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Cash is king


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Current Una market trend ki save the money don’t put in stocks or bonds manage your 401ks 

Save money for rainy day

for example Florida beach houses were 65k in 2007,2008 now they cost about 700k

Jan lo market dabidi dibidey my guess is market will be down atleast 5% all the traders will return from holiday and active trading will surly bring snp to 2200

a1 global growth slow down 

  China market is in slump

  Europe market  is junK

2 US market is just holding on just ok 

3 split in houses will be tough year for government to pass any bills 

4  arrogant fed hikes and Powell foolish talks

5 chips equmipment manuf such as lam,applied texas,  consumer pulse companies such as fedex amzn apple guided down there earning and fedex MU giving warning about growth is very concerning. 

6 companies stock buy back with debts which is huge  losses to banks 

Ps: nenu edo economist and PhD holder kadu but follow market and active day trader just giving out my opinion 

Been saying this since jan 2018 

if fed keeps its same tone and increase rates and trump doesn’t resolve trade war 2019= 2001 and 2019 >= 2007 and 2020 is a resssion 

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Yes save up money.. Around middle of next year Feds will suspend their interest rate hikes and balance sheet tightening.. Trump and China also will slow down on the trade war.. Things will start trending up again.. But growth will be slow for several years.. I don't see a big upswing like 2012 to 2017 happening again int he near future..

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9 minutes ago, JambaKrantu said:

Yes save up money.. Around middle of next year Feds will suspend their interest rate hikes and balance sheet tightening.. Trump and China also will slow down on the trade war.. Things will start trending up again.. But growth will be slow for several years.. I don't see a big upswing like 2012 to 2017 happening again int he near future..

When stocks get hit like this fang -30% it take while to get back to previous highs ..

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1 minute ago, macha said:

When stocks get hit like this fang -30% it take while to get back to previous highs ..

No guarantee.. Facebook Netflix Apple are all losing market share.. They might stabilize but not bounce back..  

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America depends on imports and its a tough situation to manufacture anything here. 

Trade wars will get murkier and Trump will be left with no option other than to go slow on tariffs. 

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8 minutes ago, JambaKrantu said:

No guarantee.. Facebook Netflix Apple are all losing market share.. They might stabilize but not bounce back..  

agree fb is gone case its hard to gain the trust back .... only company looking good it Apple with regards with there balance sheet and cash they are sitting on...and ETF ESAI I would opt them....

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9 minutes ago, Android_Halwa said:

I have been advocating the same, save all you cash. Live on credit and save all your cash. This could be a life time chance. 

Cash is KING. 


true that....

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1 minute ago, macha said:

say me couple of reasons man why cant we expect recessions I have listed mine why recessions is not far..

This time recession may not be fueled by sub prime mortgage crisis. The government is well prepared and has checks in place to avoid 2008 sub-prime. Doesn’t mean it would insulate and assure growth. 

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7 minutes ago, Android_Halwa said:

And when you have cash and have no idea what to do with it, its as good as not to have cash. 


if your GC holder I would buy properties in prime area for retail rental, buy AI stocks thats what I would do.

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Just now, macha said:

if your GC holder I would buy properties in prime area for retail rental, buy AI stocks thats what I would do.

Let’s keep in touch man..! 

I really wish I was GC holder but I’m not. 

AAPL,MSFT are two stocks which I’m currently looking at

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