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what will India's map look like i n 2200?


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2 minutes ago, Android_Halwa said:

Well, it would still look like as it is today...

minus kashmir and arunachal 

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yeah india will remain the same, even if history shows us that its never the case with any country in the past.

why? because modern times are so awesome, that it gives us the ability to predict that our current good times and borders will forever hold, even in the face of economic collapse, social breakdown, catastrophic climate event. etc.

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highly populated, polluted, people eating people, no trees only buildings and dust.

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10 minutes ago, Maryadaramanna said:

I think there's a threat to the southern states due to rising sea-levels. other than that, no much change.  

so other regions will just accept migrants from the south without creating a serious political and social problem you say? lol.

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