start to scream and Wights start invading Pyke. Yara takes adventage of the moment and kicks Euron. Theon implores Yara to escape to Dragonstone. Yara wants Theon to come With her, but tells her he Won’t fail her another time. Yara Wants Theon to come With her, but tells her he won’t fail her another time. She escapes on a small ship with a few loyal men. Theon fights Euron himself. Ironborn and Northmen fight the wights, while Euron battles Theon. Euron gets the upper-hand and swings his axe Theon right in Theon’s body. Theon dies immediately, Euron laughs. Euron implores his men to leave Pyke with the boats. A lot of his men have died, but Euron manages to escape.

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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E05 Leak

Game of Thrones Season 7 is still in progress, but supposed leaks for Game of Thrones Season 8 are already popping up. In this post we are going to take a look at Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 leak. We know for sure that Game of Thrones Season 8 has already been written, and passed on to the producers. What we do not know is if these leaked scripts are true or not. They could be a collection of fan theories, or they could be the real thing. Take these with a shot of tequila and some salt.

Game Of Thrones Spoilers





Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E05 Leak


Posting the links to verify the authenticity of these leaks over at freefolk will not be fruitful as no one knows if the leaks are true or fan fiction. Probability of these being fan fiction is very high. We therefore request you to not spam freefolk with asking them to verify these leaks. Some important links from freefolk:-



Also Read : Game of Thrones Season 8 Leaks & Spoilers

Game of Thrones Season 8 Leaks

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E05 Leak

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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Leak (Script)

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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Leak (Script)

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script)

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E05 Leak

Scene 1

First scene will only include the soundtrack of R. Djawadi, there’s no dialogue in the first five minutes. We first see the Knights of the Vale preparing themselves for an attack. We get a shot of the Lannister, Tully and Stark army marching to the Vale. Jaime, Tyrion, Edmure and Bronn are seen leading their men. Then we see the Golden Company getting on board of Euron Greyjoy’s ships. The Knights of the Vale see a huge storm approaching slowly, Yohn Royce is commanding the Army of the Vale to keep their spears of dragonglass ready. Robin Arryn fights alongside Yohn Royce. Lord Royce isn’t too pleased to have Robin Arryn commanding their men. You can literally read that from his face.

Scene 2

First line comes from Yohn Royce who commands his men to keep ready. Wights start to invade the Bloody Gate. Robin Arryn is commanding the archers, but fails miserably. Inside the Eyrie, we see Lady Sansa together with Gendry and Brienne of Tarth. Gendry says goodbye to Sansa and joins the fight. Sansa tells Gendry she hopes he’ll come back. Gendry expresses his doubt. Brienne of Tarth also wants to join the fight, but Sansa isn’t too fond of that idea. She wants Brienne to stay with her, but Brienne says she can’t save Sansa if the Wights invade inside the Eyrie as well. She swore to protect Sansa and the best way to do that is to keep the entry of the Vale safe from the Night King’s army. Sansa hugs Brienne and thanks her for everything she has done to protect her family. Brienne leaves to join the fight.

Scene 3 – Dragonstone

News reaches Dragonstone that the Golden Company is on their way to attack Queen Daenerys. Daenerys commands her remaining Unsullied and Dothraki to protect Dragonstone from invading there. Varys advises her to leave Dragonstone immediately, but Daenerys doesn’t listen to his counsel. She realizes that her water has broken and she’s ready to labor. Missandei and Samwell help Daenerys and make her rest right away. Samwell is Worried because Daenerys’s baby is coming Way to soon.

Scene 4

Then we see three White Walkers from a distance watching how the Wights win from the Knights of the Vale. The Night King is flying on Viserion above the White Walkers, watching the spectacle as well. Viserion apparently has lost one of his eyes and his right Wing got gravely injured. Brienne is fighting for her life. Robin Arryn is almost attacked by several Wights and runs away to hide inside of the Eyrie. Sansa confronts him that he promised to fight with his men, but Robin expresses his lack of interest in the survival of his men.

