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Cash Cows: Australian universities making billions out of international students | Four Corners


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At UNSW they have recently changed from semesters to trimesters despite strong opposition from the student and staff body- student satisfaction has plummeted! All so that they can rush people through their degrees faster and earn more money! All while increasing international student fees and acceptance rate... it reeks of corporate greed
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I’m an international student myself, when I came here there were so many locals, I don’t know a lot of People from my country at campus so I had to force myself to interact with the locals. But in the Present, mostly the uni students are dominated by Chinese and Indian students. They’re always in their own group and talk with their own languages. It becomes difficult to interact with other students, so disappointed.

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Ive experienced this first hand in Western Sydney University and University of New South Wales as well. You wouldn’t have thought that the prestigious UNSW would be like this too. But if you walk onto campus 80% of students are from mainland China. And there are many in my course who do not even speak English. Last week we were watching presentations from students and one student had just presented their speech in Chinese but with English subtitles. I don’t understand how uni admission standards can be so low. Do they not see the drop out rates? In western Sydney I had a friend from Bangladesh and he had to drop out of our IT course because he didn’t understand the English and on top of that he had to work 3 jobs at once. Not just that he was mistreated by his employers because they took advantage of him (since he was working illegally on a student visa), he had no friends, he didn’t mix in with the other Indian students because Bangladeshs hates Indians. Even his family didn’t like him living with them. He didn’t have a supportive environment at all. The only way he managed to cope was turn towards drugs. He ended up dropping out and transferring into a dodgy college. Honestly the future isn’t too bright for him and he’s not he only one. Many international students just want to escape the problems they have in their country. I can’t say that these students are poor, they come all the way to Australia and that would’ve costed a lot. But many still struggle to survive here. The tuition fees for international are at least 3 times more than domestic students. They pay almost $28000 a year, I know a Nepalese friend who works that much a year to pay off this tuition. Luckily for him he isn’t mistreated from his employers and actually have supportive friends and he has decent English. Many of these international students try a lot harder than domestic students who take university for granted. They have no choice, the pressure on them is enormous. Universities are supposed to be non profit organisations. They get heaps of funding from the government as well. Educators shouldn’t be thinking about making money. It should be how to improve the quality of education for all students.

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