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Woman bites camel’s testicles to escape enclosure after being sat on at truck stop zoo in Louisiana


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A woman bit a camel (not pictured) after entering its enclosure.

A woman bit a camel's testicles after the 600-pound animal sat on her in its enclosure at a Louisiana truck stop, according to authorities. She had entered the enclosure in an attempt to retrieve her dog, according to the Advocate newspaper. The woman’s husband had been throwing treats under the camel’s fence at Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, igniting last week’s bizarre incident. “The camel did nothing wrong,” Iberville Parish Deputy Louis Hamilton Jr. told the Advocate. “They (the couple) were aggressive. The camel was just doing its normal routine.” After the woman and her husband both crawled into the enclosure, the camel, called Caspar, took issue with their presence and apparently sat on her. "She said, ‘I bit his balls to get him off of me, I bit his testicles to get him off of me,'” Hamilton told the newspaper.

It is a small matter that the couple belong to Florida...

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