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Nazis and the Vatican Church


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Lot of made up posts by members linking Hindus to Nazis,

Nothing could be further from the truth. 


Here is an attempt to expose what history has tried to bury, that Nazism is in fact branch of Christianity, blessed by the Vatican and in return Vatican Church profited immensely from it.


First things first ->

repeat after me, the symbol is NOT SWASTIKA. It was never Swastika, it was never called Swastika, worse, Swastika was not the inspiration for it.

So, when some one says Nazi symbol is Swastika, look into that persons eyes and say its ACTUALLY CALLED HOOKED CROSS.

Yes people, the symbol used by Nazis is called HAKENKREUZ in German, the english translation is HOOKED CROSS.

It was only called Swastika after WW2 to divert from the word Hooked cross, since the word Cross is associated with Christianity


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Now let us Talk about Hitler, British, Bose, Savarkar & Gandhi.

Hitler & Nazis - Very despicable acts, killed Jews, waged wars, killed millions, forced millions into poverty.

British - Very Nice people, Killed Indians, waged wars, subjugated hundreds of millions into poverty, killed millions.

Bose - Hindu terrorist, Wanted to fight extremely good people called British, by aligning with Hitler.

Savarkar - Another Hindu terrorist, worse, a British lap dog, who "might have praised Hitler"(mind you, no proof for this), who was deeply admired by another HIndu terrorist Bose.

Gandhi - A great Indian patriot, who loved good British so much that he did not want Indians to NEVER PICK UP arms against British. He wanted Indians to just die if British kills us. This great patriot also asked Indians to go and fight WW2 for British, (did not matter if british killed millions of Indians) against Hitler


To sum up the story,

British, the empire that enslaved us for 200 years, killed millions of us, drove us into poverty WERE GOOD PEOPLE.

Hitler, who never did any harm to Indians, WERE BAD GUY.

Bose, who wanted Hitler, who was fighting against British(Enemy of my Enemy) to help India with our independence  was a Hindu Nazi.

Savarkar, another Hindu Nazi, who never associated himself with Hitler or Nazis EVER is somehow a fascist Nazi because......??

Gandhi, who wanted indians to kill germans (who never lifted a finger on Indians) to protest British(who massacred us) is a deeply respected patriot.


Lets not forget Hindu terrorist Bhagat Singh, a deep admirer of Savarkar, another fascist who murdered innocent peaceful seculars..


hmmm....Wait.....Am I confusing you?? 


Or may be our historians have confused us all this time...

Let me ask you this, For Indians who are the Nazis? The Germans or The British?


Our independence struggle had many facets, the only facet shown to us is a travesty that glorifies Gandhi & Nehru and relates and insults many others who were MORE important than these 2 frauds.

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Now let's talk about Vatican Church and Nazis ->

First things first, how many of you know Vatican as nation came into being in 1929.

Before that there was no nation called Vatican City.


Vatican City came into being through a treaty called as LATERAN TREATY signed between Pope at the time and a Nazi called as Mussolini.

Yup, for all the fake narrative of calling Hindus as Nazis, it was actually the Christian CHURCH, that made a deal with Mussolini, the god father of Hitler and got a piece of land as their country called Vatican City.


Did the church NOT KNOW about Mussolini? Oh yes, they did but they made the deal anyway.

Church gave blessing to a Nazi to do what he wants in return for Vatican City.


Details of the treaty -



Imagine this for a moment, the highest religious body of Christianity signed a deal with Fascist Mussolini, all the while knowing every single sordid details about the persecution of Jews.

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54 minutes ago, prasadr said:

Now let us Talk about Hitler, British, Bose, Savarkar & Gandhi

Gandhi - A great Indian patriot, who loved good British so much that he did not want Indians to NEVER PICK UP arms against British. He wanted Indians to just die if British kills us. 

Ee angle yepudu alochinchaledhu nenu, makes sense. Ee method follow avvadam valla benefit britishers ke.

 But he also spear headed non - cooperation movement and ban foreign goods and encouraged swadeshi movements like khadi etc kada . 

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What the  Lateran treaty achieved ->


The Lateran Pacts signed by Mussolini on 11 February 1929, had three parts: a political treaty (giving the Vatican its own micro-state), a financial convention (giving the Vatican reparations) and a concordat (giving privileges within Italy, for instance by letting the Church influence public education). In return for all of this Mussolini received Vatican recognition of the Kingdom of Italy — of which he happened to be the dictator. Through the Lateran Pacts, as a contemporary account noted, “Mussolini has achieved a great diplomatic success, perhaps the greatest of his career.” 

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59 minutes ago, prasadr said:

Now let us Talk about Hitler, British, Bose, Savarkar & Gandhi.

Hitler & Nazis - Very despicable acts, killed Jews, waged wars, killed millions, forced millions into poverty.

British - Very Nice people, Killed Indians, waged wars, subjugated hundreds of millions into poverty, killed millions.

Bose - Hindu terrorist, Wanted to fight extremely good people called British, by aligning with Hitler.

Savarkar - Another Hindu terrorist, worse, a British lap dog, who "might have praised Hitler"(mind you, no proof for this), who was deeply admired by another HIndu terrorist Bose.

Gandhi - A great Indian patriot, who loved good British so much that he did not want Indians to NEVER PICK UP arms against British. He wanted Indians to just die if British kills us. This great patriot also asked Indians to go and fight WW2 for British, (did not matter if british killed millions of Indians) against Hitler


To sum up the story,

British, the empire that enslaved us for 200 years, killed millions of us, drove us into poverty WERE GOOD PEOPLE.

