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Why most Indian wives and girls love only Caucasian men


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1 minute ago, tennisluvr said:

I am a fan of Hispanic culture and their group strength, desis are mostly yuck in this matter. 

very true...north south ani thittukovadame saripothadhi..naanu naa wife ni adugutharu how are you compatabile ani

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1 minute ago, tennisluvr said:

Not true bro, educated Black men are considered better partners for long term relationships plus they also have a reputation of ageing well compared to Caucasians 

Educated black men and being in good careers are a rare commodity, not many ppl break out of their mess and be successful unless they are immigrants, I didn’t find much of educated American black men 

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6 minutes ago, sboyr2r said:


Where are you from? No, where are you really from?”

This one is my all-time favorite and the one that almost every single Indian (and I’m guessing Latin and Asian too) person has encountered. My first response is always “New Jersey”. What happens next is I receive a perplexed look, as they though they are trying to either a) interpret how I could possibly be from New Jersey or b) how to articulate what they want to know. I get what they are trying to suggest. “You couldn’t possibly be American because you are brown and only white people are from America.”

That’s weird because I was raised in the U.S. [1] I wondered where I actually was from?

Here’s a kooky fact! Non-white people are born here every day. Chinese people have been immigrating to this country since the mid 1800’s. And the Japanese since the early 1900’s. Whaaaa? Asian people were here before lots of other white people who immigrated? Yes, it’s true. A better question? What is your ethnic background?

2. “You’re not all Ganesh and stuff.”

I wasn’t entirely sure what this means. Was this guy surprised that I don’t walk around in a sari? Or that I don’t wear bindis and henna on a regular basis? Or even worse that I didn’t have an elephant head and four arms? This was literally one of the worst dates I ever had. Thank goodness we didn’t go to an Indian restaurant. His mind might have exploded.

3. “You’re cool for an Indian girl.”

I think this guy is probably related to the other guy who thought I wasn’t “all Ganesh.” I thought we were supposed to be hot and spicy anyway.

4. “You speak really good American”

This one sounds straight out of Sarah Palin’s handbook, but alas it wasn’t the former VP nominee who said this to me but a cab driver. Seeing as we were in Miami which was although heavily Cuban, is ethnically diverse, I was surprised he didn’t seem to grasp that brown people can and do speak perfectly fluent English every *** day. Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Kumail Nanjiani, or Mindy Kaling (who is practically a Valley Girl) all speak perfect English last time I checked. Or “American” as he put it. For the record I speak perfect “American”, pretty decent French, and Hindi that rivals a two-year-old’s vocabulary.

5. “You’ve got that sassy urban vibe.”

Because the presumption is that I am Latina. Here are the questions that ran through my head when the guy in question said this to me:

- So Hispanic people can only be from urban areas? They can’t be from the suburbs?

- Why is the word ‘urban’ used in reference black and Hispanic people, but not white? Lots of white people are born and raised in cities.

- Do I have to be considered Latina to be sassy? Could I not be sassy on my own? Are all Latinas supposed to be ‘sassy’?

This dude seemed to be inferring that I was some derivative of a Rosie Perez / J-Lo type. The reality is I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb watching Bollywood movies. My parents were strict, and I was barely allowed to go to the mall much less ride a subway by myself. I’m outspoken and opinionated because I just am. Not because of any sort of cultural upbringing much to my father’s dismay. I am almost entirely positive he would prefer if I just shut up. Especially when he’s trying to nap.

6. “You don’t look American.”

I tend to presume the person saying it has literally never heard the term “melting pot” or is stuck watching 1950’s sitcoms in some sort of weird time warp.

As a rule, don’t tell anyone what they look or don’t look like. Unless you’re telling them they look young. Always say that.

7. Hola!

God, no. Please no “holas” no “namastes”. Just NO. “Hi” or “hello” is perfectly fine. I’ll even take a “you fancy”.

8. “They probably think you’re a prostitute.”

After a night out, I was dropping a friend in a somewhat questionable part of town. She was a white, young upper-middle class East Coast woman who had chosen to live in an area more popular with cockroaches than 20-something college grads.

All of a sudden, we heard a police siren and within seconds the squad car had pulled up behind us.

“Oh great, they probably think you’re a prostitute”, Rebecca said with exasperation. I was wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans. I hardly looked like I was ready to walk the streets. Also, I was in a car with another woman. Duh. Even if I was wearing as Beyoncé calls it a “freakum dress”, why on earth would anyone assume I was a prostitute? I’m just not into any old D. To quote Cher Horowitz “You see how picky I am about my shoes. And those just go on my feet.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I snapped back.

“You look Latin, so they’re assuming,” she responded as though this was the most logical premise.

So according to Rebecca, all Latina women look like prostitutes. And all police officers assume/know this. This is the same person who claims to be a champion of the poor, minorities and proudly wears her liberal allegiance to the Democratic party.

I rolled down my window, “Hi officer, what seems to be the problem?”

“I just wanted to make sure you guys are OK. This isn’t the best neighborhood.”

I glared at Rebecca. “We’re good. Thank you for checking.”

I never spoke to Rebecca again.

9. “You celebrate Thanksgiving? That’s not your holiday.”

I asked this woman why it wouldn’t be my holiday and she stammered realizing she might have said something idiotic. “Well um, uh I don’t know I just wasn’t sure, it’s you know an American holiday.”

“I am American,” I responded.

“Oh, um I thought you were Indian.”

How I long for the day when I don’t have to explain the difference between nationality and ethnicity.

10. “You’re too sensitive.”

For being annoyed by any of the above. Thanks white dude.

[1] Much to my chagrin, (until the 2016 election anyway after which my dual citizenship gave me comfort) I was born in Canada. But that’s not really my fault.

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7 minutes ago, aryeman said:

very true...north south ani thittukovadame saripothadhi..naanu naa wife ni adugutharu how are you compatabile ani

why would they ask you  ?

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8 minutes ago, tennisluvr said:

Right but in some cases I have also seen unattractive White men end up with good and above average looking desi women who even age well. Thing is, for a lot of minorities including desis this is a way to be accepted into the Western society so they don't mind trading down to gain a higher "status" by going for a less than attractive partner that's White. 

Beauty status exchange takes place more or less. Your genes determine how good you can look beyond a certain age. If you are from a family that comes from a wealthy/ well maintained background, yeah you will look decent. However, the perception among white people about Desis hasn’t changed much. We are lower in the pecking order and probably are equal to/ less than African Americans. How many typical whiteguys have long term relationships with black women? Not many. The same thing happens to Desis as well. Trust me white guys judge other white guys who date someone below their status. Desi papas for the most part are below their status for long term relationships. 

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Just now, aryeman said:

Because, I'm married to north indian

desis aduguthara ? or locals aduguthara ?

desis aduguthey it's not shocking, I wouldn't ask you but I would think the same.

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1 minute ago, xano917 said:

desis aduguthara ? or locals aduguthara ?

desis aduguthey it's not shocking, I wouldn't ask you but I would think the same.

Desis adugutharu... Americans can't even notice until we mention that we don't spea same language

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