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Girija Tickoo gang rape and mutilation - saga of Pandits in Kashmir


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7 minutes ago, jpismahatma said:

@lovemystate have you read about exodus of kashmit pundits?

I have friends in kashmir community.. their cousin uncles were killed. they sold property for 10% of the value and moved to mumbai. again people like you are least bothered about kashmir.. you motto is different..

Now here kalam respected and high regarded individual...cutting across sections... I hope he removes rot inside your brain.

also show this video to your parents..


I have said repeatedly killings happened but only hundred or so. There were no massacres. An exodus happened too for various historical reasons. They sold for 10 percent may have been a good deal - what will be property value in an area ransacked with violence - not much - so they did get their money .

BUT is that justification to put soldiers armed with machine guys at every corner and massacre 50,000 people. what about UN promises. will you accept same if such revenge is done against hindus for so many massacres they did. 

dont talk like a fool and murderer.

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5 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

I have said repeatedly killings happened but only hundred or so. There were no massacres. An exodus happened too for various historical reasons. They sold for 10 percent may have been a good deal - what will be property value in an area ransacked with violence - not much - so they did get their money .

BUT is that justification to put soldiers armed with machine guys at every corner and massacre 50,000 people. what about UN promises. will you accept same if such revenge is done against hindus for so many massacres they did. 

dont talk like a fool and murderer.

@lovemystate .. Army is there to control mob.. who are exited by pak agencies...you think indian army there is doing genocide?.. I am not here to defend KP. I am here to defend why the decision was made to put army in J&K

Army is there only in few places.....and you dont concentrate on majority of Jand K.

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1 minute ago, jpismahatma said:

@lovemystate even by your logic.. if your TN becomes seperate country you will keep harassing people...

You got problem with

1. language.

2. Religion

3. Caste.. 

next what?

Yes they are no problems when they are actual real problems ..just escape from all ..only swallow what rss tells you and live in a third world shithole country which actually regressed compared to most of its asian neighbours..all you guys want is america but hell for kashmiris, south indians

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3 minutes ago, jpismahatma said:

@lovemystate oh.. shieat...first you watch kalam video and tell me.. what it tells.  what is important..

i have said everything that is to say it is you who cant see darkness in you. you are clearly a castist fellow with no humanity. i repeatedly asked how do you justify blinding children, killing 50,0000 kashmiris. All you do is bring up stories of ONE girl who cliams to be raped and alleged property losess of kashmiris. There is no point you have no heart - you are going to hell. good bye. 

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4 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

Yes they are no problems when they are actual real problems ..just escape from all ..only swallow what rss tells you and live in a third world shithole country which actually regressed compared to most of its asian neighbours..all you guys want is america but hell for kashmiris, south indians

  1. oh..if you have problem you discuss.. not having separate countries will resolve the issue.  you saw kalam video???

Even people like you get seperate country.. you wont work creating harmony.. your work is to create differences.

you idiot I am not RSS.  which asian neighbours are you talking about? nepal? pakistan? srilanka? bangladesh? good continue your rot... you read your extreme left rules which were implemented before 1992.. 

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8 minutes ago, lovemystate said:

i have said everything that is to say it is you who cant see darkness in you. you are clearly a castist fellow with no humanity. i repeatedly asked how do you justify blinding children, killing 50,0000 kashmiris. All you do is bring up stories of ONE girl who cliams to be raped and alleged property losess of kashmiris. There is no point you have no heart - you are going to hell. good bye. 

your have allergy.. working with people who are not from your sect..

.. you can blame me whatever you want. bottom line is you hate....

how do you justify blinding children, killing 50,0000 kashmiris?

where are you pulling these numbers from ?


All you do is bring up stories of ONE girl who cliams to be raped and alleged property losess of kashmiris. 

This shows your rotten mind.. have you read about kashmir exodous?


The Hindus of the Kashmir Valley, were forced to flee the Kashmir valley as a result of being targeted by JKLF and Islamist insurgents during late 1989 and early 1990.[4][5] Of the approximately 300,000[6][7][8] to 600,000[9][10] Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley in 1990 only 2,000–3,000 remain there in 2016.[11]

I am not defending one over other..

