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NSFW - 3 muslims rape Dalit girls, tell her she should be glad it's not 20 raping her


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muslims will be a monolith, if they form one country or atleast a federation of regions.

it has never happened, even at the height of Ottoman empire. 

however, hindus are blindly voting and supporting a fcuking fool like Modi, inspite of evidence that he's the most incompetent fcuk to ever hold the highest office in India.

to me it looks like its Hindus who are trying to become monolithic. not muslims.

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stick to muslim politics moron. if you want to say UK muslims are the same as indian muslims, try to say what similar policies they take up, and how they push the incumbent govt in both countries in a particular political direction, towards achievement of their superstate.

if you can't, just shut the fcuk up.

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I mean, you have zero shame in supporting a fool like Modi. its possible only if you are part of a cult.

do you think that cult is Hindutva, or Hinduism itself? I'm not making any claims. I'm just curious.

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you've made so many claims. I randomly picked a couple, and you can't justify them, without running off to get advice from your shaka elders.

don't bother man. I've been in a shaka too. they are all dumbfcuks. that kind of groupthink can only breed mediocrity like you and your fcuking shaka elders.

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I'm pretty sure that even if I allowed you to pick just one claim (from your many), you can't defend it in any rational way. you can try if you want. 

you suck. people like you are disgusting. this db is full of them.

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one thing RW morons routinely do is, they avoid being specific. They make random big claims about the 'nature' of so and so (including humans, religions, women), but when someone pushes them to explain themselves, they start mocking the one who pushes them.

that society tolerates and even celebrates these poisonous scum, is why I have no respect for society on the whole.


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the list of hindutva fcuks in this db, who pretend to be 'liberal' is too long.

prasadr, I don't blame you, man. you are just a symptom of an underlying disease that has festered in this db ever since it was opened.

I blame the idiotic mod, and majority of superusers (those with 50k posts) - except our @mustang302 bhai. I have tremendous respect for that guy for never allowing himself to make half baked bigoted statements inspite of being with these losers for so many years.

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so yeah @lovemystate, don't appeal to the mods here. They are as bigoted as the members in this db. 

they just have the luxury to randomly apply their privilege to ban a few, while allowing another few to keep spewing bigoted nonsense here.

all in the name of free speech.

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see, @prasadr, this is how you troll.

how pleasing it is to read the crap i wrote, compared to the ISLAM ISLAM, MUSLIM MUSLIM, RAPPE RAPPE nonsense you keep posting.

at the end of the day, all we write is crap. atleast make it readable man.

its incredibly hard to read the crap you post.

anyway, die soon. see you later in hell.


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10 hours ago, sattipandu said:


Ee cut bulla gallaki sulli kosi

Moham meeda Muhammed told me to rape Ani pacha bottu vet nchaali

hindu rape chesthea em cheyali??? Bramha demgamantea demga ani rayala

mari intha errifuuk brain tho US lo yala vachestharu vayya meeru

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5 hours ago, crashnburn said:

again dude. yeah, I used to pay women to sleep with me, so what? i didn't pay organized gangs to get me women to sleep with. can your traditionalist idiot brain understand the difference? a woman owns her body, and she choses to sell it to make money. I don't see any problem, because everything is commoditized in this capitalist world. ofcourse, I no longer pay for s3x, but don't let that come between your idiotic moral outrage over existence of prostitution. what a moron.

those organized gangs in that particular series of cases were british-pakistani, moron. There were other organized groups, in other cases, which were not british-pakistani. it may be convenient for you to pick one particular instance, and claim it as representative of anything (in this case, the relgiion itself, even though you cleverly stop short of making that claim, and ride on that idiot making the claim on your behalf).

stop acting like you are on a moral high ground by putting number of women involved. the incident is further indicment of a lot of things, not just of british-pakistani society, asshole. majority of the kids that were raped were picked from child shelters. these sort of incidents should inspire dialogue on how to house and treat children who are without parents or are destitute.

however, you and that idiot prasadr, are hellbent on finding instances to further fan muslim hatred. you are trying a sophisticated version of bigotry that may fool the idiots who click 'like' for your bullshit posts. but you know that i'm not that idiot.