Brienne, Lord Royce and Gendry continue to fight but it looks like a losing side until now. The White Walkers now start to invade the Eyrie as well. A roaring Undead Dragon can be heard. A one blue-eyed Undead Viserion flies above Lord Royce and his men and sets them afire. Then we hear the roaring of another dragon. The Night King looks behind and sees Jon Snow on Drogon helping the Lord of Vale out. Beneath Jon Snow, we see the Tully, Lannister and Northern forces joining the fray. Lots of Wights are set afire by Drogon while the Westerosi armies slaughter them. It looks like the Dragonfire doesn’t affect the White Walkers, though. Bronn manages to kill of a White Walker with two spears of Dragonglass. Jaime sees that Brienne is getting in trouble with another White Walker. She gets stabbed right in the guts and that’s when Jaime goes mad and stabs the WW from behind. Brienne is dying and Jaime holds her in her arms. She asks Jaime to keep Sansa and Arya safe, as she promised that to Lady Catelyn. Jaime says he will do that for her. Brienne last words are that Jaime is a honorable man. She dies in his arms.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E05 Leak

Scene 5

Arya, the Hound and Nymeria are entering a snowy King’s Landing. The Hound remarks that he hasn’t missed the stinking city at all and Arya agrees. Arya notices that the city has changed a lot since she has left and walks past a destroyed Sept of Baelor. To be in the same place again reminds her of Ned Stark. She tells the Hound it’s time to pay the Lannisters their debts.

Scene 6

Daenerys is starting to labor. It’s Samwell and Missandei who help her with it. Varys witnesses how a smaller part of the Golden Company is invading the shores of Dragonstone. The Unsullied try to stop them from entering the stairs to the castle. The Dothraki fight them on shore. Jorah and a small part of the Northern army join the fight as well. Jorah tries to get inside the castle to protect Daenerys.

Scene 7

In the Eyrie, the army of the Undead is diminishing by the second. Edmure is leading his men very well; Tyrion does too. The Night King is no longer mounting Viserion and tries to get inside the Eyrie with another White Walker. Viserion tries to attack Gendry and opens his mouth to spitfire on him. Gendry mounts a spear of Dragonglass in the mouth of the dragon. Undead Viserion falls from the rocks of the bloody gate and it is Drogon who finishes the job and sets Viserion on fire.

Scene 8

Jorah has made it into Dragonstone and finds Daenerys laboring. Things don’t look too bright for her. A sad Samwell concludes that both mother and child could never survive together and he only can save one of them. Jorah wants Daenerys to survive but Daenerys doesn’t want to give up on her baby. Samwell sets through and Daenerys manages to deliver her baby. Samwell tells Daenerys that she has delivered a girl and asks for her name. A very weakened Daenerys Wants to name her baby Lyanna, as Jon Would have liked that. Daenerys is dying and Missandei, Varys and Jorah realize that. The Golden Company is getting the upper-hand and start to invade the stairs to Dragonstone as well. Daenerys says goodbye to Jorah and thanks him for always being there for her. Jorah expresses his love for her and Daenerys asks Jorah to continue his oath and to keep her daughter safe for her together with Missandei. She asks Jorah to release her from her suffering and to kill her. Jorah says he never could and it’s Varys who puts Samwell’s sword, Heartsbane, through Daenerys’s chest.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E05 Leak

Scene 9

Cersei Lannister and the Mountain receive Qyburn in the Throne Room. He comes to tell her that Daenerys has been defeated. Cersei laughes and both drink to celebrate their victory. Cersei begins to feel dizzy and the audience realizes that it’s Arya with Qyburn’s face. She has poisoned Cersei with Jaden’s vial. Qyburn starts to confront her and Cersei realizes that something is not right here. That’s when Arya makes her identity known. She tells Cersei that a lion should never have fought with a pack of wolves. Cersei begs The Mountain to kill off Arya but Arya tells her that won’t help. She brings in Nymeria and the Hound to finish the job. Nymeria gravely injures Cersei and the Hound combats with the Mountain. It’s Arya who finishes Cersei and slits her throat. Nymeria and the Hound destroys the Mountain but he doesn’t seem to die. The Mountain loses his helmet at some point and that’s when the Hound manages to burn his face with fire. The Mountain is left to die and The Hound, Arya and Nymeria leave The Red Keep.

