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About human being past lives. YOLO


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There is no evidence whatever to support past lives, which is part and parcel of the idea of reincarnation , a core tenet of various religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.

There is no evidence of any sort of “soul”, which is necessary for reincarnation to occur.

The evidences frequently mentioned for reincarnation are simply explained by other things. “Past life memories” evoked by hypnosis are simply confabulation. Tests by skeptical psychologists indicate that nearly anyone can be led into reciting quite detailed accounts of “past lives”… but if pressed further, along the lines of “where did you get this information”, the test subject will quite readily admit to having read about it previously or simply making it up.

There was a well-publicized case some years ago where a young lady in the UK was having remarkably detailed memories of life as a Roman subject during the time of Hadrian.. He of the “wall” and all.

All very detailed and convincing. Except… Some of the passages sounded familiar to one listener who visited the local library and found a history of the Roman occupation of Britain… Which had identical information, and which had been checked out by the young woman as a child. She’d forgotten all about it.

Child prodigies? This is much more in tune with “Autism Spectrum” disorders than past lives. Often, such children display remarkable abilities in music or other fields, even if they are severely deficient in others.

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4 minutes ago, Beardman said:

There is no evidence whatever to support past lives, which is part and parcel of the idea of reincarnation , a core tenet of various religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.

 There is no evidence of any sort of “soul”, which is necessary for reincarnation to occur.

 The evidences frequently mentioned for reincarnation are simply explained by other things. “Past life memories” evoked by hypnosis are simply confabulation. Tests by skeptical psychologists indicate that nearly anyone can be led into reciting quite detailed accounts of “past lives”… but if pressed further, along the lines of “where did you get this information”, the test subject will quite readily admit to having read about it previously or simply making it up.

 There was a well-publicized case some years ago where a young lady in the UK was having remarkably detailed memories of life as a Roman subject during the time of Hadrian.. He of the “wall” and all.

All very detailed and convincing. Except… Some of the passages sounded familiar to one listener who visited the local library and found a history of the Roman occupation of Britain… Which had identical information, and which had been checked out by the young woman as a child. She’d forgotten all about it.

Child prodigies? This is much more in tune with “Autism Spectrum” disorders than past lives. Often, such children display remarkable abilities in music or other fields, even if they are severely deficient in others.

kaani evado 6 yella ammai ni bumchick chesinodu devudu unnadante nammli memu

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There is no evidence of negative energy demons, possession one God and all that crap that you put up here to indirectly support nee mathanni. Deenni selective amnesia antaru. Vere matham lo bokkalu vethike mundu nee matham lo bokkalu vethukkovachu ga. 

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17 minutes ago, Rushabhi said:

There is no evidence of negative energy demons, possession one God and all that crap that you put up here to indirectly support nee mathanni. Deenni selective amnesia antaru. Vere matham lo bokkalu vethike mundu nee matham lo bokkalu vethukkovachu ga. 

nenu ee matam kaadu , but i found it useful

The Transcendent 

  • Whoever participates in universal Knowledge will regard two apparently contradictory truths as he would two points situated on one and the same circumference that links them together by its continuity and so reduces them to unity; in the measure in which these points are distant from and thus opposed to one another there will be contradiction and this contradiction will reach its maximum when the two points are situated at the extremities of a diameter of the circle; but this extreme opposition or contradiction only appears as a result of isolating the points under consideration from the circle and ignoring the existence of the latter.
  • Pure and absolute truth can only be found beyond all its possible expressions; these expressions, as such, cannot claim the attributes of this truth, their relative remoteness from it is expressed by their differentiation and multiplicity, by which they are strictly limited.
  • If Christ has been the only manifestation of the Word, supposing such a uniqueness of manifestation to be possible, the effect of His birth would have been the instantaneous reduction of the universe to ashes.
  • The reason for the existence of a religion, from one point of view at least, is to be found precisely in those things wherein it differs from other religions.
  • The truth is, however, that every religion form is superior to the others in a particular respect, and it is this characteristic that in fact indicates the sufficient reason for the existence of that form.

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  • What most men do not know - and if they could know it, why could they be called on to believe it? - Is that this blue sky, though illusory as an optical error and belied by the vision of interplanetary space, is nonetheless an adequate reflection of the Heaven of the Angels and the Blessed and that therefore, despite everything, it is this blue mirage, flecked with silver clouds, that is right and will have the final say; to be astonished at this amounts to admitting that it is by chance that we are here on earth and see the sky as we do.
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