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NSFW - 3 muslims rape Dalit girls, tell her she should be glad it's not 20 raping her


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6 hours ago, DummyVariable said:

If there were other organized gangs doing it, why don’t you post the source you human equivalent of donkey excrement. Here are some links for you to read and get enlightened you doofus. 


One of the victims said that by the time she was 16, she had had sex with “at least 100” men.

As the victim impact statements were read aloud in court, defendant Tanweer Ali appeared to fall asleep with his head tilted back and his mouth open.

 100 men? Do you even comprehend that number you ungracious twaat.

Girl A herself made a statement speaking of the effects of her exploitation by up to 60 Asian men,


There are hundreds of links about these people abusing women and children across the UK. All of this sounds very familiar to the Dalit girls being threatened to be raped by 20 men. Oh yeah no context and relationship here as well right? Your peanut of a brain cannot link it together may be.

There were 174 rape trials, across 68 locations, of British-parkisthanu gangs and you know what? They are still going on and more are still coming out. Given how people like you have mishandled law and government institutions for the last 60 years, the problem in India could be even more damning, but hey let us try and fight for the  criminals just because they are “minorities”. Good thinking Einstein!! Keep continuing this cowardly attitude and not classify a crime as a crime and one day dim muppets like you will end up crying. May be you will like it even more then as rape is something you enjoy. 


buddy, he does not care about non-muslims.


Every day in India we hear about organized muslim gangs raping non-muslim girls.

this has become an epidemic.


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Another incredibly incredibly sad news,

This time it's a 12 year old girl who has been gang raped by 30 men over 2 years.

Meaning, these monsters started raping the girl when she was just 10 years old.


This is Mallapuram District, which is Muslim majority

And incidentally Mallapuram has recorded 289 child rape cases in first 7 months of this year alone - highest in the country.


Mallapuram is a hot bed of Islamic fascism, anyone is still left wondering??


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8 hours ago, kasi said:

hindu rape chesthea em cheyali??? Bramha demgamantea demga ani rayala

mari intha errifuuk brain tho US lo yala vachestharu vayya meeru

LOL anthey mari, Book lo undanooo, baba seppadanooo sesthey thagina shaasthi jaragaali

edo le anna nee laanti methavulu job isthey vachaam , vaddantey cheppu ellipothaa cry@fl

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15 minutes ago, Hector8 said:

hi @prasadr bro

nee theds baga trending lo nadusthunnay ga ..... 




Discussions always help people to make up their minds.


Problem with some problems is that as society we don't want to discuss them since it would hurt some sections.

This is not a recent problem in India.

Moplah massacre was an in your face massacre of Hindus, which no one questioned because muslims will feel bad if they are questioned.


Even now, thousands of kids are being raped by Organized muslim gangs, targeting non-muslim girls.


As much as Islamic apologists wants to abuse Hindus who expose them, it's not just Hindus complaining now.





This National commission of minorities, they want Amit Shah help to probe this malice on Christian girls,

Read the last link, where the Christian father of the child is heart broken,

I don't like Indian Christians since they abuse Hindus openly but no father must go through that.


I would have loved the minority commission, instead of just focusing on Christian girls, should have asked for probe for all girls.


Do you know in Mullas offer money to these gangs to do this?

There are different rates for girls from different communities.

Apparently Brahmin girls get the highest money for muslim gangs to trap.

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57 minutes ago, prasadr said:


Discussions always help people to make up their minds.


Problem with some problems is that as society we don't want to discuss them since it would hurt some sections.

This is not a recent problem in India.

Moplah massacre was an in your face massacre of Hindus, which no one questioned because muslims will feel bad if they are questioned.


Even now, thousands of kids are being raped by Organized muslim gangs, targeting non-muslim girls.


As much as Islamic apologists wants to abuse Hindus who expose them, it's not just Hindus complaining now.





This National commission of minorities, they want Amit Shah help to probe this malice on Christian girls,

Read the last link, where the Christian father of the child is heart broken,

I don't like Indian Christians since they abuse Hindus openly but no father must go through that.


I would have loved the minority commission, instead of just focusing on Christian girls, should have asked for probe for all girls.


Do you know in Mullas offer money to these gangs to do this?

There are different rates for girls from different communities.

Apparently Brahmin girls get the highest money for muslim gangs to trap.

$s@d $s@d $s@d 




so sad bro ..... we shld kill all these cut m1rchis

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20 minutes ago, Hector8 said:

$s@d $s@d $s@d 




so sad bro ..... we shld kill all these cut m1rchis


That may be your opinion

I would rather law is applied without any bias

and the so called media and liberals discuss these crimes with same vigor as they discuss "other crimes"...