If there were other organized gangs doing it, why don’t you post the source you human equivalent of donkey excrement. Here are some links for you to read and get enlightened you doofus. 


One of the victims said that by the time she was 16, she had had sex with “at least 100” men.

As the victim impact statements were read aloud in court, defendant Tanweer Ali appeared to fall asleep with his head tilted back and his mouth open.

 100 men? Do you even comprehend that number you ungracious twaat.

Girl A herself made a statement speaking of the effects of her exploitation by up to 60 Asian men,


There are hundreds of links about these people abusing women and children across the UK. All of this sounds very familiar to the Dalit girls being threatened to be raped by 20 men. Oh yeah no context and relationship here as well right? Your peanut of a brain cannot link it together may be.

There were 174 rape trials, across 68 locations, of British-parkisthanu gangs and you know what? They are still going on and more are still coming out. Given how people like you have mishandled law and government institutions for the last 60 years, the problem in India could be even more damning, but hey let us try and fight for the  criminals just because they are “minorities”. Good thinking Einstein!! Keep continuing this cowardly attitude and not classify a crime as a crime and one day dim muppets like you will end up crying. May be you will like it even more then as rape is something you enjoy. 

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6 hours ago, crashnburn said:

you have no facts. you jump around like a monkey from UP rapee to british grooming gangs. 

you make claims ranging from outright lies to misrepresentation of facts. you've already been called out for being a hatemongering asshole.

I would have engaged if I had the patience I had an year back. now people like you down right disgust me. and that @DummyVariable idiot too. both of you think as if talking about british gangs (even there your info is half baked) is somehow relevant to this discussion.


It shows that it is a nexus and can spread globally like how their tellolist orgs spread through their religion you utter dweeb. Be oblivious to facts and continue posting countless irrelevant comments on this. You post hundreds of messages without any content in it. Good going ya mongrel.

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8 hours ago, crashnburn said:

since muslims in UK read quran, just like muslims in India, they are the same anedhi nee argument. lol.

so one particular muslim group engagin in a criminal activity in the name of religion, should automatically implicate the entire muslim world, avuna?

is this how you argue? lol. first. the word 'monolith' was used in the political sense fcukface, not a religious one. politically muslims are much more diverse than Hindus. They literally have hundreds of separate countries, and thousands of tribes following Islam. They all don't act in a similar way. If they were monolithic, they would be all living under one big political/economic union.

Even Hindus are not monolithic, but fuckups like you are trying to make them out as such, by pushing ultranationalism on Indian Hindus.

again, you keep making political points, and when pushed, come up with lame cultural/religious markers to justify them. Do you understand what politics is, fcukface? 

Hindu, even with the existence of a superstructure called India, is not a political monolith. 


if your idiotic argument is that criminal activity in the name of religion comes under culture/religion, and not under politics, you are dumber than I gave you credit for. lol.



Wat Wat Wat?!!


Dear "genius"...

This whole thread is about Muslim Gangs in organized manner raping Hindu girls. This is done because Quran tells that it's perfectly fine.

Quran is same for muslims all over the world.


I fail to understand how politics is coming in this? Are you stupid? Oh wait, we already established that fact, didn't we?


8 hours ago, crashnburn said:

you are simply confusing people by using Islam and muslim a dozen times in every reply, and hope I don't catch the hollowness of what you are saying.

you neither have facts, nor have the ability to make an argument. but that's not surprising because you are a hindutva dumbfcuk.


Nothing to confuse,

I have shown proofs of muslim gangs targeting only non-muslim girls for gang rapes, all over the world.


It's pretty apparent, I can understand why CutDicks wants to abuse Hindus and save Islamic rapists but it's not working anymore.

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8 hours ago, crashnburn said:

muslims will be a monolith, if they form one country or atleast a federation of regions.

it has never happened, even at the height of Ottoman empire. 

however, hindus are blindly voting and supporting a fcuking fool like Modi, inspite of evidence that he's the most incompetent fcuk to ever hold the highest office in India.

to me it looks like its Hindus who are trying to become monolithic. not muslims.

DumbAss, muslims are already a monolith.