Scene 10

The Commanders of the Golden Company have entered the castle and order Varys to hand over Daenerys to them. Varys tell them that Daenerys has died and the Commanders clear Varys out of their way and stab him. They indeed find Daenerys’s body and take her body with them to bring it to Queen Cersei. Samwell is able to hide himself together with Missandei and Dany’s baby. The Golden Company retreat back to King’s Landing.

Scene 11

Euron Greyjoy arrives back in King’s Landing to find out that Queen Cersei has been slaughtered. He pretends to be saddened by her death.

Scene 12

Jon Snow and Sansa Stark arrive back in Dragonstone to find out that everyone has been slaughtered. Samwell meets him on the stairs with Jon’s child in his arms. Jon starts to weep.

He asks if Daenerys has made it, but Samwell is sad to tell him she has not. He tells him she named their daughter Lyanna Targaryen.

Scene 13

Coronation of King Euron Greyjoy. He is made King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E05 Leak


Lord Royce, Brienne of Tarth, Robin Arryn, Undead Viserion, Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Night King, Qyburn (off-screen), Queen Cersei Lannister, The Mountain and Varys

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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E06 Leak

Game of Thrones Season 7 is still in progress, but supposed leaks for Game of Thrones Season 8 are already popping up. In this post we are going to take a look at Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 leak. We know for sure that Game of Thrones Season 8 has already been written, and passed on to the producers. What we do not know is if these leaked scripts are true or not. They could be a collection of fan theories, or they could be the real thing. Take these with a shot of tequila and some salt.


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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E06 Leak


Posting the links to verify the authenticity of these leaks over at freefolk will not be fruitful as no one knows if the leaks are true or fan fiction. Probability of these being fan fiction is very high. We therefore request you to not spam freefolk with asking them to verify these leaks. Some important links from freefolk:-



Also Read : Game of Thrones Season 8 Leaks & Spoilers

Game of Thrones Season 8 Leaks

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E06 Leak

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Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Leak (Script)

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 Leak (Script)

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 Leak (Script)

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Leak (Script)

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Leak (Script)


Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E06 Leak

Davos doesn’t have a big role in this episode. He does appear and fight alongside Jon, Jaime, Gendry and co. He doesn’t have lines in this episode but you see him fighting in this episode.

Scene 1 – Dragonstone

Jaime, Bronn, Gendry, Tyrion and ser Davos arrive back in Dragonstone. Edmure supposedly has gone back to Riverrun. Jon receives them and informs them about Daenerys’s death. Tyrion is very saddened when he hears that Daenerys has died and has a chat with Jon Snow on the cliffs of Dragonstone. He tells Jon that he believed in Daenerys. He believed that she could make a better place out of this world and that he could better give up on that dream. Further, Tyrion asks what killed Daenerys. Jon mentions that she died in childbirth and the Golden Company took her body to hand it over to Cersei Lannister. He asks what happened with the baby, on which Jon replies that their baby girl is alive and well. Tyrion smiles and then notices a single Greyjoy ship landing in Dragonstone. Jon and Tyrion walk toward the ship. It’s no one but Yara Greyjoy who has arrived in Dragonstone. She informs them that she escaped Euron but lost almost all of her army. Jon asks her about Theon’s whereabouts and she tells him he probably didn’t make it out alive when the dead arrived.  

Scene 2 – Kings Landing

Daenerys’s body hanging from the walls in King’s Landing. The people of King’s Landing are throwing at her body and make fun of her corpse. Nearby is an alehouse where Arya and the Hound currently are. They hear that Euron is king now and that King’s Landing will probably face another attack by Euron’s enemies.

Arya wants to help Jon, fight with him, but the Hound thinks he’s done with that for now. Arya says she doesn’t care what the Hound does, but she’ll stay to fight alongside her brother. The Hound eventually agree to stay with her and help Jon and co.

We then see Euron Greyjoy speaking with the Commanders of the Golden Company in the Throne Room. He thanks them for bringing the body of the Dragon Queen to him and thinks it’s a shame that they didn’t bring her alive. He admits that he would have ** her if they brought her alive. Euron Greyjoy expects that a reckoning is coming from the King in the North and that they should strike first. Euron commands the new Maester to send a raven to every kingdom and write that all of the Great Lords should swear fealty to him otherwise he shall attack them with his army of sellswords from King’s Landing.