Hitler, who never did any harm to Indians, WERE BAD GUY.

Bose, who wanted Hitler, who was fighting against British(Enemy of my Enemy) to help India with our independence  was a Hindu Nazi.

Savarkar, another Hindu Nazi, who never associated himself with Hitler or Nazis EVER is somehow a fascist Nazi because......??

Gandhi, who wanted indians to kill germans (who never lifted a finger on Indians) to protest British(who massacred us) is a deeply respected patriot.


Lets not forget Hindu terrorist Bhagat Singh, a deep admirer of Savarkar, another fascist who murdered innocent peaceful seculars..


hmmm....Wait.....Am I confusing you?? 


Or may be our historians have confused us all this time...

Let me ask you this, For Indians who are the Nazis? The Germans or The British?


Our independence struggle had many facets, the only facet shown to us is a travesty that glorifies Gandhi & Nehru and relates and insults many others who were MORE important than these 2 frauds.

Narsi yenti maaku idi 

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2 minutes ago, Tyler_durden said:

Ee angle yepudu alochinchaledhu nenu, makes sense. Ee method follow avvadam valla benefit britishers ke.

 But he also spear headed non - cooperation movement and ban foreign goods and encouraged swadeshi movements like khadi etc kada . 


There was an interesting debate between Savarkar and Gandhi on this.


Savarkar asked Gandhi to tell British not to fight Germans, instead, they should do boycotts, do peaceful protests etc to stop Germans from attacking them.

Probably Savarkar had already realized by then the fraud Gandhi was but was afraid to say so openly due to popular sentiments.


Why would Gandhi send Indians to fight for British &

not suggest British to do peaceful protests against occupying German forces??


What's good for Indians did not seem good enough for people of British as per Mr Gandhi.

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Let's put the final nail in Nazi Vatican's, shall we.

in 1933, Hitler made a deal with the then pope pius,

this was the called Reichskonkordat


This was Vatican Concordat with Hitler signed in 1933. Yes, you read that right dearies. Vatican Church made a deal with Hitler in 1933.

This deal still in place today was to deal with the rights of Vatican Church in Third Reich. 

This deal was not some humanitarian deal signed but a desperate Vatican who saw the rise of Hitler and decided to strike a deal with the devil for power. And in process they looked on while Hitler massacred millions.




All the Hindu haters and Rice bags, read and weep.

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Vatican Church made 2 deals ->

1. With Mussolini in 1929

2. With Hitler in 1933


These 2 deals made with fascist Nazis rarely get mentioned in our history books, the reasons are obvious and damning.

The Vatican Archives, closed to public details many accounts during that period. Little wonder Vatican selectively releases these archives to pliable historians to peddle their lies.

The public by and large will never get to see any of these archives from this period.


Imagine for a moment, the holiest of Christian belief system made deals with 2 of the vilest humans in modern history.

Yet, no one dares calls Vatican Fascist or Nazis, when it clearly shows they supported and even promoted them for power and property.

Instead, Hindus who never associated with them for either power or property, gets abused by the words Nazis and Fascists.

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3 hours ago, prasadr said:

Lot of made up posts by members linking Hindus to Nazis,

Nothing could be further from the truth. 


Here is an attempt to expose what history has tried to bury, that Nazism is in fact branch of Christianity, blessed by the Vatican and in return Vatican Church profited immensely from it.


First things first ->

repeat after me, the symbol is NOT SWASTIKA. It was never Swastika, it was never called Swastika, worse, Swastika was not the inspiration for it.

So, when some one says Nazi symbol is Swastika, look into that persons eyes and say its ACTUALLY CALLED HOOKED CROSS.

Yes people, the symbol used by Nazis is called HAKENKREUZ in German, the english translation is HOOKED CROSS.

It was only called Swastika after WW2 to divert from the word Hooked cross, since the word Cross is associated with Christianity


UCCHA .. Past medha yedichi sastav gA.. Sati kinda nee pellam ni neetho patu katiki pampincha daniki arrangements kavali antey cheppu.. North lo janalu ready for hire unaru.. Tosi pari Bengutaru.. 

Monna edo liberal kambhal ani edo.post vesinav..Warning anukoni..  Monna Uccha Bodi Rump Bul li Bul chikedu.. Dani mundu kammaga untadi and andhulonu pedda di ani Obava di chikedu..  Eroju Amran gadini Rump Thata chikanichedu.. Bodi pani chekadam ee chekadam camera undi antey chalu.. 

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There is a book called Hitler's pope,


A very interesting read on the dastardly acts of Church and how the church tried to white-wash their association with Hitler and Mussolini.


But, documents and proofs can be unforgiving.

the 2 treaties made by Vatican monsters with Mussolini and Hitler are damning, Vatican Church profited from both these treaties, immensely & in return, Church practically blessed these 2 monsters to continue their evil.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/23/2019 at 8:52 PM, pittagoda said:

UCCHA .. Past medha yedichi sastav gA.. Sati kinda nee pellam ni neetho patu katiki pampincha daniki arrangements kavali antey cheppu.. North lo janalu ready for hire unaru.. Tosi pari Bengutaru.. 

Monna edo liberal kambhal ani edo.post vesinav..Warning anukoni..  Monna Uccha Bodi Rump Bul li Bul chikedu.. Dani mundu kammaga untadi and andhulonu pedda di ani Obava di chikedu..  Eroju Amran gadini Rump Thata chikanichedu.. Bodi pani chekadam ee chekadam camera undi antey chalu.. 


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