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***** Movies you watched Today/Weekend & Rating *****


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God Zilla: King of the Monsters (IMAX) - thokkala undi. Wasted 2 hours of my life I can never get back. I actually thought of watching it twice but once is too much. I watched Kong: Skull Island twice.

The issues in this movie -

Nothing much happens during the first half of the movie where it has only people doing bad acting, bad camera, bad direction and cinematography. The story-telling is very retro and not modern and they blew the climax (climax in Kong: Skull Island was great). All of the movie is shot in the dark and rain/water. Action scenes do not work well in the dark. Spiderman 2 from 2004 had great action scenes with Doctor Octopus shot in broad day light. Dark is good for suspense - not action.

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RAMPANT - the whole movie is shot in the dark and it is disappointing and frustrating. Darkness is for suspense - not action. The Walking Dead was shot mostly in the day light and it is great.

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