Scene 3 – Dragonstone

Jon, Jaime, Bronn, Tyrion, Jorah, Sansa, Gendry, Davos, Missandei, Samwell and Yara are present at the War Council discussing the message of Euron Greyjoy. Euron Greyjoy has declared himself King of the Seven Kingdoms after Queen Cersei’s tragic death. Jaime is convinced that Euron is behind the murder of Queen Cersei and is furious. Yara agrees with Jaime. Davos states his opinion that this madman shouldn’t be ruling the Seven Kingdoms and they should fight back with everything they got. Gendry expresses his hatred toward Euron as he has taken the Baratheon seat away from his deceased family. Tyrion and Jaime want to use the Lannister army to fight Euron. Tyrion also think they should convince Daenerys’s remaning loyal men to keep fighting for Jon and for Dany’s offspring. So we have the North, the Lannister army and the remaining Dothraki, Unsullied and Drogon fighting for them.

It’s Samwell who later addresses Jon’s parentage again, but Jon doesn’t want Samwell to tell the rest about this. Jon clearly states that he never wants to become a king. It’s Davos who vouches for him. He tells the others that Jon is their last chance to save the people of Westeros from Euron Greyjoy dirty hands and he believes that Jon would make a good king. He’s their only hope. The others agree With Davos and Jon accepts his newly acquired position eventually.

After the War Council, Jon talks with his sister, Sansa. Sansa is confused with Jon’s parentage and finds it difficult to believe that father always lied to his family, to Catelyn, to Jon. Jon agrees with Sansa and asks her to take care of the North and of Winterfell, as she’s the heir of Winterfell. She agrees and tells Jon she was planning to leave Dragonstone anyway. The two share a hug before parting ways.

Missandei informs Jon that the the old woman came to visit him in Dragonstone again. Old Melisandre comes to tell Jon she’s ready to pay for her sins and reveals her identity. She tells a shocked audience that she’s done her part and that the prophecy has come true. Davos vouches to have the witch killed at last. Gendry agrees with Davos. Missandei also points out that she tried to convince Daenerys to have her baby sacrificed to the Lord of Light. Jon proposes to hang Old Melisandre but Melisandre asks Jon to have her killed by fire, because that’s the purest form of death. She’s executed outside of Dragonstone, killed by Drogon’s fire.

Ships are starting to leave Dragonstone to sail for Blackwater Bay. Tyrion, Missandei, Davos, Samwell and baby Lyanna stay in Dragonstone for the time being. Jorah, Gendry, Jaime and Bronn are seen boarding on the ships. Jon asks Tyrion and Missandei to take care for Lyanna if he doesn’t return alive. Jon also says goodbye to Samwell and thanks him for always being loyal to him.

Scene 4 – Kings Landing

Euron is seen on the Walls of King’s Landing and sees how Targaryen ships are approaching. Daenerys’s rotting body can be seen as well. We notice Jon Snow, wearing Targaryen/Stark armour and mounting Drogon above the ships. Euron brings forward the scorpions that were redesigned on his orders. Lannister men first land ashore and start to invade. We see men of the Golden Company guarding the city walls. Two Commanders of the GC are riding elephants. The elephants tread on several Lannister men. We can see the Northern army joining the Lannisters and the Dothraki coming from the sides. Jon and Drogon join the fight and Drogon sets one of the commanders together with the elephant on fire. The poor animal stresses out and kills quite some men unknowingly when it dies. We see Yara giving the best of herself with her axe and Gendry smashing a man’s skull with his hammer. Euron commands his men to take down Drogon with the scorpions. He has three of them. First they seem to fail to do so but then Drogon got hit two times in his right wing, prompting him to land.

The Lannister army, Stark army and Dothraki fight ferociously and manage to break through the city gates. Jon tries to flee with Drogon to the Dragonpit, because he sees that Drogon is hurting and can’t fly properly anymore. Arya notices that Drogon’s flying toward the Dragonpit. Meanwhile, The Hound has joined Jaime, Bronn and Jorah. Gendry and Yara decide to fight their way to the Red Keep where they think Euron is hiding himself right now. Euron actually commands his men to go to the Dragonpit to destroy the beast together with Jon Snow. Bronn and Jaime see Euron together with the Golden Company moving to the Dragonpit and go with them. Jaime starts to realize that Jon is in danger. He’s the only one besides Tyrion who knows that there’s wildfire left beneath the Dragon pit.