I am defending indian govt and army decision. taken in current situation.. to control..disturbances..


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1 hour ago, jpismahatma said:

your have allergy.. working with people who are not from your sect..

.. you can blame me whatever you want. bottom line is you hate....

how do you justify blinding children, killing 50,0000 kashmiris?

where are you pulling these numbers from ?


All you do is bring up stories of ONE girl who cliams to be raped and alleged property losess of kashmiris. 

This shows your rotten mind.. have you read about kashmir exodous?


The Hindus of the Kashmir Valley, were forced to flee the Kashmir valley as a result of being targeted by JKLF and Islamist insurgents during late 1989 and early 1990.[4][5] Of the approximately 300,000[6][7][8] to 600,000[9][10] Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley in 1990 only 2,000–3,000 remain there in 2016.[11]

I am not defending one over other..

I am defending indian govt and army decision. taken in current situation.. to control..disturbances..


Not defending antune you have defended almost jailing the entire valley ..your excuse now is "disturbances" ..your past excuse for rapes and murders is "kashmiri pandits" ..you only make excuses for crimes - as i said you are heartless monster destined for hell and hotter hell. You see entire kashmiri people, their struggle from 48 as nothing but a "disturbance"..you even refuse toacknowledge the kashmiri pandit racism despite being fully knowledgelebe about caste system of india..i never said there was no exodus of kashmiri pandits simply that there were no massacres of them ..but you keep bringing up exodus again and again like a dumb savage bloodthirsty robot. i dont know who can save you. IF you get a chance and given an excuse of "distrubance" you will happily murder children, rape women and kill men. 

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2 hours ago, lovemystate said:

first off nobody knows these are true or not - but they can be true . SO lets assume they are true and it is just a single person.   then whoever attacked girija needs to be punished - will you punish an entire community - entha rakshas r a meeru

awwww so cute... no one knows if this is true and even if this js true, its only person even though history says around 300k pandits used to live in the valley but not anymore...... but you know for sure that muslims are lynched for no reason and they are happening in a large number kada despite there are around 40-50 of them as of date.... hahaha keep crying like an ignorant little bitchh you are

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3 hours ago, lovemystate said:

why dont we also lovingly document the story of every dalit harassed, discriminated by hindus and use that to justify the genocide of hindus. document every muslim murdered in the gujarat riots and use that for revenge against all hindus who had nothing to do with massacre.

Idhi jaragadaaniki kaaranam yenti?? @lovemystate

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2 hours ago, lovemystate said:

Not defending antune you have defended almost jailing the entire valley ..your excuse now is "disturbances" ..your past excuse for rapes and murders is "kashmiri pandits" ..you only make excuses for crimes - as i said you are heartless monster destined for hell and hotter hell. You see entire kashmiri people, their struggle from 48 as nothing but a "disturbance"..you even refuse toacknowledge the kashmiri pandit racism despite being fully knowledgelebe about caste system of india..i never said there was no exodus of kashmiri pandits simply that there were no massacres of them ..but you keep bringing up exodus again and again like a dumb savage bloodthirsty robot. i dont know who can save you. IF you get a chance and given an excuse of "distrubance" you will happily murder children, rape women and kill men. 

They are jailing entire valley.. facts are pain to you.. they . jailed how many out of how much of total j &k?.. brain washed..... clueless... communist... what happened to your india neighbours .. who are developed argument? lost your debate??? I asked for facts ?? where are your facts. show me the number of deaths/crimes of civilians in valley done indian army.

you are heartless monster...you play with emotions of people.you are casteist in entire DB. you hate people who dont belong to your caste.  people know capacity of militants...army has jailed them not kids or women.. dont cry.....where you have zero empathy towards valley.

. IF you get a chance and given an excuse of "distrubance" you will happily murder children, rape women and kill men. 

pussie argument stove your head into wirein....


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