Unlike Hindus who can be Hindu by not praying to any god,

Muslims by Definition are muslims because they believe in Quran, Muhammad and Allah.


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8 hours ago, crashnburn said:

stick to muslim politics moron. if you want to say UK muslims are the same as indian muslims, try to say what similar policies they take up, and how they push the incumbent govt in both countries in a particular political direction, towards achievement of their superstate.

if you can't, just shut the fcuk up.


Huh, if you want to talk about Muslim politics, go and create your own thread CutDik,

this is about muslims all over the world using Islam as a tool to gang rape non-muslim girls.


But then, you are just too dumb and stupid to understand the basis of the argument.

Let me post in big letters what this thread is about




There, is that enough clarity.

The basis of this mentality is one book that should be exposed by every sane person, but you lot are not sane to begin with anyway.

8 hours ago, crashnburn said:

I mean, you have zero shame in supporting a fool like Modi. its possible only if you are part of a cult.

do you think that cult is Hindutva, or Hinduism itself? I'm not making any claims. I'm just curious.


Here comes the bigotry.

See how this shameless person openly abuses Hindus but want's Hindus to keep quiet when our little girls are raped by organized Muslim gangs.


This is how these halfDicks raped 1500 girls in one town of Britain, just abuse anyone trying to expose Muslim rape gangs, abuse their religion so that they back down.

How else can muslim rape gangs continue to rape Hindu girls if they get exposed.


Have been asking simple question ->

KNow any other religion having rape gangs, targeting Muslim girls? can anyone answer?


8 hours ago, crashnburn said:

you've made so many claims. I randomly picked a couple, and you can't justify them, without running off to get advice from your shaka elders.

don't bother man. I've been in a shaka too. they are all dumbfcuks. that kind of groupthink can only breed mediocrity like you and your fcuking shaka elders.

They are random when dozens are happening every month.

Again with Hindu bashing.


Guys and girls on DB, this is classic strategy of Islam.

When exposed of grooming gang rapes, they will abuse the person, abuse their religion to cover up their tracks. This enables them to continue gang rapes of little Hindu children.


7 hours ago, crashnburn said:

one thing RW morons routinely do is, they avoid being specific. They make random big claims about the 'nature' of so and so (including humans, religions, women), but when someone pushes them to explain themselves, they start mocking the one who pushes them.

that society tolerates and even celebrates these poisonous scum, is why I have no respect for society on the whole.


HalfDick fellow, are you half brain as well?


The incidents I posted are SPECIFICS.

There is a video where the muslim is openly boasting openly that usually it's 20 of them that do these gang rapes.

Not sure how you HalfDicks think that is NOT SPECIFIC.


7 hours ago, crashnburn said:

the list of hindutva fcuks in this db, who pretend to be 'liberal' is too long.

prasadr, I don't blame you, man. you are just a symptom of an underlying disease that has festered in this db ever since it was opened.

I blame the idiotic mod, and majority of superusers (those with 50k posts) - except our @mustang302 bhai. I have tremendous respect for that guy for never allowing himself to make half baked bigoted statements inspite of being with these losers for so many years.

Now as per This morons muslims are LIBERAL and HINDUS ARE NOT.

Hey, why not burn Quran and show us how liberal muslims are..


This again is deliberate attempt to divert attention from the fact that muslims all over the world form rape gangs to rape non-muslim girls.

When exposed, to divert, abuse the messenger.

But people have now realized the fraud that is Islam and how there is one religion with organized gangs to rape Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Christian girls in India.


7 hours ago, crashnburn said:

see, @prasadr, this is how you troll.

how pleasing it is to read the crap i wrote, compared to the ISLAM ISLAM, MUSLIM MUSLIM, RAPPE RAPPE nonsense you keep posting.

at the end of the day, all we write is crap. atleast make it readable man.

its incredibly hard to read the crap you post.

anyway, die soon. see you later in hell.



Now this attempt to lighten gang rapes of Hindu girls.

This idiot has not uttered one word on the child who was raped by these monsters.


All his concern is the rapists.

He wants to protect them and their ideology that enables them to rape Hindu girls.

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