If Drogon start to breathe fire right there, the wildfire could destroy the whole Dragonpit and taking everyone and everything with it.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E06 Leak

Arya and Nymeria now enter the Dragonpit to see Jon caring for Drogon’s injuries. Jon tries to remove the spears out of Drogon’s Wings. Jon is very surprised to see Arya there and Wants her to leave King’s Landing immediately. Arya doesn’t want to leave Jon at first, indicating that she wants to fight with them. Arya strokes Drogon, commenting that she always dreamed of riding a dragon When she was younger, looking up to the tales of the Targaryen Warriors. Jon Smiles but strongly implores Arya to leave the Dragonpit now, because they’re in grave danger. They both share a hug before Arya decides to listen to Jon and leave. She’s clearly upset to leave Jon.

Yara and Gendry are inside the Red Keep but come to the conclusion that Euron has escaped to the Dragonpit, much to Yara’s annoyment because she wanted to finish her uncle.

Euron and the GC invade the Dragonpit. Euron start to battle Jon Snow. Jaime hastens to the Dragonpit, together with the Hound and Jorah and some Lannister men to get Jon out of there. Bronn doesn’t want to risk his life and stays where he is. Euron almost manages to kill of Jon Snow, but it’s Jaime who suddenly stabs him from behind, mortally wounding him. Jaime tries to get Jon out of the Dragonpit while Jorah and The Hound fight the remaining sellswords to make sure Jon gets out of the Dragonpit. Men of the Golden Company keep throwing spears at Drogon and it’s obvious that he’s dying. At one point, Drogon unknowingly unleashes his fire, causing the Dragonpit to tremble. Jaime realizes that Drogon has caused the wildfire to ignite beneath the Dragonpit and commands Jon to run for his life. A gravely injured Euron laughs before he’s dying, telling them that they are all **.

Before Jon, The Hound, Jaime and Jorah can escape it is too late and the wildfire consumes the whole Dragonpit. Nobody makes it out alive. Yara and Gendry witness the wildfire explosion from a distance and watch with much horror. People are seen fleeing King’s Landing before any more wildfire can ignite.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E06 Leak

Scene 5 – Dragonstone

Tyrion sees a few Targaryen ships returning to Dragonstone. Yara and Theon inform Tyrion, Davos Samwell and Missandei about the wildfire explosion and that Jon, his brother and Jorah probably didn’t make it out alive. Tyrion is broken when he hears the news and so are Samwell and Davos when they hear about Jon’s death. Sam Well and Davos have Some Small talk and Sam Well asks Davos what he will do now. Davos tells Sam he’ll probably returns to his wife since he has left her alone for far too long. Samwell smiles and tells Dvaos he’s planning to do the same thing.

We then see Arya and Nymeria ready to board on a ship, Arya tells the captain that she’s done with Westeros. The captain asks what a small girl and a wolf are going to do in Essos now that there’s peace in Westeros. Arya responds with ‘Valar Morghulis’. We see Arya’s ship heading east, right before there’s a time jump of 3 years.

The next shot is Sam teaching Little Sam how to read. Lady Gilly Tarly, how she’s named now, is Lady of the Reach. Sam’s mother, Talla and Gilly look to Samwell and Little Sam and both share they love for these two. Sam comes in between and ask where they’re talking about, but Sam’s mother jokes that it was only women talk. Sam and Gilly share a last scene together. Gilly has good news for Sam. She’s pregnant with his child. Sam’s clearly on cloud nine when he finds out that he’s having his own child with Gilly. He also makes Gilly sure that he’ll always regard Little Sam as his own Sam and he’ll inherit the Reach one day.

