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S386 Blocked Today; Game Still On; Still Time to Call Your Senators to Stop S386; Demand Hearings & Debate

19ThursdaySep 2019

Call your Senators ASAP to oppose S386, which needs to have public hearings and be debated rather than rammed through: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?OrderBy=state&Sort=ASC
It’s unclear why Senator Perdue of Georgia blocked the unanimous consent vote. It is as unclear as why the majority of Congress want to sell the country out to upper caste India who, in majority, stomp upon Americans with no qualms, just as they stomp upon the Dalit (untouchables) in their own country. The upper caste of India think they are reincarnated to stomp on everyone else. America was created by the equivalent of India’s Dalits-untouchables! Any immigrants from India should be ONLY those persecuted in India, like the Dalits and not the persecutors! America is supposed to be for the persecuted not for the persecutors. However, the majority of those arriving from India are the persecutors, not the persecuted. The problem, of course, is that if immigration becomes only for Dalits then the upper castes will fake paperwork, just like some fake degrees and are willing to pretend to be black to get pity from America, and just like the Brahmins/upper castes seem to be behind the creation of a new fake category called “persons of color”. Then they pretend to give Americans lessons in Civil Rights. In the United States, Asian Indians have a median household income of $100,000 which far exceeds that of any other group. They are at the top of the caste and class heap, whereas, like the Dalits, many white and black Americans aren’t even on the ladder of caste or class. Worse, wealthy immigrants from India and elsewhere have been kicking Americans off the bottom rung of the ladder for many decades, using the lie that we are too dumb to have a job in our own country. Americans weren’t dumb, but just naive. Now we are increasingly an underclass in our own land. Hispanic is another fake grouping that is majority white and lumps in wealthy immigrants from Europe and the Middle East who were born in Latin America, along with poor people, most of whom still consider themselves white. Hispanic America is just that – America founded by Spaniards and Portuguese, vs America founded by British, with other peoples mixed in. Blue-eyed blond Spaniards born in Spain are also classified as a persecuted “hispanic” “minority” in the United States, whereas ethnic Germans, British, and Irish with black hair and brown eyes (or blue eyes) are considered to have white privilege.

When Americans are blocked from opportunity through patronage and nepotism and lack of opportunity for generations, it is unclear if we can talk about class or must talk about caste. Class seems to be a new aristocracy, which is effectively caste.

See scum-bag Mike Lee, who with Kamala Harris, offspring of wealthy Tamil Brahmins of India, is trying to ram through S386: 12:59:44 PM https://www.c-span.org/congress/?chamber=senate

India is like the deep south under Jim Crow:
‘This Is It. I’m Going To Die’: India’s Minorities Are Targeted In Lynchings

Why are we so stupid and naive as to allow this?
The US isn’t safe from the trauma of caste bias WGBH News March 08, 2019 · 9:00 AM EST By Tinku Ray https://www.pri.org/stories/2019-03-08/us-isn-t-safe-trauma-caste-bias

The vaste majority of immigrants from India to the United States are from high or dominant castes. As of 2003, only 1.5% of immigrants from India to the United States were Dalits or members of lower castes.

See too regarding the companion House Bill:
View from the Left: HR 1044 is – like Trump’s Tax Bill – a Gift to the Haves” By David North on July 10, 2019 https://cis.org/North/View-Left-HR-1044-Trumps-Tax-Bill-Gift-Haves

Thanks to The_Americat for the heads up!


Unanimous consent to proceed on #S386 fails. Bill will not proceed to a vote today.


Now investigate CORRUPT @SenMikeLee for taking bribes from @Google and Indian Lobbyist @immivoice so as to help India dump millions of fraud #H1B in US.

Failed attorney @FrescoLeon has been spreading lies and selling America for personal gains.

No #S386 #NoS386 @USTechWorkers



Brave Twitter Warrior Americat! 🙂

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