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Sarah Thomas is first to swim the English Channel four times non-stop

tacobell fan

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Yes..  a great feat indeed..

***********A woman who was treated for breast cancer a year ago has become the first person to swim across the English Channel four times non-stop. Sarah Thomas, 37, began the epic challenge in the early hours of Sunday and finished after more than 54 hours. Ms Thomas - who completed her treatment in 2018 - dedicated her swim to "all the survivors out there". The swim was due to be about 80 miles but because of strong tides Ms Thomas ended up swimming closer to 130 miles. Ms Thomas, from Colorado in the United States, completed the final leg on Tuesday at about 06:30 BST. Speaking to the BBC after she came ashore at Dover, the open water ultra marathon swimmer said: "I just can't believe we did it. I'm really just pretty numb.

"There was a lot of people on the beach to meet me and wish me well and it was really nice of them, but I feel just mostly stunned."

Sarah Thomas just after she swam ashore

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