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What is it like for an Indian girl to live in America after marrying her husband?


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 know quite a few girls who have moved to the US after marriage, and my answer is based solely on my observations and deductions.

  • Loneliness

    In India, she would be constantly surrounded by relatives, neighbours and friends, whether she wants it or not. Especially if she lived in a joint family. In the US, however, she will need to build a support system from scratch. Sure, like most Indians, she might have a couple of people she knows there, but it's unlikely that they'll be right next door, the way it is in India. Her husband would spend most of his day at work, and considering that her visa wouldn't allow her to work initially (till she gets the required one), she'll have to spend all her time at home.
  • Culture shock

    If she is not from urban India and hasn't had any exposure whatsoever to anything outside the Indian culture, then she is bound to have a puzzling time initially. I knew someone who went to the US after marriage (from a small village in India), and she was scared when strangers would wish her "Good Morning". She was also scandalized when she saw couples kiss in public spaces. It took her a while to adjust but she got used to it. If the girl is from urban India though, apart from a few hiccups, it wouldn't take her too much time to adjust.
  • Temporary unemployment

    Again, since she would be on her husband's visa, she might not be able to work for a while. If she had a job back in India, then she is bound to feel useless or restless without having anywhere to be during the day, except home. A job is so much more though...you get the feeling of being independent. She will obviously have to borrow money from her husband, and that might make her feel small. Plus, in industries where the rate of change is big, it will be difficult to dive back in, unless she makes a conscious effort to keep her skills up-to-date.
  • Making friends

    This is solely based on what I have heard from my friends. The concept of personal space is a big one in the US. Hence, friendships take a lot more time and effort than they do in India. Of course, if her husband has a dedicated friends' circle and they are compatible with her, she might not find it too tough. If not, then she is bound to cling to old friendships back in India, which isn't very feasible.
  • Living with the significant other

    This depends on the husband. In few cases, the girl might be really unfortunate and stuck in an abusive marriage. But those are rare occurrences. Apart from that though, it is still going to be a challenge, living with a man you don't know very well in a foreign country, away from her comfort zone (unless they had a long engagement or a love marriage). 
  • Taking care of the house

    Unlike India, where maids and cooks are affordable, hiring help in the US is a pretty costly affair. If she is not used to doing things around the house like cooking or cleaning, then it is definitely going to be tough for her to adjust to that kind of life. Sure, her significant other might help her but as he would be at work most of the day, the onus would fall on her.

That is all I could think of for now. I'll edit the answer if I come up with anything else.

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