Scene 6 – Winterfell

We see Lady Sansa and Lord Gendry now being together. Sansa watches with Gendry, Edmure and Roslin how Edmure’s sons are sparring with each other. Edmure still holds the title of Lord of Riverrun. Sansa notices that one of Edmure’s sons carries Arya’s sword, Needle and asks how he retrieved it. Edmure answers that his son, Willem, has found the sword in the woods when they were hunting. He asks whether her sister is still alive, at which Sansa responds that she probably would be. Arya always has found a way to survive somehow. Sansa and Gendry visit the crypts of Winterfell. Jon’s statue stands in the crypts as well. Gendry asks Sansa if the truly belongs down there. Sansa says that it is the only place where Jon truly belonged, next to his real father Ned and with his brothers. Gendry jokes that he wasn’t named “Jon” actually. Sansa says that he will always remain “Jon Snow’ to her. Sansa mentions that she has a lot of work still to do, as she’s Lady of Winterfell and Lady of the Vale by now. She asks what Gendry will do with Storm’s End, now that it’s left unoccupied. Gendry says he’s planning to do soon after that he’s been ackowledged as a true Baratheon by the King Regent.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Leak (Script) – GOT S08E06 Leak

And then we get to see the King Regent and Hand of Queen Lyanna Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion is watching how Missandei is reading a book for Lyanna about the tales of Rhaenys and Visenya Targaryen, before she goes to sleep. Lyanna asks if her mother also rode a dragon and Missandei answers that she was quite a warrior. The next scene, Tyrion and Missandei are seen in bed with each other and talk about Lyanna, that she’s not the most easygoing child. Tyrion mentions that she’s quite good at brooding as well.

Missandei laughs and tells Tyrion that he shouldn’t have expected otherwise with Jon and Daenerys as parents. Tyrion tells Missandei that she’s doing an excellent job in educating Lyanna and the two start to have sex with each other. The last scene with Tyrion is one with Lyanna on the giant map of Westeros. Tyrion tells Lyanna she will rule the Seven Kingdoms one day. He explains that the North and the Vale are currently ruled by Lady Sansa Stark, the only remaining Stark child and that she’s married to Lord Gendry Baratheon, Lord of the Stormlands. The Riverlands are ruled by Edmure Tully. Tyrion himself is in charge of Casterly Rock at the moment, but the castle is left unoccupied still. The Reach is ruled by Lord Samwell Tarly, son of Randy Tarly. The Iron Islands on the other hands are currently ruled by Yara Greyjoy. Lyanna asks about Dorne, on which Tyrion answers that Dorne is now ruled by one of Oberyn’s daughters. She has been married to a man who has always dreamt of owning a castle and having a fine young lady. Now he has both of them. Now Tyrion and Lyanna walk toward the Iron Throne. Tyrion warns Lyanna that the Game of Thrones isn’t a child’s play and it’s one that comes at a price. Of course, Tyrion assures her that she’ll never have to deal with the Game of Thrones alone and he’ll always be there for her. Last shot is Lyanna and Tyrion staring at the Iron Throne.

Last Scene

We end with a scene in the far far North, in the Lands of Always Winter. A single White Walker rides to and brings the body of Bran Stark to an altar. Remember that the Night King stabbed Bran in episode 2. He was stabbed in the heart with Dragonglass. He performs a certain ritual and Bran opens his eyes. They’re bright blue. The White Walker puts a crown on Bran’s head and the altar slowly changes into one of ice. Winter is coming…

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Season 7, episode 7(season finale) deaths: Littlefinger. 

Littlefinger gets his throat slashed my Arya in the presence of all the lords and Sansa giving her the order, while all the time making it seem that Arya was the one that's getting punished and keeping littlefinger clueless. Bran is also present next to Sansa, Sansa reminds littlefinger of how he betrayed Ned Stark which Bran gets to know in his visions. 

Wall gets breached by the undead dragon Viserion with the Night King riding on it, it will spit blue fire and the wall collapses easily due to the fire(this is the ending scene)

Cersei makes a pact with Dany and Jon that she will support their fight against the army of the dead in the North, yet later tells Jaime that she plans to betray them. 

Euron Greyjoy assembles an army to rescue and free Yara Greyjoy. 

Samwell Tarly meets Bran stark and discusses about finding dragonglass. Bran tells Sam that he's the all seeing raven and he goes back to the time Jon was born, and how he came about to be under Ned Stark's care. 

Jaime isn't pleased with Cersei's betrayal of Jon and Dany and leaves her to ride alone to the North in the middle of the night. 

Cersei wakes up in the middle of the night to find blood all around her including around the part of the body where her womb was. 


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