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36 minutes ago, Hector8 said:

$s@d $s@d $s@d 




so sad bro ..... we shld kill all these cut m1rchis


Btw, see it's so easy to post something on HIndu gods, grossly taken out of context


No one will dare to post below.





Or this




Wonder why?

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4 minutes ago, prasadr said:


Btw, see it's so easy to post something on HIndu gods, grossly taken out of context


No one will dare to post below.





Or this




Wonder why?

yes bro.... wondering tooo much 

yenduku ila jaruguthundi ???

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16 hours ago, prasadr said:


See, poke a HalfDick and the truth "pours out".


Shakas, brahmin hatred, spreading caste hatred. Classic Hindu hating strategy.

Usually it's difficult to expose Kojjas like u.

But you are a DumbAss, probably an inbred one.


Oh I did study Islam as well as Hadiths.


The only victims are the thousands of girls from Hindu, Christian, Sikh & Buddhist communities who are being targeted by these rape gangs.

They even do these girls a favor by NOT Gang raping some them by 20 of them.

Edisav ..the biggest rapey religion has always been hinduism. 



the mos disgusting piece of $hit religion which thrives on humiliating the weak and create pathetic wonders like yourself.

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19 hours ago, crashnburn said:

dude, what are you doing here? 

this db is a cesspool of conservatism, and mediocrity. as a result of which, they are extremely insecure, and abusive when challenged. And I mean 'all' of them (1% may be exceptions, who are atleast nice and decent and have a mind of their own). I'm pretty sure most here accused you of being uttermost. I'm that uttermost.

I looked up your profile, you look like you are somewhat of a communist. I'm not. I hate communists, especially those who speak highly of USSR. but in this disgusting environment where nationalists freely threaten lives and property of those who speak against them, communists are my friends. otherwise, I'm what you could call library socialist or an anarchist/mutualist/whatever. I mean,

I detest any solution that professes building lasting institutions. i'm for building freeform interactions that can easily be reorganized and repurposed with changing aspirations of the people involved in those interactions. if you are s/w engineer, think of it like an FPGA chip, which is less efficient than a purpose custom designed chip, but far more flexible. I do believe its a battle between efficiency and flexibility.


anyway if you care to know, I disagree with your idea that Andhra has to leave India. I hate India from the bottom of my heart and hope it dissolves politically into a federation of sovereign regions, but I don't believe its going to happen in the near future. Indians are not ready for it.

and it includes telugus as a group, who are so materialistic (including TG folks, inspite of the pointelss TG agitation) that they seem to have long lost the art of politics. They are eager to be slave to capital, and have no concern for a social consciousness or base morality.

Andhra leaving India is not going to benefit Andhra now. and this coming from a guy from Tamilnadu, who absolutely wants TN to leave India. and sadly, from my recent stay in TN, I conclude that even TN is not yet ready to leave India.


So, if you are ideologically communist, pls pls don't waste time in this db. don't give these losers someone to point to and mock. They are disgustingly stupid, and have nothing to add to a conversation other than random insults that don't even make any sense. 

If you enjoy being in this db, then I have nothing to say. 

I wish I can debate with you on why I think Andhra is not ready to leave  India, but I'm busy building a firm in the country I hate - India. because in my own way I love India, and most of its people. may be if you are still around by the end of this year, we'll have a fiery debate then. 

take care.

Bro I am not a communist. I am what they call to the "right of burke" - very capitalist. I beleive in property rights and inheritance rights which are core anti communist features. Having said that not being a communist is not excuse to go around pathetically trashing communist regimes. I clearly recognize communist soviet won the war against nazis for the world. It was communists who put the first man in space, launched the first satellite, sent the first probe to moon. It was communist china which lifted hundreds of millions of humans from poverty in the shortest scale. I mean its vastly superior than gutter aryan hindu india which pushed india below world rankings in terms of every parameter.

I am basically what my id says - i love telugu people, i value the dignity of telugu people and enraged when someone offends it. Whther it is the $hitty govt of india which ruthlessly divided  our state or this clown prasadr who comes to these forums and calls telugu a "local" language. Whether my love is foolish or not i dont know - it may be - after  all its love and i dont seek reward for it.

while I agree with you many in this forum are severely underdeveloped in terms of moralty and seeing right from wrong. I like tis forum. It allows me to be a full telugu - use my choicest language - and is also generally free . Can you show my a single indian forum which can tolerate this range of diversity in opinion. most indian mods are pathetic and dont understand the basics of moderating forum.

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